I'm trying to get the right path and so far I have this which kind of works, but not if the file is in a sub directory.
These links I have in my navigation:

    <li><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_URI'].'about/organisation.php'; ?>">Organisation</a></li>
    <li><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_URI'].'about/team.php'; ?>">Team</a></li>

This works from my index.php , but not from organisation.php and team.php in the 'about' directory. If I want to open 'team.php from within organisation.php, I get an URL in the address bar like this:


As you can see I get 'about' twice, so what is the right way to tackle this issue?

Worth to mention that I use a PHP include to add the navigation on every page, so I can't change the links, becaue I could solve it by excluding about/ if I didn't use a PHP include for the navigation.
<a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_URI'].'team.php'; ?>">Team</a>

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$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_URI']. will echo the directory you are in so it will always cause a problem. is this not ok or is it interfering with your .htaccess somehow?

<ul> <li><a href="<?php echo 'index.php'; ?>">Organisation</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo 'about/organisation.php'; ?>">Organisation</a></li> <li><a href="<?php echo 'about/team.php'; ?>">Team</a></li> </ul>

Member Avatar for diafol

If you can't use relative references - if you're including a file in different pages at different depths, then you may need to go absolute.

If you have a config file set up somewhere, you can set constants for locations:

define('PUBLIC', '/projects/ecwc/concept/' ); 


    <li><a href="<?php echo PUBLIC .'about/organisation.php'; ?>">Organisation</a></li>
    <li><a href="<?php echo PUBLIC .'about/team.php'; ?>">Team</a></li>

Quite a few ways to do this though.

Hi Diafol, I don't have a config file setup... should I?
I've tried your method by including it at the top of every page like:
<?php define('PUBLIC', '/projects/ecwc/concept/' ); ?>
But now it stops rendering the HTML where the navigation shoud appear, so is there an error in <?php echo PUBLIC .'about/organisation.php'; ?> somehow?

Member Avatar for diafol

Shouldn't have thought so. echo out the url to see wthe screen to that you see what you get. Do not redefine the constant though. This is why we have a config.php file, so that defaults can be set and re-used everywhere. If you include a file that has the definition inside another file which also has the definition, you may get issues.

Ok, I got it fixed!
I've used a config.php which sits in the 'projects' directory and has <?php define('PUBLIC_URI', '/projects/ecwc/concept/' ); ?> in it.
I then include it on every page with relative paths like so <?php include '../../config.php'; ?> (example from index.php).
The links in the navigation are like this: <a href="<?php echo PUBLIC_URI.'about/organisation'; ?>">Organisation</a>

@diafol - The error before was because I needed to write 'PUBLIC_WORD' (I've chosen URI for that word) . It needs to be for whatever reason a word-underscore-word if I'm right.

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