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Everyone in Boston and New York is aware of the sports rivalry that exists between the two cities. Now comes news that Apple has built its largest retail store in North America on Boylston Street in Boston, beating out the current front-runner...you guessed it: Apple's outlet on West 14th Street …

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[URL="http://www.cellular-news.com/story/31072.php"]According to Cellular News[/URL] Apple has decided it will, after all, settle in the case of two Canadian class-action lawsuits concerning the battery life of the iPod. It only covers old iPods, specifically those purchased before the 24th June 2004, and concerns those iPod owners whose devices have reduced battery …

Member Avatar for UrbanKhoja
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Of course. That's the answer. Easy. Japan has sorted it all out. They're planning to [URL="http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2008/05/07/ipod_tax_japan/"]put a tax on MP3 players[/URL]. This will be an interesting move not because a single country is planning such a tax - let's be honest, I'm in the UK, the chances are most readers …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]It’s good to be king and have your own way Get a feeling of peace at the end of the day ~Tom Petty, It’s Good to be King.[/I] It’s often been said that marijuana is the gateway drug, but an article in this week’s BusinessWeek, [URL="http://tinyurl.com/3t4xmm"]The Mac in the Gray …

Member Avatar for happygeek

There has been plenty of speculation regarding the what and when of the next generation iPhone from Apple, with some claiming to have laid hands on the device already and others citing new features a-plenty. So far the most reliable reports would appear to have come from the direction of …

Member Avatar for newsguy

According to a story running in [URL="http://www.theregister.co.uk/2008/04/24/sun_buys_montalvo/"]The Register[/URL] Sun Microsystems is said to have paid "a bit north of $5m" for the technology assets of Montalvo Systems, a chip start-up outfit which is best known for its work on a low-power x86 processor. The Register says it has seen a …

Member Avatar for EddieC

I could have sworn that only Apple was making Apple-compatible computers. I remember well the era in which Apple famously granted—then revoked—licenses to Motorola and others to manufacture hardware that would run Mac OS. As I read today that a company called Psystar Corp. [URL="http://www.psystar.com"](www.psystar.com)[/URL] was selling “an alternative to …

Member Avatar for happygeek

[URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/news/187851/apple-iphone-vulnerable-through-safari.html"]According to IT Pro[/URL] the Apple iPhone is vulnerable to Denial of Service attacks. These can occur when an iPhone user opens a JavaScript containing HTML page which triggers the vulnerability. An application Denial of Service attack can then crash the Safari browser on the phone, and quite possibly the …

Member Avatar for kumaran83
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[URL="http://www.dailytech.com/Apple+Sued+Over+Deceptive+Millions+of+Colors+Advertising/article11348.htm"]The word online[/URL] is that Apple is facing legal action over its claims the MacBook range supports millions of colours. This might actually be true were it not, say the reports, for the small matter of Apple ditching the old 16,777,216 colour supporting 8-bit displays used in MacBooks and replacing …

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As [URL="http://www.macrumors.com/2008/03/28/3g-iphone-in-bidding/"]rumored[/URL] around the web, the Apple iPhone with 3G support is coming out soon! The iPhone has been a revolutionary tool for consumers, corporate America, and users around the world. I held back from purchasing an iPhone largely in part because it lacked stable support for the 3G network. …

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Member Avatar for Dani

This is rather belated news, but I figured it was worth posting anyways. Apple has recently unveiled larger capacity versions of the iTouch and iPhone. The iTouch, originally only available in 8 gig and 16 gig versions, now boasts a whopping 32 gig version with a $500 pricetag. The iPhone …

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Do you remember the MPMan F10 which was launched way back in March 1998? Probably not, which is a shame as it was a hugely important, and rather huge, device in the overall scheme of things. The first MP3 player, 10 years old this month, is fondly remembered in detail …

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In an effort to compete with the Blackberry, and gain momentum in the business world, the iPhone now has full support for Microsoft Exchange, one of the major factors holding the professional back from splurging on an iPhone. While Apple is now going full force trying to make the iPhone …

Member Avatar for Brian.oco

The most recent quarterly returns are in on U.S. cell phone sales, and Apple seems to have taken a big bite out of Windows' market share. And it has Research in Motion in its gun sights. For years, Windows Mobile and Research and Motion phones dominated the cellular marketplace. But …

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My infatuation about the new [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1968.html"]Macbook Air[/URL] is not ending just yet. In fact, the [URL="http://blogs.computerworld.com/the_new_macbook_pros_are_coming"]ComputerWorld blog[/URL] has news -- hopefully insider scoop -- about what I'm dreaming about. Author Seth Weintraub says that the reason for the Macbook Pro delay (that is, why they weren't announced last week at …

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While I'm not yet a [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1968.html"]Mac convert[/URL], I've always been an iPod convert. I bought my first iPod in September of 2003 and can't say I complained. Reminiscing, it was a 40GB 3rd generation that I paid $475 for on eBay. It wasn't cheap, and I was fresh out of …

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So, MacWorld finally came and went. For months, I've anticipated this event. After Apple released [URL="http://www.apple.com/macosx/"]Leopard[/URL] in November, I had my eyes set on moving over to the Mac world. But without any guarantees that Apple would preinstall Leopard on existing laptops in their inventory and after hearing about numerous …

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How often is it that we hear stories from people who work as tech support about the stupid people they have to deal with? Indeed, it seems as though working as tech support could potentially be an extremely entertaining profession, provided that you have a good sense of humor. Of …

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So the [URL="http://store.apple.com/Apple/WebObjects/ukstore.woa/wa/RSLID?nnmm=browse&mco=26613EC7&node=home/shop_iphone/family/iphone"]Apple iPhone [/URL]has finally gone on sale in the UK, with hundreds of fans queuing at the Apple store in London's Regent Street to be one of the first customers for what has become known here as God's Own Phone as it does everything, according to the fanboys …

Member Avatar for MattEvans
Member Avatar for happygeek

According to a report at [URL="http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2007/10/08/ipod-burns-geezer-trousers"]The Inquirer[/URL] an Atlanta airport worker was a little surprised to discover, upon looking down to see where the smell of burning was coming from, that it was him. Well, it was his trousers to be precise. Apparently the chap, one Danny Williams, had an …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Everyone was excited about the launch of a new range of iPods, everyone apart from Linux users of course. In its wisdom, [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] decided to prevent media players other than iTunes from syncing with the MP3 devices, and in so doing locked out Linux users for whom there is no …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Apple to iPhone Customers: “Mea Culpa” With Apple in the headlines all week from its iPhone pricing debacle, I’ve kept a close eye on the company’s stock price. One rule of thumb on Wall Street is that if your company find itself in the news for negative reasons, take control …

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The dust has settled. The rumor mill is quiet. The masses are sated. If you've been under a rock today you probably don't know what I'm talking about, but I'll assume for the majority you've at least vaguely kept up on the slew of iPod announcements put forth by Steve …

Member Avatar for AustinK
Member Avatar for Brian.oco

Yesterday I wrote that Apple was having some legal woes attached to its i-Phone. It seems users who travel overseas may be hit with whopping long distance charges. If the day's bad press bothered Apple CEO Steve Jobs, he's certainly not showing it. In fact, he followed up on the …

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Member Avatar for Brian.oco

I'm a big fan of Apple - - I own three G-5's and an old G-4 laptop, and my two of my three kids own iPods (Nano's). The sleek design, seamless workability, and rock-like defense against viruses and other threats that always seem to befall those unfortunate souls in the …

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Well the iPhone has been launched, woop. Now i ask the question, "What is the point?". A device which combines 2 items which most people already own, a phone and an MP3 player. Now i own a phone and an MP3 player (not an iPod i must add) so why …

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The suspense is suspended and the mystery solved, Apple has revealed that the hugely hyped iPhone will go on sale in the US on June 29th. As for the cost that will depend upon the exact configuration, but the cheapest version will be $499. As for networks you have a …

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Member Avatar for Serunson

Hi again, Bennet has been ranting about how useless and crappy dells are (we know that already) now he has turned his Scottish anger to the simple company of Apple. (Bennets anger is here: http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry1474.html ) Quite funny if you read it But to the defence of Apple (i am …

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Member Avatar for John A

A school in Meridian, Idaho, is banning iPods and other digital music players during tests due to the fact that students were using them to hide answers, as one teacher overheard. The iPods in question could be loaded up with notes hidden in song lyrics, or recorded lectures stored on …

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Today, [URL="http://www.apple.com/pr/library/2007/04/09ipod.html"]Apple announced that they have now sold over 100 million iPods[/URL], which comes after they had released the first iPod 5-and-a-half years ago. Grammy award winner John Mayer said about the iPod: "Without the iPod, the digital music age would have been defined by files and folders instead of …

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The End.