ScriptManagerProxy fun days. Programming Web Development by miculnegru … when I add dynamically the CustomControl (.ascx page ) in the UpdatePanel ( the CustomControl has a ScriptManagerProxy ) the …UpdatePanel. and all the Ajax calls inside the CustomControl are in the UpdatePanel of the CustomControls like this…;[/CODE] So I see the dynamically added CustomControl in the page but the AsynchronousPostBack is not… Can't call a public method of a dynamically loaded WebUserControl Programming Software Development by dimmslider …dynamically loaded control... My setup is this: Admin.aspx CustomControl.ascx Admin.aspx has the following code to load…ascx"); modulesPlaceHolder.Controls.Clear(); modulesPlaceHolder.Controls.Add(UC); [/CODE] CustomControl.ascx has a method: [CODE] public void initiate() { getComments… Urgent help with Custom Control Programming Software Development by theMonkey …quot;PART_Content", Type = typeof(TextBox))] public class CustomControl : Control { #region Constants public enum eType {…gt; <DataTemplate> <my:CustomControl /> </DataTemplate> </… .NET v3.5 ScriptManager problem Programming Web Development by blackdoguh … a Class library project (..\Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\ScriptTest\CustomControl) - I also added a deploy project for the web site… Re: Controls.Remove does not Remove Programming Software Development by yorro … control [CODE=vb] Public Class SampleForm Dim myControl As New CustomControl Dim added As Boolean = False ' To prevent the program from… whenever the EVENT LOAD is executed. [CODE=vb] Public Class CustomControl Private Sub CustomControl_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e… Re: ReadOnly Property in custom control Programming Software Development by G_Waddell …You clicked me") end sub dim mycustomControl as new CustomControl me.controls.add(mycustomControl) addhandler mycustomControl.OnClick, AddressOf HandleMyEvent1… setting sub routine with handles dim MyControl2 as New CustomControl me.controls.add(MyControl2) sub HandleMyEvent2(byval sender as… Re: Controls.Remove does not Remove Programming Software Development by kvprajapati [b]>The message box appears only once, during the first add.[/b] [code] ... End With myControl=new CustomControl Me.Controls.Add(myControl) added = True [/code] customcontrol numeric only Programming Software Development by PM312 i have below code for my custom textbox to allow numeric chatecters for entering amount. Protected Overrides Sub OnKeyPress(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) MyBase.OnKeyPress(e) If Asc(e.KeyChar) >= 48 And Asc(e.KeyChar) <= 57 Or _ Asc(e.KeyChar) = 46 Or _ Asc(e.KeyChar) = 13 Or _ Asc(e.KeyChar) … Re: customcontrol numeric only Programming Software Development by ddanbe [Click Here]( as a start. Re: customcontrol numeric only Programming Software Development by tinstaafl You could try using the [CellValidating Event]( