Re: CArray destruction problem Programming Software Development by Tom Gunn CArray<> is an MFC class, right? The problem is almost surely going to be in your code, not the code of CArray<>. Can you post a small program that has the same error so that everyone can see how you are using the class? CArray destruction problem Programming Software Development by dpreznik …am facing a problem with a CArray. I have a class member of type CArray<MyType, MyType&>…the object is destroyed, of course the destructor of CArray<MyType, MyType&> is called. Here… [CODE]template<class TYPE, class ARG_TYPE> CArray<TYPE, ARG_TYPE>::~CArray() { ASSERT_VALID(this); if (m_pData != NULL) {… CArray of pointer question Programming Software Development by alone2005 … so I have to paste part of it only. [code] CArray<CVertex*, CVertex* &> setOfVertex; //CVertex is an object… what's wrong when I want to release the memory CArray holds? THanks. Kinda weird CArray problem Programming Software Development by RonalBertogi …); _pTBI = &_rgTBI[_rgTBI.GetSize()-1]; } } **_rgTBI** is declared as `CArray<TOOLBARINFO> _rgTBI;`. **TOOLBARINFO** is a struct where rgButtons… occurred in the compiler generated function 'CArray<TYPE> &CArray<TYPE>::operator =(const CArray<TYPE> &)' 1… Re: Kinda weird CArray problem Programming Software Development by RonalBertogi … you any problem: struct SomeStruct { int anIntMember; long aLongMember; }; CArray<SomeStruct> some; This one too will not give…But this one will: struct AnotherStruct { char firstMember; int secondMember; CArray<long> obviouslyAnArray; } Well, I just don't know… A CArray of pointers Programming Software Development by Ahzraei …I have several derived classes. A has a CArray<A*> data member (dynamic array of…up when the object is accessed from the CArray of the first A object. Apparently, the…{ A() {} void AddChild(A* child) { m_aryChildren.Add(child); } CArray<A*> m_aryChildren; } class B : public A { B()… VC++ CArray Problem Programming Software Development by rahul_galgali … { CString Struct_Name; CString Struct_RollNo; }; struct Division_struct { CString strDivName; CArray <student, student>arrStud ; }; struct Class_struct { CString strClassName…, Division_struct > arrDiv ; }; ///to access class struct CArray <Class_struct,Class_struct> arrClass ; My question is how … Re: A CArray of pointers Programming Software Development by Ahzraei …] class A { A() {} void AddChild(A* child) { m_aryChildren.Add(child); } CArray<A*> m_aryChildren; } class B : public A { B() { A… Re: VC++ CArray Problem Programming Software Development by daviddoria What are CArray and CString? To set a member of a struct, you first have to instantiate it: [code] student myStudent; [/code] Then you just use a '.' : [code] myStudent.Struct_Name = "David"; [/code] Small stupid problem here :( Programming Software Development by dinamit875 …call of menu function if (response == 1) { getCustomer (cArray, countCustomers, countAdults, countChild, cFile); system ("CLS");…close(); } /************ Enters new Customer *************/ void getCustomer (C cArray[], int& countCustomers, int& countAdults, int&… template object as function parameter Programming Software Development by Frederick2 ….e., [CODE=C++] template<class Tpl> class CArray { public: CArray(); ~CArray(); bool AddNew(Tpl& pObj); //adds a new Tpl to…; }; template<class Tpl, unsigned int iSize> class CArray //CArray { public: CArray() {puts("CArray() Constructor Called!\n");this->m_New=0… Re: Small stupid problem here :( Programming Software Development by dinamit875 … of code in here, I think: [code] void loadFromFile(C cArray[], int& countCustomers, int& countAdults, int& countChild, int… Re: Small stupid problem here :( Programming Software Development by dinamit875 …;< ""; } else if (response == 3) { //getTotal (cArray, countAdults, countChild, numAdults, numChild, adultPrice, childPrice, cFile); cout <<…answer != 'N'); }// end void statement /*void getTotal (C cArray[], int& countAdults, int& countChild, int numAdults, int … C program anagram help Programming Software Development by tastyTreeHUGGER …(char carray[]) { gets_s(carray, MAX - 1); } void setLetters(int narray[], char carray[]) { int i = 0; while(carray[i]) { if(isalpha(carray[i])) { carray[i] = tolower(carray[i… Re: C program anagram help Programming Software Development by tastyTreeHUGGER …] int i = 0; while(carray[i]) { if(isalpha(carray[i])) { carray[i] = tolower(carray[i]); [COLOR="Red"]…narray[], char carray[]) { int i = 0; while(carray[i]) { if(isalpha(carray[i])) { carray[i] = tolower(carray[i]); narray[(int) (carray[i]-'a')]… Re: template object as function parameter Programming Software Development by Narue >template<class Tpl, unsigned int iSize> >void AddData(CClient& c, CArray<Tpl,MAX_SIZE>& ar) Change MAX_SIZE to iSize. Since you didn't have iSize anywhere in the parameter list or as an explicit list in the instantiation, your compiler couldn't figure out what it was supposed to be. Re: class to hold array of boxes is messing up Programming Software Development by Frederick2 …; }; template <typename type, unsigned int iSize> class CArray { public: CArray(); ~CArray(); bool add(type&); unsigned int get_size(void) const; void… <typename type, unsigned int iSize> CArray<type,iSize>::CArray() { puts("CArray() Constructor Called!"); m_New=0; } template <… class to hold array of boxes is messing up Programming Software Development by Frederick2 …. The output should look like this… [CODE=C++] CArray() Constructor Called! 2.000000 3.000000 1.000000 6.…; double m_Height; }; class CArray { public: CArray() { printf("CArray() Constructor Called!\n"); m_New=0; } ~CArray() { printf("CArray() Destructor Called!\n"); … How to store each newly created account into an array of Customers? Programming Software Development by HyperCyber …( String [] args) { int count = 1; Customers [] Carray = new Customers [100]; //Customers [] C1 = new Customers… } } /*public void DeleteExistingAcc(int count, Customers [] Carray ) { System.out.println ("Enter Account Number: &… NullReferenceException Programming Software Development by nndung179 …private CFraction[]ps; public CArray() { = null; this.number = 0; } public CArray(CArray m) { this.… Main(string[] args) { CArray m = new CArray(); m.Nhap(); m.Xuat(); } } } [/CODE… Re: NullPointerException, very confused. please help Programming Software Development by stephen84s …are still trying to put some values into that "cArray" in the Collection class as shown below :- …objects (your Circle objects) inside a container (the cArray), the container(cArray) itself should be allocated space to hold those … you put any values into it:- [code=java] int[] cArray = new int[/** Put the size of the Array here **/];… Problem on Returning Reference to Template Object Programming Software Development by selvaganapathy …++6, MFC Application I am having the member variable - CArray < Coordinates, Coordinates & > mCoordinates. Coordinates… { return mCoordinates; } }; class B { public: void Print () { A objA; CArray < Coordinates, Coordinates & > &ref = objA.GetCoordinates (); } }… Re: NullReferenceException Programming Software Development by nndung179 I resolved this problem by using the new object in the CArray method Input in the loop for. Replace the for of the Input at CArray.cs by this [CODE] for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) { Console.Write("ps[{0}]: ", i+1); ps[i] = new CFraction(); ps[i].Input(); } [/CODE] Re: NullReferenceException Programming Software Development by ddanbe You are instantiating a CArray class. Then you call a non existent method of that class, or is this just a translation problem (English <-> Vietnamese)? Re: NullReferenceException Programming Software Development by Ketsuekiame … errors. [icode]CFraction[]ps = new CFraction[number];[/icode] In your CArray constructor. This shouldn't even be allowed, it's classed… Re: Problem on Returning Reference to Template Object Programming Software Development by selvaganapathy … i found the solution. I just inherit a class from CArray <>, that solves the problem. [CODE=C Plus Plus…] struct Coordinates{ int x, y, z; }; class CoordinateArray : public CArray < Coordinates, Coordinates & > {}; class A{ private: CoordinateArray mCoordinates… NullPointerException, very confused. please help Programming Software Development by kbullard516 …count = 0; count <= 9; count++) { cArray[count] = new Circle(left,top,radius); } } public…count <= 9; count++) { System.out.print(cArray[count].toString()); } } } import java.util.*; … Re: NullPointerException, very confused. please help Programming Software Development by kbullard516 …(99)+50; int radius = generator.nextInt(50)+1; cArray[count] = new Circle(left,top,radius); } }…=0; count <= 9; count++) { System.out.print(cArray[count].toString()); System.out.println(" "); } } }… php checkbox db Help Programming Web Development by Damien0410 … the user chose it. foreach($choiceList as $cArray) { $cID = trim($cArray[$choices[1]]); $cText = trim($cArray[$choices[2]]); $sel = ($curval == $cID) ? " selected… Hangman game string array problem Programming Software Development by infiniteloop56 …(list); String go = read.nextLine(); System.out.println(go); char[] cArray = go.toCharArray(); ArrayList <String> strin = new ArrayList …<String>(cArray.length); for(char c : cArray){ strin.add(String.valueOf(c)); } return strin; }…