810 Topics

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What better use of an iPod than to save a soldier's life by stopping a bullet? [URL="http://www.flickr.com/photos/tiki/445618364/in/pool-appleusers/"]This photo[/URL] appears to prove it, although the actual story was that the iPod [I]alerted[/I] the soldier to the fact that he had been shot, but it was his armor that actually stopped the …

Member Avatar for jamello
Member Avatar for happygeek

Leading security vendor [URL="http://www.kaspersky.com"]Kaspersky Lab[/URL] has uncovered the first ever proof of concept virus designed with the sole intention of infecting the iPod media player. Like all proof of concept viruses though, Podloso poses no real world threat to users. For a start it requires a Linux installation, not on …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for John A

[URL="http://www.apple.com/macpro/"]Without further ado[/URL], Apple has added a new build-to-order option to their Mac Pro that allows 2 Quad Xeon processors instead of the previous 1, promised to run at 3 Ghz, and making the Mac Pro the first 8-core Mac. The upgrade doesn't seem like a huge one, as all …

Member Avatar for TheNNS
Member Avatar for John A

It seems like Apple is nearing a day we'd never think would come. [URL="http://uk.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUKN0137689420070402"]This time it seems official.[/URL] According to the reports, Apple and EMI have formed a deal that would not only allow Apple to sell EMI's music on their store (quite possibly The Beatles), but "large portions of …

Member Avatar for Serunson
Member Avatar for John A

$500 is a lot of money for a cell phone. True, the iPhone is a lot more than just a cell phone, but the price is steep nevertheless. And the results seem to prove it when you read articles like [URL="http://computerworld.co.nz/news.nsf/news/89B5D6ED1CD4A132CC25728E0013778A"]this[/URL] one, which showed that people are simply not willing …

Member Avatar for dasithds
Member Avatar for John A

You've likely heard of the whole commotion that was caused over Apple's usage of the iPhone name, which was a trademark of Cisco. Well, the funny thing is that the whole deal is over, and Cisco has really lost. Well, not officially, as a statement from the 2 companies was …

Member Avatar for RwCC
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Cory Doctorow, he of [URL="http://www.boingboing.net/"]Boing Boing[/URL] fame and one of the most well known proponents of the [URL="http://creativecommons.org/"]Creative Commons[/URL] scheme, has rather surprisingly attacked Steve Jobs and Apple over DRM. Whoa, hold on a minute there, surprising that someone who speaks out in favor of Creative Commons should be arguing …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for John A

I know this is a little bit late, but here's my rant on what Apple has done. They have quitely shipped the latest MacBook and MacBook Pro laptops (except the 17" 1.83 Ghz MacBook Pro) [URL="http://asia.cnet.com/reviews/notebooks/ontheradar/0,39050980,61983220,00.htm"]with test versions of 802.11n cards[/URL], the latest and fastest Wi-Fi technology coming out soon. …

Member Avatar for John A

With the release of the Apple iPhone, threatening to shake up the cell phone industry, it's inevitable that companies will try to use ideas similar to Apple's. The latest "cause of concern" is [URL="http://www.smh.com.au/news/mobiles--handhelds/lgs-iphone-copycat/2007/01/19/1169095944823.html"]LG's Prada KE850[/URL] cell phone, which uses a touchscreen interface, and similar features such as web browser, …

Member Avatar for j.singh
Member Avatar for John A

It's the one thing that we never thought would happen - Apple opening up FairPlay, the system that governs the DRM for music bought from the iTunes store. And if [URL="http://www.tech.co.uk/home-entertainment/hi-fi-and-audio/hi-fi-amps-and-receivers/news/apple-to-open-up-fairplay-drm?articleid=394429162"]Tech.co.uk[/URL] is correct, it could very well happen. I can barely believe it; after all, Apple is not known for …

Member Avatar for John A

Some people have been writing about the iPhone, and there are complaints as expected with any new device (or old for that matter). So I decided to write about them, and show what's really behind all this. Price is the thing that hits you first when getting a new tech …

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When Steve Jobs heralded the iPhone as being as revolutionary as the iPod during his MacWorld keynote in San Francisco on Tuesday, he must have known that it was going to be a bloody revolution. Sure enough, Cisco has now fired the first shots with a lawsuit in the US …

Member Avatar for happygeek
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Apple has just announced its long awaited iPhone and I have to admit it looks like a nice device. It is a little pricey,$500 for a 4gb model and $600 for an 8gb model. Also you should probably have to consider the price of cancelling your current provider's plan. However …

Member Avatar for John A

With the Macworld Keynote, it was inevitable that Apple would release some fancy new product. Among other things, the iPhone turned out the be the most significant, turning the iPod into a device which can make phone calls, and much, much more. All for only $499. The idea of merging …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for John A

