This is driving me nuts...

I am new to wordpress plugin development... I have got the basic plugin developed. Added my admin menus...

What I am trying to do is add a banner image to each options page inside the plugin dashbaord.

i'v tried the usual ../images/imagename.png and ./imagename.png but neither seem to display the image...

Any help would be appreciated...

ok so I am starting to make some head way -

I can use

$PluginBannerImages = plugins_url( 'images/name-of-image.png' , __FILE__ );

But when I tried to wrap this in an image tag

<img src="<? echo $PluginBannerImages;?>" />

Nothing is being displayed...

but if I echo out

<? echo $PluginBannerImages;?>

I get the full path to the image...

What is it im am doing wrong...


I Should have been using

$PluginBannerImages = plugins_url( '../images/name-of-file.png' , __FILE__ );

To give the correct path to the plugin images folder...

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