99 Topics

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Member Avatar for rproffitt

I like Agile, I really do but a few times it has me walk out on the process as a few think that everyone must "buy in." That's just part of the problems I've run into and kind of glad I'm no longer on such teams. In fact if a …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

Over the last few days I have been converting old video files from avi to mp4. I've been doing this using the command line version of DivX. This is the process behing the DivXPro GUI and it is named `DivXEngine.exe`. Converting video files takes a big hit on the CPU …

Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Guys. I'm trying to suspend a process by it name, but I found the sample that demontrate this using ProcessId. The problem is that I don't know the process ID of the process I want to suspend/resume. [Here is a sample I used.](https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/cdde6cef-3971-40a6-b4dd-02db963868ce/suspend-an-application?forum=vbgeneral)

Member Avatar for Mr.M
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

I'm creating an application that with continuously attempt to run a list of programs until they are open. I'm having an issue when it comes to programs that require administrative priveleges however. I've done some searching and found the below script (in createElevationScript()) that *should* run a program with administrative …

Member Avatar for Doogledude123
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi Dw. I have a project that uses Process to marge some files, now because the merging can take quite sometime I've used BackgroundWork. The main problem I'm facing is to know when the Process is done because I want to delete the files that it was merging with so …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Doogledude123

Is this try catch block enough to ensure the process ran successfully? protected boolean attemptLaunch() { try { System.out.println("Attempting to open '" + name + "'."); //Try to open the Process new ProcessBuilder(path).start(); return true; } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Opening failed. Will retry during next Iteration."); return false; } …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for 2advance

Hi, I'm having SlimPDF which used to read PDF & I want to open SlimPDF inside of split panel but it is opening as new window. I tried to open notepad in split panel using my code, works fine but this SlimPDF is not opening inside the panel. Pls help …

Member Avatar for Teme64
Member Avatar for markdean1989

Hi I am working on a simple C++.Net project which will allow me to run another program (e.g., I. Ex., Word etc.). However, I can't seem to find any working codes online. Here are the codes I have found so far; ShellExecute(GetDesktopWindow(), "open", "c:\myTestFolder\myfile.exe", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); requires the inclusion …

Member Avatar for markdean1989
Member Avatar for Fadli Muhammad

can anyone how to disable process such as explorer.exe at startup windows7 until i was true entering password? i want make log in display as my style.. thanks before.

Member Avatar for xfrolox

Well I'm trying to make a program that have ListBox1 which when the button1 is pressed the Listbox1 will show all the open windows of notepad, like get notepad.exe and it will show Example the name: Untitled - Notepad nothing else, i have a code right now that i found …

Member Avatar for olegb
Member Avatar for dictator.arshi

Hi Guys I need help in capturing action of running process, forexample i have created a simple application in vb.net in which there is a button when we click on this button then it shows a msgbox, now i want to make a application which will be another application and …

Member Avatar for lortech

This is my first time working with php. I used a sample php mail code to process the mail. After entering in the form info and hit the send it button should show a new window that the mail was sent. The email does not send with the contents from …

Member Avatar for Kamal_5
Member Avatar for matt55284

Just started learning c++ and ive got a bit stuck :L Im making a console application that injects a file into a process. The file name and process name are both specified at the start of the code using char FileToInject[] = "File_Name.xxx"; char ProcessName[] = "Process_Name.exe"; The console works …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for Jokatech

A program which has the main process as Director process, which reads a file containing marks of all quizzes of all sections and creates x number of Manager processes. Each Manager process will take care of solving for a section. Each manager process will create y number of worker process …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for Izzah_1

hey guys so im doing a really simple sign up form but its not working. maybe im doing smtg wrong. form: <form method="post" action="PersonalDetails_Process.php"><!--link to DB--> <br> <h1><center>PERSONAL DETAILS</center></h1> <br> <br> <label>Name <span class="small">Add your name</span> </label> <input type="text" name="name" id="name" required /> <label>Phone <span class="small">Add your phone</span> </label> <input …

Member Avatar for zouhair.kasmi
Member Avatar for iFrolox

Hello, Im messing with processes for a project that Im doing, so if I detect that the specific process Im checking changes the title containing a specific word like "Hello" I will kill the process and start it again. Im doing this with a timer so every X secs/minutes it …

Member Avatar for iFrolox
Member Avatar for haresh.sankarraj

Hi members, This is a program i wanted to implement semaphore between parent and child processes which are trying to access a shared variable called counter ... i dont know why it is not getting incremented during the child process !! someone help please !! #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for dharmatej.m

Write Java program that generates the Fibonacci sequence in the child process. The number of the sequence will be provided in the command line. For example if 10 is provided, the fibonacci numbers less than 10 will be output by the child process. Because the parent and the child processes …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for NardCake

Hello everyone! Recently I have been incredibly interested in language design/implementation. I have written multiple functioning language front ends (Lexer, Parser, some execution) and have decided a few things. My systems are getting ugly, there needs to be more abstraction I can't execute code in the parser -- it's just …

Member Avatar for NardCake
Member Avatar for akhilchandranms
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for np complete

In our college we practice python on ssh. This command prints all the computers ( processes ) logged in. ps -A | grep bash I was wondering how to obtain my process ID for that session.

Member Avatar for L7Sqr
Member Avatar for ms1655516

I would like to end the process. In Task Manager, but it is not the end. So I want a different way. This process changes the port randomly. PID is also random. How to exit from this situation? I need a source to bat. Process Search> PID Search> PID using …

Member Avatar for ms1655516
Member Avatar for kjk86

Hello! I'm currently running in to an issue where I need to loop through a specific log file until a string of text occurs, which indiciates that I can continue on with the application. Here is my code and logic: Dim process As New Process() Dim serverLog As String Dim …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for rezilient

Hello. I am working on a Perl script that shoulld iterate through ~100 links from a MySQL table and test the links one at a time. I am using rtmpdump/mplayer to test the links (which are streaming videos), and I want to e-mail out a report after testing all the …

Member Avatar for rezilient
Member Avatar for boiishuvo

Okay I am trying to write a program where a parent process creates three child processes. Also waits for each of them to finish. Here is my code: [code] #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> main() { int i; // create 3 child processes for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) …

Member Avatar for rakeshbiswal
Member Avatar for foodstamps

I'm trying to process a list contained within a separate text file. I am able to read the file, and generate an output containing the contents of the file, but the output generated is the unprocessed version, identical to the input. I do not encounter this problem when the list …

Member Avatar for foodstamps
Member Avatar for renzlo

Hi, Everyone, I've coded a program that uses a web browser control and loads a java applet, the process created when the java applet was loaded is java.exe, then on another tab, I've executed again a java applet and created again a java.exe process, now I need to kill the …

Member Avatar for renzlo
Member Avatar for kedxu

I'm probably doing this wrong, because there has to be a way to do this. Here is my current code: import javax.sound.sampled.*; public class soundHandler{ soundHandler() { } public void newSound(String sound) { new soundThread(sound).start(); } } class soundThread extends Thread { String soundName; Clip clip = null; soundThread(String i_soundName) …

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for shujat132

**My academic assignmentt ** **Please help me in coding for this assignment** In Linux Ubuntu flavor, write a program in C language to do the following tasks. 1) Use fork ( ) system call to create a child process. 2) Child process should first take student name as input and …

Member Avatar for khudayar
Member Avatar for anisha.silva

hi, so got a question regargind sending a handler, i have a class for UpdateClient and it has a queue that holds data. this data sould be sent to ether P1 or P2 which are instances of process. Proxy anoher class has to keep track on who is the promary …

Member Avatar for nmaillet

The End.