What Is SVG And Why Do You Use It ???

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SVG is a vector graphic format—based on XML and is used to display a variety of graphics on the Web and other environments. Under the hood, SVG documents are nothing more than simple plain text files that describe lines, curves, shapes, colors, and text.

SVG is a vector graphic format—based on XML and is used to display a variety of graphics on the Web and other environments.

SVG documents are nothing more than simple plain text files that describe lines, curves, shapes, colors, and text. As it is human-readable, easily understood and modified, SVG code can be manipulated via CSS or JavaScript.

SVG has the following wonderful characteristics:

  1. It offers a vector description of graphics, thus you draw a triangle by specifying the location of its points, the width of the path, etc. Then you can infinitely zoom such objects. SVG is the only vector graphic format widely supported by today’s web browsers.

  2. SVG is defined in pure standards-based XML, which is human-readable, and extensible to allow for metadata that can let you automate the objects you create with it. This lets you create precise vector objects in intuitive ways, as opposed to binary formats like Flash that required proprietary plugins and proprietary authoring tools. Because it is XML it can be generated and manipulated programmatically, which makes it natural for use cases such as data-generated graphics.

  3. SVG plays nicely with other web technologies such as CSS and JavaScript, and enjoys support in all major web browsers, across billions of devices. Because SVG lets you send vectors across the Internet (though it is also possible to include raster imagery in SVG), you can use SVG to minimize the data sent to the web client, without any degradation of image quality.

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