HI guys, I've just run into an issue. Basically I'm working t a wordpress site, and there are some conflicts with the usage of the "$" sign so I used this in the document ready to allow me to use "$" in place of jQuery:


It works very well inside the document ready but in my script I have plenty of functions using the "$" and I'd like to be able to use that rather than go through it and replace all $ with jQuery, for example take one of the functions I have outside document ready:

function getNavigationStatus(){//whether navigation is open or closed
    var isNav;
        isNav = true;
        isNav = false;
    return isNav;

I need to be able to use $ rather than jQuery. Any idea (other than replacing every single $ of course)?

You could place your functions inside an anonymous functions like so:

(function($) {



thanks, but the problem was for functions outside document.ready, that's what I meant

I know, that's why I posted the solution above. Look at it again ;). Do you see a document.ready anywhere?

Oh, well, in that case I misread it, sorry. I would have thought that (function($) {})(jQuery); was equivalent to document.ready(function(){}).
The thing is, I have this situation:

//my code
function function1(){
//my code
function function2(){
//my code
function function3(){
//my code

Does it mean that everything (document ready and functions) can sit inside (function($) {})(jQuery);?

Yes it does.

(function($) {

    // Code


simply defines an anonymous function and executes it right away, passing it jQuery as argument for $. You can put everything inside there.

Ah OK, that's great, thanks :-)!

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