Cant figure our why I get this error, Please Help!
this is my php file:

$servername = "localhost";
$username = "ebookcas_down";
$password = "down2263";
$dbname = "ebookcas_down";
// Create connection
$link = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password);
    if ($CatID != "") {
    mysql_query("UPDATE Download_Cat Set CatName ='" . addslashes($CategoryName) . "' WHERE DownloadCatID=$CatID", $link);
    } else {
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO Download_Cat (CatName);
        VALUES ('" . addslashes($CategoryName) . "')", $link);


    // Redirect to category list
    header("Location: categories.php");


Missing semi-colon on line 16.

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