Cursor Programming Software Development by Nikhar Hi...ok...I want to create a menu which would have 5-6 options. Now, what I want is if the user is at the first option, if he uses the down arrow key, the cursor should move at the next option. I don't want you to write the program for me or anything. I just want you to guide me as to how shall I proceed in this program. Thanks in advance. Cursor changing problems with play done command in Director MX--PLEASE HELP! Digital Media UI / UX Design by nixpix …[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000c8] me [/COLOR][COLOR=#008000]cursor[/COLOR][COLOR=#808080] 280 [/COLOR][COLOR=#008000]sprite…mouseLeave[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000c8] me [/COLOR][COLOR=#008000]cursor[/COLOR][COLOR=#000000] -[/COLOR][COLOR=#808080]1 [/COLOR…[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000c8] me [/COLOR][COLOR=#008000]cursor[/COLOR][COLOR=#808080] 280 [/COLOR][COLOR=#008000]sprite… Cursor error in sp Programming Databases by azharrumani09 … if @start <> '' Begin Select @execstring = 'Declare Product_Cursor Cursor For Select Prod_Code, open_qty from ' +quotename(@SELDBNM, "[") +'.[dbo…, @recp_crecdqty CLOSE Recp_Cursor Deallocate Recp_Cursor Select @execstring = 'Declare Issu_Cursor Cursor For Select SUM(CASE WHEN retu_goods = "T" and… Cursor changes when keydown event is true Programming Software Development by Start4me … an up arrow on the keyboard, the cursor will change to a custom cursor (a cursor with an image of car {in .ico… the user releases the up arrow key, the cursor turns back to default cursor -- which is arrow. When the user presses an… the same time on the keyboard, then a different custom cursor will be shown instead of the default. The program must… Re: Cursor changes when keydown event is true Programming Software Development by Start4me … you need to use the KeyDown event to change the cursor, and KeyUp when the user releases the key; this returns… the cursor back to default cursor. But the Up, Down, Left, and Right buttons… on the button in the window form to activate the cursor option, instead the arrow buttons are working like the TAB… Re: Cursor changes when keydown event is true Programming Software Development by Start4me …the top of your Class [code] Dim mycursors() As Cursor = {Cursors.AppStarting, Cursors.Arrow, Cursors.Cross} Dim … cursorindex = (cursorindex + 1) Mod (UBound(mycursors) + 1) Cursor = mycursors(cursorindex) End If [/code] For the sake of simplicity…) I only included three of the built-in cursor types. You can add to the list and… Re: Cursor changes when keydown event is true Programming Software Development by Start4me …1689083][CODE] If e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default If filterKeys Then If e.KeyCode = Keys.…Up Then Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor '// note: did not test.[/CODE][/QUOTE] …But where is the code for my custom cursor that I want to show? I know it should… Re: cursor not working in IE Digital Media UI / UX Design by peter_budo …gt; <body> <h1 style="cursor: pointer;">This is my pointer</h1>…; <br> <h1 style="cursor: hand">This is hand and it does work…> <br> <h1 style="cursor: help;">This is help</h1> …<br> <h1 style="cursor: wait;">This is wait</h1> … Cursor Freezing When Accessing Images Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by telepwn …'ve got a 40gig Western Digital secondary HDD. Recently, the cursor's been acting strangely when accessing files on that drive… open an image stored on there, the image of the cursor (the arrow) will freeze after a few seconds and won… can't see it. Also, the arrow stays where the cursor was when it froze, and if a program is loading… Cursor.Clip - Restricting movement outside picture box Programming Software Development by Duki … (remote == false) { remote = true; Cursor.Position = pctRemote.PointToScreen(gridCenter); //centers the cursor on the grid } else { remote = false… PictureBox = pctRemote I've tried a lot of cursor.clip functions but I can't seem to get it… Re: Cursor.Clip - Restricting movement outside picture box Programming Software Development by Duki …(pctRemote.ClientRectangle); //confines mouse to grid perimater } else { remote = false; Cursor = Cursors.Default; /* NEED HELP HERE */ } } [/code] Now I need help… Re: Cursor changes when keydown event is true Programming Software Development by Start4me …Me.KeyDown Select Case e.KeyData Case Keys.Up Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor End Select End Sub Private Sub Form1_KeyUp…Me.KeyUp Select Case e.KeyData Case Keys.Up Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default End Select End Sub Private Sub … Re: Cursor changes when keydown event is true Programming Software Development by codeorder >>Can you go through the process of making a custom cursor? Drawing it? Cropping it? Adding colors to it? Or switching the cursor to a custom.cursor? Re: Cursor changes when keydown event is true Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim …the top of your Class [code] Dim mycursors() As Cursor = {Cursors.AppStarting, Cursors.Arrow, Cursors.Cross} Dim cursorindex… cursorindex = (cursorindex + 1) Mod (UBound(mycursors) + 1) Cursor = mycursors(cursorindex) End If [/code] For the sake of simplicity…) I only included three of the built-in cursor types. You can add to the list and … Re: Cursor error in sp Programming Databases by BitBlt …;inside" scope. You can't