While Apple has displayed a [COLOR=Black][URL="http://www.apple.com/"]new banner[/URL][/COLOR] on its website declaring Happy New Years, "The first 30 years were just the beginning. Welcome to 2007," the [URL="http://projects.info-pull.com/moab/"]Month of Apple Bugs[/URL] has been launched, as if to scorn Apple's website banner. The Month of Apple bugs aims to reveal a new …

Member Avatar for John A

While the iTunes store traffic is at its high point, rising more than 400% this holiday season, Apple is getting faced with several federal lawsuits, according to Associated Press. Among those is one targetting the copy-protection system that content purchased from the iTunes store are encoded in. What the claim …

Member Avatar for John A

If previous reports of iTunes music store sales lulling were worrying analysts, they've got nothing to worry about now –– the iTunes store sales have more than quadrupled during the Christmas season, according to a report made by E-Commerce. People using their iTunes gift cards and new iPod users recieved …

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Member Avatar for John A

If you always thought that OpenStep, Cocoa's base, was limited to Mac OS X, you're wrong. A project called [URL="http://www.gnustep.org"]GNUstep[/URL] is dedicated to creating an open-source implementation of the reusable objects that Cocoa uses. Cocoa, which is the framework that the vast majority of Mac OS X software developers use …

Member Avatar for John A

As of late, many conflicting reports are saying that altough iPod sales continue to rise, iTunes store music sales are decreasing. They go on to state that sales now are 65% lower than in January, with average transaction sizes dropping by 7%. I think this is really crazy. Why? Apple …

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[URL]http://www.rockbox.org/[/URL] I have been playing around with Rockbox the alternative firmware for the Apple iPod and other popular MP3 players. So im basically just going to go over some of my likes and dislikes of the software so far. [B] Likes [/B][LIST] [*]For one if you are strictly an opensource …

Member Avatar for John A

Ever since computer's hard drives became large enough to hold substantial amounts of information, people have been trying to store music on their computers. Which is fine until they start "sharing" it. Since the beginning of music sharing, record companies have been trying to halt this illegal activity. Online music …

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It is now pretty much confirmed that sometime next year or in the recent future Apple will be releasing a cell phone. So far some rumors circulating around the interweb say that it is going to include two separate batteries one for the cell phone portion of the "phone" and …

Member Avatar for John A

[URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBfLjqfYKM0"]Oh boy[/URL]. If Kevin Rose, the founder of [URL="http://www.digg.com"]Digg[/URL], is correct, he may soon be facing a lawsuit big enough to cripple a small country. In his podcast, he gets drunk and tells "vague details" of the much rumored iPhone. He starts off by saying, "I have a little bit …

Member Avatar for 'Stein
Member Avatar for John A

Microsoft just released their iPod killer -- except that it isn't killing the iPod. Although it looks promising, it has had a number of [URL="http://www.engadget.com/2006/11/13/installing-the-zune-sucked/"]negative Zune reviews[/URL]. It may seem like the Zune is a total flop, after all, "it's from MS". But no, I don't think that is the …

Member Avatar for jbennet
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A number of owners of new iPods could be getting more than they bargained for, as Apple has [URL="http://www.apple.com/support/windowsvirus/"]admitted[/URL] that a ‘small number’ of iPod video products sold after 12th September are infected with the RavMonE.exe virus. Mistakes happen, and while Apple has been forthright about owning up to the …

Member Avatar for tuttlem
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The much vaunted, overly hyped and hugely anticipated Apple iPhone, a handset merging mobile phone and iPod into one unit, looked like being a step closer to reality when a French magazine featured a ‘leaked’ image of the thing on its front cover. Unsurprisingly, this was picked up by [URL="http://www.pdafrance.com/news/2006-09-12/id7496/iPhone-ou-Macphone-sur-20minutes-ce-matin/"]PDA …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

Although most news circulating around the web about the deffective batteries has to do with Dell or Apple (including one airline not allowing Dell laptops which im sure Dell's PR is very happy about) the company that stands to loose the most seems to be Sony. They are the ones …

Member Avatar for thomas98
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Recently one of the most talked about things is this Apple Wifi hack that was demonstrated by a group called SecureWorks at one of the largest security conferences, Defcon. [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chtQ1bcHLZQ&mode=related&search="]Here is a link[/URL] to the video so you guys can watch the video yourselves. Now Here is a link to …

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anyone please explain me what is productive application and immersive application.. Thanks and regrards dhanya

Member Avatar for MiketheBook

I'm planning to buy a Mac Mini with a minimum of 2GB RAM. Its main usage will be for internet and word-processing (certainly no games of video streaming) but I also want to be able to use MacSpeech Dictate. If I have extra cash would I be better moving up …

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The End.