Ok guys, here is what the problem is.

I have a column "reference number", now I want to make a column for "email" and depending what value is in the ref. No cell, the email will change accordingly, here is an example.

If the reference number is "THVP" then I want the email cell on the same row to be zorba@hotmail.com and if the reference number is "SHVP" then I want the email cell on the same row to be slade@hotmail.com can anybody help me out here? Please?

Any help would be tremendously appreciated.

hey don't worry about it, I did it myself (I got lazy too), What I did was instead of worrying about that, I worried about the actual e-mail link in the datagrid even working. So I created another column in my database table called "Email" and manually entered the e-mails in according to ref. No. then for the e-mail column in the datagrid I used this code.


my bad, I used this code

<asp:TemplateColumn SortExpression="Email" HeaderText="E-mail">
			<HeaderStyle Width="12%"></HeaderStyle>
			 <asp:HyperLink id=lnkEmail runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%# "<A href="mailto:"&amp">mailto:"&amp; DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"Email") %>'>Inquire/Apply</asp:HyperLink>
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