98 Topics

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Member Avatar for Eragah

[B]In the Code below i have a program using multi dimensional arrays. I have a quick question on "How to" ad a checking system so my random class does not generate the same "type" of horse twice. For instance right now i have my program pick a random color with …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for tieastie

Hello, i am a newbie on php programming and try working on my last project in my school. My program is to compare 2 different xml file, it working well at first. but when i tried to add more xml file to compare, the page keeps telling "Fatal error: Call …

Member Avatar for tieastie
Member Avatar for car rental cypr

Hi...fellow members..I'm using CuteRank free edition to check rank and its best position and other details. In free edition I can use only 1 website and keyword. Is there a tool to check position for free for multiple websites & keywords ? I tried and there are some but they …

Member Avatar for szaviyah
Member Avatar for kikic

I have to write for the program. If someone could help me to understand the problem?? The example of the MAC message would be very useful for me program the PIC to work as a Super Router, and reading the serial port frame, forwards them to the standard, or rejected. …

Member Avatar for //Gonz

Hello daniweb chums I once again cannot seems to get a simple bit of text box validation working I am trying to detect if a first name entered contains a number by converting the text box text into a char array and then convert each character entered (using a for …

Member Avatar for Antenka
Member Avatar for akocnin18

can somebody help me in dealing with this project... I am making a quiz that a user can input their own set of questions..after doing a quiz other users can take it..and I don't know how to check if the user answers were right.. can you please help me? thanks! …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for compulove

I am using asp.net codebehind (c#) and I wrote code for checking the username and password. I want the other parts of the form to be inactive or "grayed out" so the user can't edit them until they successfully enter in the correct username and password. I would show code …

Member Avatar for hericles
Member Avatar for Jeroen van Zijp

Hey all, To make it more user-friendly, I decided I want to add a JS form validation to my contact form. The essence of the JS should be that it calls for a check.php?input= with the entered captcha code appended. Then the PHP script would echo "valid" or "invalid". For …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony

While looking stuff about idlelib, I came to [URL="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3431498/what-code-can-i-use-to-check-if-python-is-running-in-idle"]this thread in stackoverflow[/URL], so I posted own solution. I post it also here, as maybe somebody needs it (as for example \b looks ugly in IDLE)

Member Avatar for TrustyTony

Picked up from old thread but currently applicable (the IBAN number became more widely required actually this year in Finland). The style was quite alien for modern Python coders, so I massaged the code to my own liking. I removed many temporary variables, as for my opinion they did not …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for karthik_ppts

Hi Frendz, I have datetime field in database. now i want to filter out the record which are in today date using mysql query?

Member Avatar for karthik_ppts
Member Avatar for ppatryk

Hi, is it ok to use an if condition as a presence check, this is my code - [ICODE]if (textBox1 != null) { MessageBox.Show("Dont Leave Blank"); } else MessageBox.Show("Successfully added");[/ICODE] my code runs however no matter if there is text in textbox1 or if its left empty it shows "Dont …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for new_developer

Hi everyone, My javascript code is absolutely ok but its not working. I know it sounds funny but its happening with me. Please view below code and tell me is there any mistake in it. Javascript code: Which change image when i click on button. [code] var myImages = new …

Member Avatar for Javvy
Member Avatar for designalex

Hi,i have a small problem with the following... a users posts a vehicle to the database, the form allows for posting with 3 images. when i display the form using a while loop i need to display the images, my problem is that i want to check 3 images 0r …

Member Avatar for designalex
Member Avatar for emreozpalamutcu

I'm making a program and in one of the part of the program there is this button and for it to do main function it needs to check if the notepad is running. So how can i check if the process is running?

Member Avatar for cool_zephyr
Member Avatar for bben95

Could somebody please help me to add a function to this script in which the image to test if the server is up has a timeout, so it shows an error message to the user instead of just loading forever. The current function of the code is: Attempt to load …

Member Avatar for tKc

I have an issues with my int array, i have a game where its like a mega version of Tic Tac Toe where you need 5 to win instead of 3 and i have tried to come up with a system of checking for a winner or not (right now …

Member Avatar for StuXYZ
Member Avatar for sammiepooh

Hello, I am fairly new to this site and am new at studying unix/linux OS. Recently I had an assignment involving finding a script that had run an administrative task such as checking file systems periodically. With it, I had to take each line and describe in my own terms …

Member Avatar for doctorphp

Hi All I am trying to add a no under 18's feature to my register page. I have got a simple function which uses the year of birth but I am not sure what to do for the day and month. Here is the code. If someone could help me …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for markolini

guyz pls i need help writting d php script for a registration form...i want all the contents of the form to be emailed to an email address i will provide here is a copy of the html code, its juss the php script i need not pls someone help [CODE]<FORM …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for bops

Hello. I am currently working on a little password based file encryption feature for an application I am doing. The following is an incomplete function that I have worked on to encrypt some content and (will eventually) write it to a file. [CODE]public static void encrypt(byte [] data, char [] …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for churva_churva

[CODE] import java.util.*; public class PhoneDirec{ private int MAX=10; private String [] validNames={"Gary","Sam","John","Jude","Alyssa","Matt","Eric","Susie","Alics","Sara"}; PhoneDirec(){ //allocate memory to names validNames=new String[MAX]; }// accept 10 names //I suppose to enter 10 names public void accept(){ Scanner console = new Scanner(System.in); for(int n = 0;n< names.length;n++) names[n] = console.nextLine(); } /*I also to …

Member Avatar for Akill10
Member Avatar for angel392004

i'm working on an e-voting system for my thesis... but i'm having problem on how to output the data in all the rows in the database in a check box. so it means that the number of checkbox is equals to the row of the table. i manage to output …

Member Avatar for lolafuertes
Member Avatar for ctrl-alt-del

Hey all! Since I am getting a little agitated with not being able to find a solution, I will try and keep this short. I'm looking for a way to check if the remote user is a local admin or not through WMI (or any realistic alternative without having to …

Member Avatar for Jerompie

Hello DaniWeb, This is my first topic here at DaniWeb. I have always been a great fan of this forum mostly for C# solutions. Iam a 3rd year student IT. Now I have a problem. Iam trying to make a application that checks if IP + Port is online.( it's …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for larkson

I'm writing an assessment tool that cross checks the name entered by a person with a list of names of known people blacklisted by me. So far I can only figure out how to compare a users entry with one name, effectively limiting my blacklist to one name. I'm new …

Member Avatar for mrnutty
Member Avatar for Smalls

k, what i'm trying to do is create a windows service to run in the background to monitor [URL="http://www.vmware.com/products/player/"]vmplayer.exe[/URL] to see if it is running or not. then if it is running, then turn on the various hardware, software, and services it needs/uses to run, and if it is not …

Member Avatar for tulipputih

Hi everybody, I would like to have functionalities & interface like this [url]http://www.bluenile.co.uk/diamond-search?filter_id=0&track=head[/url]. Currently, the search result and checkbox are presented as in the above example. However, I am not sure of where should we keep the checked value to have something like in the bottom. ( all selected record …

Member Avatar for tulipputih
Member Avatar for TrustyTony

This code was in discussion of getting numeric input to Python. This function returns the zero-stripped, normalized string form the input string if it is correct, False truth value otherwise (it can not be mixed with number 0 as accepted '0' are returned as string '0'). If string passes the …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for GAME

Ok, I have a code that I only want to use for the first form1 load, so that means never use it agian. So how do I use a code once then never use it again?

Member Avatar for kvprajapati

The End.