1,828 Topics

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Member Avatar for xiiopao

anyone here knows how to delete or hide an array element in asp permanently or until the application? im currently developing an application wherein once an array element matches the typed text in the textbox it should be removed from the list. what my code does is it deletes the …

Member Avatar for GFX010

Is it possible to create a custom Pager for the GridView control of ASP.NET that looks liek this? http://i47.tinypic.com/2925ssj.png If so, can anyone give me some ideas or some starting code into how to create it? Thank you.

Member Avatar for nakor77
Member Avatar for CriticalError

so I got two probelms with asp.net routing, I got these these routing values in my _AppStart RouteTable.Routes.MapWebPageRoute("{rcPageName}", "~/Default.cshtml", new { rcPageName = "default"}); RouteTable.Routes.MapWebPageRoute("Tutorials/PHP/{rcPageName}", "~/Default.cshtml", new { rcPageName = "PHPTutorial"}); RouteTable.Routes.MapWebPageRoute("Tutorials/VB/{rcPageName}", "~/Default.cshtml", new { rcPageName = "VBTutorial" }); RouteTable.Routes.MapWebPageRoute("Tutorials/CSharp/{rcPageName}", "~/Default.cshtml", new { rcPageName = "C-SharpTutorial" }); RouteTable.Routes.MapWebPageRoute("Tutorials/HTML/{rcPageName}", "~/Default.cshtml", new …

Member Avatar for hollystyles

The aim of this tutorial is to save burgeoning self taught developers some of the early pitfalls that lurk on the road to programming enlightenment. It will attempt to do this by distilling the last 50 years of software engineering philosophy into a relatively short single tutorial, applying the concepts …

Member Avatar for buck1107
Member Avatar for jackparsana

Hello, I m new in asp. I need to run asp website with access database. Pls help me to do this.. i got problm with connection string i think. Broswer reply : ------------------------------------ Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005' [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] '(unknown)' is not a …

Member Avatar for jhai_salvador
Member Avatar for aparnesh

Can I transfer some data, which the user enters into a pop up window, to the page which called the pop-up window ? The Main page is in a frame. When the user clicks a button on the main page, a pop-up opens showing some choices. After the user selects …

Member Avatar for moji013
Member Avatar for craigallansmith

Hi everyone i am creating a page which generates label and textbox controls at runtime. I now how to do it using inputbox but when i post the code to my site i get errors. is there any way to create an inputbox and retrieve the user input back to …

Member Avatar for eeeraser
Member Avatar for ayat abukhadra

hello, I'm trying to write a web application for mobiles using asp can anyone support me with a link which tells me how to start ?

Member Avatar for GarryHillton
Member Avatar for owaithaka

hi am getting the following error when I try open my application. everything was ok and nothing has been installed. it just stopped working one day. Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005' [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified /ssi/login/profile.asp, line …

Member Avatar for PrakashIdnani
Member Avatar for ROSS679

Hi All. I am currently at work on this program and have came accross this error when i debug the code in ASP via Internet Browser it displays the following message on top of the webform "Command text was not set for the command object" I am also having problems …

Member Avatar for Momerath
Member Avatar for dstoltz

I'm curious - if a production web page is removed for whatever reason, I've read that a permanent redirect should be used for SEO continuity. So, if I'm using ASP for my server side code, what is the best option: 1) Keep the actual ASP page there, and just add …

Member Avatar for dstoltz
Member Avatar for iwanttolearnc

From this [article](http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/asp/threads/42314/exporting-asp-pages-to-excel) i found this code snippet that imports html data to excel: <% Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel" Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "filename=excelfile.xls" %> <table> <tr> <td>Category Name</td> <td>Category Description</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Software</td> <td>Holds data for software</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Hardware</td> <td>Hardware related data</td> </tr> </table> However, what i want to do is …

Member Avatar for jasonsarino
Member Avatar for mrbarbarik

Hi all, I'm newbie in asp. I have a problem to delete the record on sql. I have one form for different users to insert data into sql where every user have are unique id, so it's possible to have multiple record with same unique id, then display the data …

Member Avatar for mrbarbarik
Member Avatar for sganandhsg

Hi All, How can I get previous URL in a page. I need to clear my session/Cookies when the previous URL is not mine. In the below example assume gmail is an my own website(URL/Application) 1. Go to www.gmail.com login and arrives at inbox page 2. while it is still …

