hya i am getting the following error message
Warning: mysqli_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/jktempla/public_html/WEBINTERSECT/template_status.php on line 20

Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, boolean given in /home/jktempla/public_html/WEBINTERSECT/template_status.php on line 21

can anyone help and see whats causing it im lost ty

$status_ui = "";
$statuslist = "";
if($isOwner == "yes"){
    $status_ui = '<textarea id="statustext" onkeyup="statusMax(this,250)" placeholder="What&#39;s new with you '.$u.'?"></textarea>';
    $status_ui .= '<button id="statusBtn" onclick="postToStatus(\'status_post\',\'a\',\''.$u.'\',\'statustext\')">Post</button>';
} else if($isFriend == true && $log_username != $u){
    $status_ui = '<textarea id="statustext" onkeyup="statusMax(this,250)" placeholder="Hi '.$log_username.', say something to '.$u.'"></textarea>';
    $status_ui .= '<button id="statusBtn" onclick="postToStatus(\'status_post\',\'c\',\''.$u.'\',\'statustext\')">Post</button>';
 $sql = "SELECT s.*, u.avatar 
        FROM status AS s
        LEFT JOIN users AS u ON u.username = s.author
        WHERE (s.account_name = '$u' AND s.type='a') 
        OR (s.account_name='$u' AND s.type='c)' 
        ORDER BY s.postdate DESC LIMIT 20";

$query = mysqli_query($db_conx, $sql);
$statusnumrows = mysqli_num_rows($query);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
    $statusid = $row["id"];
    $account_name = $row["account_name"];
    $author = $row["author"];
    $postdate = $row["postdate"];
    $avatar = $row["avatar"];
    $user_image = '<img src="user/'.$author.'/'.$avatar.'" width="50" height="50" border="0" />';
    $data = $row["data"];
    $data = nl2br($data);
    $data = str_replace("&amp;","&",$data);
    $data = stripslashes($data);
    $statusDeleteButton = '';
    if($author == $log_username || $account_name == $log_username ){
        $statusDeleteButton = '<span id="sdb_'.$statusid.'"><a href="#" onclick="return false;" onmousedown="deleteStatus(\''.$statusid.'\',\'status_'.$statusid.'\');" title="DELETE THIS STATUS AND ITS REPLIES">delete status</a></span> &nbsp; &nbsp;';
    $status_replies = "";
    $sq12 = "SELECT s.*, u.avatar 
        FROM status AS s
        LEFT JOIN users AS u ON u.username = s.author
        WHERE s.osid = '$statusid' 
        AND s.type='b'     
        ORDER BY postdate ASC";
    $query_replies = mysqli_query($db_conx,$sq12);    
    $replynumrows = mysqli_num_rows($query_replies);
    if($replynumrows > 0){
        while ($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($query_replies, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
            $statusreplyid = $row2["id"];
            $replyauthor = $row2["author"];
            $replydata = $row2["data"];
            $avatar2 = $row2["avatar"];
            $user_image2 = '<img src="user/'.$replyauthor.'/'.$avatar.'" width="50" height="50" border="0" />';
            $replydata = nl2br($replydata);
            $replypostdate = $row2["postdate"];
            $replydata = str_replace("&amp;","&",$replydata);
            $replydata = stripslashes($replydata);
            $replyDeleteButton = '';
            if($replyauthor == $log_username || $account_name == $log_username ){
                $replyDeleteButton = '<span id="srdb_'.$statusreplyid.'"><a href="#" onclick="return false;" onmousedown="deleteReply(\''.$statusreplyid.'\',\'reply_'.$statusreplyid.'\');" title="DELETE THIS COMMENT">remove</a></span>';
            $status_replies .= '<div id="reply_'.$statusreplyid.'" class="reply_boxes"><div><b>Reply by <a href="user.php?u='.$replyauthor.'">'.$replyauthor.'</a> '.$replypostdate.':</b> '.$replyDeleteButton.'<br /> '.$user_image.'<br /> '.$replydata.'</div></div>';
    $statuslist .= '<div id="status_'.$statusid.'" class="status_boxes"><div><b>Posted by <a href="user.php?u='.$author.'">'.$author.'</a> '.$postdate.':</b> '.$statusDeleteButton.' <br />'.$user_image.' <br />'.$data.'</div>'.$status_replies.'</div>';
    if($isFriend == true || $log_username == $u){
        $statuslist .= '<textarea id="replytext_'.$statusid.'" class="replytext" onkeyup="statusMax(this,250)" placeholder="write a comment here"></textarea><button id="replyBtn_'.$statusid.'" onclick="replyToStatus('.$statusid.',\''.$u.'\',\'replytext_'.$statusid.'\',this)">Reply</button>';    

I think parameter 1 should be a mysqli_result but you gave it a boolean!

i dont understand what you mean i got script elsewhere what line to i have to alter

It returns boolean (FALSE in this case) because the query will generate an error, due to a quote placed in the wrong place s.type='c)', so change this:

$sql = "SELECT s.*, u.avatar 
    FROM status AS s
    LEFT JOIN users AS u ON u.username = s.author
    WHERE (s.account_name = '$u' AND s.type='a') 
    OR (s.account_name='$u' AND s.type='c)'        -- error
    ORDER BY s.postdate DESC LIMIT 20";


$sql = "SELECT s.*, u.avatar 
    FROM status AS s
    LEFT JOIN users AS u ON u.username = s.author
    WHERE (s.account_name = '$u' AND s.type='a') 
    OR (s.account_name='$u' AND s.type='c') 
    ORDER BY s.postdate DESC LIMIT 20";

Since you're using MySQLi consider to use prepared statements, for some examples check this thread:

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