37 Topics

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Member Avatar for Trevor_4

i need to get a out put of the array in my code that will display every time the counter counts and has to be linked to a random number. import flash.utils.Timer; var color: Array = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow"]; var rand: Number; var counter = 0; var myTimer: Timer …

Member Avatar for Trevor_4
Member Avatar for negitron
Member Avatar for thedonedeal

I'm currently in the middle of making a VB.NET project. I want to have the VB.NET project control the actions of the Flash projector. (Stop, play, change text of text control in the Flash projector, etc.) This is a one way control however, nothing about the SWF projector will interact …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Sws_1

how can i make an Online Highscore Leaderboard For A flash cc Game -android platform ? i make offline leaderboard using share object var SCORE:uint = 0; //positve numbers gameScore.text = String(SCORE); ... var soSavedScNa:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("aaa"); // // //**Object var savedSN:Object = soSavedScNa.data.nameScore; // Set the varible 'savedSN' // …

Member Avatar for bugz313
Member Avatar for aseel.jaradat.9
Member Avatar for Marty1963

I'm trying to reuse an old Flash file that my client wants on his website however I'm using Flash CC now, and the existing code does not funtion in ActionScript3. I can't see why this won't work. Any advise would be greatly appreciated function randRange(min:Number, max:Number):Number { var randomNum:Number = …

Member Avatar for FaisalSarfraz

Hi all!! I am building a media player in flex that uses video streaming through rtmp:// I want to get its bandwidth usage but found out that we can't get bytes loaded for video streaming. Is there any way to get it through php or js? I mean php gets …

Member Avatar for cpchc

Hi there, I have encountered a strange bug. I have buttons advancing one frame forward and back. It works in the SWF on its own, it works in both the .app and .exe projector files, but it does not work accessing the SWF via the HTML generated page. Does anyone …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for kyberno

Greetings...! I have this admob code in a class file: package { import flash.events.MouseEvent; import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.system.System; import flash.system.Capabilities; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.events.Event; import flash.desktop.NativeApplication; import flash.utils.setTimeout; import com.hdi.nativeExtensions.NativeAds; import com.hdi.nativeExtensions.NativeAdsEvent; public class Main extends MovieClip { public var na : NativeApplication; private var admobId:String = 'a1514b5ef85e336'; public function …

Member Avatar for assassasshole99

Hi, when I change an animation on the player, it flashes before it changes. The method I'm using to change the animation is crude, but its all I know, so I don't even know if there's a better way. I made a player class, and I have a function to …

Member Avatar for Despairy

Hi, I'm having a problem with the stop() and play() functions The first frame function works fine during the first run of the program but as i hit space in the last frame ( go back to frame 0 ) the first frame function saying whether to stop or play …

Member Avatar for 3.5.0-17

Couldn't find an actionscript section so I hope this is the next best section for such discussion. I'm trying to create an isometric game in adobe builder with AS3 along with the As3IsoLib isometric library. Currently upon clicking a unit you want to move I've got four boxes to popup …

Member Avatar for kx220

Hi, I am creating a sort of zombie game. The concept is if the player gets too close within a distance, the zombie will chase the player. There will be a hit detection when the zombie object hits the player object. I used a trace statement for when it hits. …

Member Avatar for kx220
Member Avatar for Cronicle8

Good afternoon, I'm trying to develepop an app which requiers to read a QRCode, any help would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for Cronicle8

Hello everyone, I am trying to create a thermometer, i do have an idea of how to make it, not sure if it is correct, but here it goes: I have an image of a thermometer, and i would apply a mask(Rectangle), and it's width and X would vary. I'm …

Member Avatar for Ab000dy_85
Member Avatar for RedexProGamma

Hey all. I'm doing a new project in AS3 to try and learn more (I've only every used AS2), and I'm having some problems... Whenever I run the program as it is, it tells me (Output Window) that my Keyboard events don't do anything? I have almost 101 lines of …

Member Avatar for RedexProGamma
Member Avatar for Andy_Parr

Hi all, I'm trying to make a multi-language website that allows the user to change language by clicking on a button (a flag representing the country/language). I have been able to achieve this using locale and a combo box so far but I'm struggling to implement it using buttons. This …

Member Avatar for aaloo

this is my as3 code which is sending variables to php [code] var myData:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); myData.firstName = "Kirill"; myData.lastName = "Poletaev"; var myRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("test.php"); myRequest.data = myData; myRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader(); loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES; try { loader.load(myRequest); } catch (error:Error) { trace('Error: …

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Member Avatar for sim.sim

I bought a Flash Template. It externally loads images and integrates html and .js documents also. The example of the menu and its selections are built with this code: [CODE] <item name="GALLERY" deeplink="gallery" type="menu" content="" location=""> <item name="FILM ROMAN INTERSHIP" deeplink="aROMAN" type="page" content="gallery" location="aFilm Roman Internship.xml"/> [/CODE] Does anyone know …

Member Avatar for madval88

I have a Mysql database and I am trying to import multiple records with multiple columns into Flash AS3 using PHP. My problem is I am able to make it work with a single column and multiple records but for multiple columns I am not being able to format it …

Member Avatar for CodeBoy101

Hi is there a way to export mp3 using AS3? As in layering them one on top the other? (Just like you would in an Audacoty project using lame). Thanks in advance for any help given.

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for jasonslater

I'm looking at moving development of my games from ActionScript 3 to XCode - has anyone else made this move and are there any gotcha's I should watch out for?

Member Avatar for JOSheaIV

Okay so I am learning to write with with ActionScript for a flash project. First of all I hate this language and can't figure out how to solve my problem. I am trying to play the frames so that they appear 1 second apart but stop at a certain frame. …

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Member Avatar for tbridge

I am new to AS3 and i need to make a game that can juggle several balls on a platform (controlled by a user). So far i've got one ball that can juggle, but i dont know how to import more balls. I want the user to be able to …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Brandlax

ok, i am relly messed up...im currently developing a flash game..and there in frame 1, i have many instances (movieClip), event listeners, etc. But the problem is, when i tell it to go to the next frame, it shows an error saying this cannot be found or other things... how …

Member Avatar for keshavgarawal89
Member Avatar for Kieran Y5

Hi, I am working on a way to draw a graph with AS3. I have just put my code into different classes. I have a function that draws the graph axis but it doesn't seem to work properly. You will see what I mean in a min. [CODE] public function …

Member Avatar for Kieran Y5

Hi, I need to get the UNIX timestamp from when the day started in AS3. How can I do this??? Thanks in advance :)

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for JasonHippy

OK, I rarely start threads here, I'm more of a solutions guy than a problems guy; but I've started this thread off the back of something posted elsewhere by my good friend and regular poster in this forum, rajarajan07. (quoted below!) [QUOTE=rajarajan07;1257498]Jason always gives the great explanation for the thing …

Member Avatar for iamthwee
Member Avatar for Brandlax

Suppose, I have a movieClip named "movi". and through actionscript, i generated some more different movieClips. So now, "movi" will stay down under the different movieClips. how do i make "movi" stay always on top even after the moviClips has been added?

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for leroi green

Hello All, I've been working in a flash site for a couple days and i've gotten a couple errors as of late. Here are the errors: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at DefaultAEG_fla::MainTimeline/frame122() TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017

The End.