HI every one I have problem with IIS AND LAN ( local area network) so
When test my asp.net page localhost it works fine
But I test my asp.net page through the LAN network it means other PC testing it doesn't work
I check like this -->
but 404 error
so any who know about this help me !
and explain me more detail
and how to configure IIS


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i cannot even ping that address. You probably need to talk to your network administrator. This looks like a networking problem, not a ASP.Net problem

I have done some projects. But at the end how can i test it would run in LAN??? I cant access to my PC server from another PC through LAN. I want it work on lan.......................I access like http://<my pc server>/<my project>/<my webform.aspx>. But it doesnt work..........

Pls help...............

Any idea,advice, suggestion would be much appreciated.......

tks in advance,


ASP.NET works with IIS. You access ASP.NET applications through a web browser. Whatever you've configured a particular IIS installation's server name to be, is how you access it, via WAN, LAN... whatever.

Sorry my poor knowledge.....But i cant access from the remote computer.......How can i check it works through Lan......My vesion of IIS 5.1 and ASP.NET 1.1 and sqlserver 2000.........Could anyone pls give me a specific instruction to test my project.......................................

Tks a million for those who try..........


I cannot tell you anymore than I already have:

You access via a browser:


The "servername" is the name you've given the IIS server. That's all there is to it - there isn't a big mystery here.

You can also access via IP address:


Thks for your reply...................I did the same way what you told exactly. In browser of remote compouter i typed http-://<pc full name>/appname/webform.aspx or something like this.............But i got this error msm:

The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.


Please try the following:

Click the Refresh button, or try again later.

If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.

To check your connection settings, click the Tools menu, and then click Internet Options. On the Connections tab, click Settings. The settings should match those provided by your local area network (LAN) administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).
See if your Internet connection settings are being detected. You can set Microsoft Windows

so how can i fix it...............



That should work fine, if IIS is installed properly:


So, you likely have an IIS configuration issue, which is outside the scope of this forum. You should post in the Site Configuration section.

You need to test first:

1) Can you access your app on the machine itself, using "localhost" as the server name?

If this test fails, you don't have IIS running correctly.

2) Can other machines access the app, using the IP address of the IIS server as the server name?

If the this test fails, then you have a network configuration issue. 192.168 numbers are "local IP" addresses, and your network could be divided into subdomains, you could have a firewall on the machine blocking inbound traffic - all sorts of issues, none of which are ASP.NET questions!

Tks everyone to those who went through my posts...............Specially trgeer,campkev........Now its working through the LAN.........Thank you guys very much!!!!!!!!!!


hello bagi
i read ur post where u had problem with running
your aspx page on lan using iis.
I would like to know what solved the problem.


the problem was the firewall. windows XP includes it by default. You can see the computer, even share files, but the firewall was stopping all http traffic.

shut down the firewall and will work fine.


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