
I have written the following php for a feedback form. the problem i am facing is the following:

When the

$mailto = '' ;

is written the script works perfect and the email is send.

When the

$mailto = '' ;

is written and no other changes in the script the email is NOT send. the only difference is that my domain has a .cy at the end.

Please, Any help will be appreciated

My Code Follows



$mailto = '' ;

$subject = "Customer Enquiry From" ;

$formurl = "" ;

$errorurl = "" ;

$thankyouurl = "" ;

$name = $_POST ;

$mobile = $_POST ;

$email = $_POST ;

$homephone = $_POST ;

$property = $_POST ;

$area = $_POST ;

$range = $_POST ;

$type = $_POST ;

$needloan = $_POST ;

$nearsea = $_POST ;

$nearschool = $_POST ;

$airport = $_POST ;

$comments = $_POST ;

if (!isset($_POST)) {

header( "Location: $formurl" );

exit ;


if (empty($name)) {

header( "Location: $errorurl" );

exit ;


if (empty($mobile) && empty($email) && empty($homephone)) {

header( "Location: $errorurl" );

exit ;


$messageproper =

"You have an enquiry From your contact page at the details are listed below\n\n" .

" -------------------- Request Details -----------------------\n\n" .

" -----------------------------------------------\n" .

" | Customers Details |\n" .

" -----------------------------------------------\n\n" .

" Name = " ."$name\n" .

" Mobile Telephone Number = " ."$mobile\n" .

" Home Telephone Number = " ."$homephone\n" .

" E-mail Address = " ."$email\n\n" .

" -----------------------------------------------\n" .

" | Property Details |\n" .

" -----------------------------------------------\n\n" .

" Property Required =" ."$property\n" .

" Area = " ."$area\n" .

" Price Range =" ."$range\n".

" Ready or Custom Built = "."$type\n".

" Loan Required = "."$needloan\n".

" Near The Sea = "."$nearsea\n" .

" Near School = " ."$nearschool\n" .

" Pick up from airport = " ."$airport\n\n" .

"---Any Additional Comments------------------------------------- \n\n " .

"$comments\n" .

"\n\n-End of form-----------------------------------------------------------\n" ;

mail($mailto, $subject, $messageproper, "From: \"$name\" <$email>\nReply-To: \"$name\" <$email>" );

header( "Location: $thankyouurl" );

exit ;


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