i am doing a small program to create the new text file and insert
data to it , but this new created file not in the server it has to be created
in one of the machines in the network
my code is as the following

dim fs,f
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'set f=fs.CreateTextFile("d:\uploaded_files\newswitch.txt",true)
set f=fs.CreateTextFile("<A href="file://\\\uploaded_files\newswitch.txt",true">\\\uploaded_files\newswitch.txt",true)
f.WriteLine("Hello World!")
set f=nothing
set fs=nothing


but the error indicates that the permission denied , inspite that "uploaded_files"
folder is shared and allow access with read, wirte permissions to "Every One"
not that if i tried to created it in the server then no problem in that as
u can check that by commenting the line 7 and uncommenting the line 6

please check the above attachment file it is my asp file

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