reference anything temporary (your cursor declaration) INSIDE the scope of your exec statement from OUTSIDE… ##temp table (global temp table) to get around it...for cursor declaration, not so much. As far as the invalid table… Re: Cursor changes when keydown event is true Programming Software Development by codeorder … Me.KeyDown Select Case e.KeyData Case Keys.Up Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor End Select End Sub Private Sub Form1_KeyUp(ByVal… Me.KeyUp Select Case e.KeyData Case Keys.Up Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default End Select End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(… Re: Cursor changes when keydown event is true Programming Software Development by codeorder [CODE] If e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default If filterKeys Then If e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor '// note: did not test.[/CODE] Re: Cursor changes when keydown event is true Programming Software Development by codeorder >>But where is the code for my custom cursor that I want to show? See if [URL=""]this [/URL]helps. :) If you need further help, do let me know. I might find another search.engine other than "[URL=""]LMGTFY[/URL]". Re: Cursor changes when keydown event is true Programming Software Development by Reverend Jim … Class Form1 Private filterkeys As Boolean = False Private mycursors() As Cursor = {Cursors.AppStarting, Cursors.Arrow, Cursors.Cross} Private cursorindex As…= Keys.Up Then cursorindex = (cursorindex + 1) Mod (UBound(mycursors) + 1) Cursor = mycursors(cursorindex) End If End Sub End Class [/code] Don… Cursor won't move to the end of the text input in div withstyle.filter in IE6 & 7 Programming Web Development by boyetp … problem in IE6 and IE 7 were the cursor inside a input=text box won't move … div that wraps around it. Just put the cursor in any of the text box and move to…-BOTTOM: 0px solid"> <div> Cursor won't move to the end of the text <…;<INPUT id="Text" value="Cursor won't move to the end of the text… Re: Cursor error in sp Programming Databases by buddylee17 … your code here[/code][/noparse]. Second, you are using a cursor to loop through and populate dynamic sql. Cursors should be… Re: Cursor changes when keydown event is true Programming Software Development by Start4me …) Handles Button1.KeyUp If e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Then Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default End If If filterKeys Then e.KeyCode = Keys… Re: Cursor gone rabid again Community Center Meta DaniWeb by gerbil …occur one position earlier than indicated by the cursor. At point of typing.. ie the …of the current string of text then the cursor is correct - in that action it …Something else... if I use the back arrow [cursor left] key then the first press is ignored… That is just for starters... the anomalous cursor effect is more involved that I have indicated… Cursor within cursor problem Programming Databases by veledrom Hi guys, Both cursor works if i don't use them in one Stored …] CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE ADD_RENTAL_SP IS -- cursor1 CURSOR cursor_1 IS SELECT ...... rec1 VARCHAR(15); -- cursor2 CURSOR cursor_2 IS SELECT ...... rec2 VARCHAR(15… Re: Cursor typing problem w/ Vista Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by bellbiv …Also, i'll type a paragraph and the cursor will jump to the previous paragraph and start … the control pnl. Nothing works. Keeping the cursor completely as far to the side of the…a ssolution that would work maybe, keeping the cursor to the far side works good but if…pad while you are typing it moves the cursor back into the type and there you … Cursor control in text boxes: Digital Media UI / UX Design by ethveg … in the box, and when it does it places the cursor at the end of the text. But then the browser… when it returns focus to the new text box the cursor is in the leftmost position. Does anyone know how I… can position the cursor in that text box so it appears in the position… Re: Cursor.Clip - Restricting movement outside picture box Programming Software Development by Duki I wanted to start a new thread that was focused on this topic. Cursor.Capture doesn't exist (according to VS2008) Also, it kept clipping to the wrong portion of the screen. Couldn't figure out how to move the clipped portion to be in the same position as the picture box. Cursor pointer to a pointer to a pointer Programming Software Development by foggy_coder … to there. It's when I try to create a cursor pointer that I run into problems. I have tried getting… rid of the cursor pointer all together but I still have problems running it…? I have tried to find documentation on the web about cursor pointers to pointers of pointers but I haven't really… cursor movement? Programming Software Development by jingo1126 … tasm.. my problem is i have the code for cursor.. [code] ;set cursor location(dh,dl) mov dl, 16 ; column. mov dh…, 16 ; row. mov ah, 02h int 10h ;symbol of cursor mov al, 'x' mov ah, 0eh int 10h [/code] my… cursor issue: div layering over flash with safari Programming Web Development by cmills83 …, and even FF mac are fine, however with Safari the cursor remains an arrow even when rolling over a link if… and rollovers still work fine, I just cant get the cursor to change to the hand when rolling over a link…-indexes are set correctly and everything is functional except the cursor. Anyone have a fix? Thanks