Hi all,
I am new here, (as you might have guessed :)

After I get the PHP/apache thingy working Or kill myself
whichever comes first

I will be needed to set up a db back end

I would like to pose a question to you learned folks.

I notice many of you use MySQL vs. Sql Server.

Is MySQL better for PHP development or is it just my imagination that it seems more popular here.

Thanks in advance

I notice

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

mysql is free
mssql as you know you have to pay more.
there is no many different things between them

we can't say mysql is better for php but ppl usually prefer php/mysql. it depends on your choice

that was a very helpful link, ty!

The 'thread57' is five years old. MySQL has had Stored Procedures, subqueries and triggers for some time now.

Member Avatar for fatihpiristine

The 'thread57' is five years old. MySQL has had Stored Procedures, subqueries and triggers for some time now.


I`m sorry!!!

Mysql is a good option.


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