5 Topics

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Member Avatar for Khoo

Hello, I'm using import win32crypt from my python file. When I execute the python using IronPython in C# ? I got this error : No Module found Win32Crypt. var ipy = Python.CreateRuntime(); dynamic test = ipy.UseFile(@"mypythonscript.py"); mypythonscript.py import win32crypt ...

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Octet

I am having some issues with the PHP Crypt Function, which hopefully someone can help me out with. I am designing a website for a sports club as a school project, and they don't want to pay for hosting that has a database. I therefore am having to make use …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for Mr.M

Hi DW peps. I've used the following codes to crypt and save files now I want to decrypt it when I'm reading it so that let say I want to check if the saved password matchs the entered password which the saved password is saved on pc drive e.g. Drive …

Member Avatar for azareth
Member Avatar for bumsfeld

This shows the code for one simple crypt of text by swapping two adjoining characters each. You can make that more complex if you like. Can also be used for one nice riddle.

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Member Avatar for dschuett

I have been doing some research on how to go about using a random salt per user's password. There are a few things that I am still unsure about. It is easy enough to store a random hash using something as the following: [CODE] <?php $password = 'MySuperSectretPassword!'; $salt = …

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The End.