Member Avatar for atinobrian
Member Avatar for ppstyle

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { SqlAddGroup.InsertParameters["mem_email"].DefaultValue = Session["User"].ToString(); SqlAddGroup.InsertParameters["groupname"].DefaultValue = Txtgroup.Text; SqlAddGroup.Insert(); Label1.Text = "Group has been added"; } catch (Exception ex) { Label1.Text = ex.Message; } } <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlAddGroup" runat="server" ConflictDetection="CompareAllValues" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:PadmaSMSConnectionString %>" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [group] WHERE [sno] = @original_sno AND [mem_email] = @original_mem_email …

Member Avatar for atinobrian
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Hello people, First of all, i'm not an experienced ASP coder at all, i usually do php/java so i'm still kinda puzzled by this language. For my current project, i need to update a piece of an intranet, written completely in ASP. since it can't be reached from my position, …

Member Avatar for phoenix_2000
Member Avatar for xiiopao

good day, Im quite new with ASP and is still studying it Im just wondering why everytime I use Javascript codes the error Language 'JavaScript' is not supported at this moment! is appearing in my browser but then when I use VBScript it works out just fine.

Member Avatar for kapilver

Hi friend, i am trying to learn ASP but i face problem to connect ASP wtih SQL Server. Anyone help me. Sushil ..

Member Avatar for johnjaafarj
Member Avatar for grafic.web

Ho there, i have windows 7 Family edition premium on my pc and i installed IIS i created one website and now i would like to host my websites on my PC tha everybody can see it. I heard that IIS allow you to host only one website.. and that …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for mrbarbarik

I want to make server page that can keep a parameter just like tracking ID. I want to pass that parameter from an asp page to another asp page when i clicked submit button. Can someone help me to solve this, i really need to finish this soon. So far …

Member Avatar for ppstyle

Please provide some web references which I can add in my asp.net website. I am from india , I urgently need a web service, even if its a paid one, but I need a working one. Please help!

Member Avatar for ShivaSaurabh
Member Avatar for zhouy

Dear All, I want to create a dynamic website with a database. Visual studio 2010, dreamweaver CS5, sql server management studio and all other requirements are installed (like IIS 7). I set the IIS server configuration in dreamweaver cs5. I check simple ASP codes like <%Response.Write ("The time on the …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for rahul pareek
Member Avatar for code739
Member Avatar for jagrati

hiii all, I am developing a website with a webform in it. i want that when user clicks the submit button ......all the data filled by user should come in my MS Access database table which have the same fields.. I have connected the database. webform i have developed in …

Member Avatar for FloridaSabic
Member Avatar for whisper_101

Hi Guys, The code below allows me to upload images. How would I go about inserting error checking if the user uploads a word document for example? Thanks W <!-- #INCLUDE FILE="Openconnection-for-local-use.asp" --> <!--#include file="Upload.asp" --> <% Dim Uploader, File Set Uploader = GetASPUploader Set File = Uploader.AddFile("file") File.ValidFileTypes = …

Member Avatar for ocs2me

Below is my scripts: <% connstring ="Provider=MSDAORA;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION="&_ "(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=cqcmdb1.corp.mot.com) (PORT=1521))"&_ "(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=CQPD2)));User ID=report_ccmpd_ro;Password=report" set con = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") con.open connstring set conn = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") conn.open connstring sqltest = "select T1.screen_failure, DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(T1.ROOT_CAUSE_ANALYSIS,9000,1) AS RCATT from Submission_Record T1 where T1.dbid <> 0 and (T1.Headline like '%[O2O7]%')" set rs=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") rs.open sqltest ,con,1,3 sqltestonly = "select …

Member Avatar for gs98
Member Avatar for ShaggyDogg

I would apprecaite any assistance with this task.. SourceForm.aspx contains a databound gridview which I have added a checkbox column for multiple row selection. OnClick of a button I want to display any selected rows on another page, Target.aspx So far I have successfully captured textbox input properites using PostBackUrl …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for hatebin

hello ! I'm working on a Registry page for my webSite in ASP and I'm trying to get results of a prcedure from my database which is checking if there is any duplicates of loginNames or emails when there is inserting to Dbase. The problem is I can't finde any …

Member Avatar for poojavb
Member Avatar for sameerge

Hi I need the answers one of my two questions which were asked by our teacher in class room. Q1. Languagess are system software or application software? Q2. In which software the languages are written? for example in which software the c++ language is written? plz give your answer with …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for hank_garrison

Hi everybody, I’m a student learning ASP and I have a project to develop some VoIP applications. I would like to use sample programs by Ozeki VoIP SIP SDK because they have trial version for free. Have any of you tried these sample programs? For example this one: http://www.voip-sip-sdk.com/p_203-asp-net-sip-voip-client-voip.html If …


The End.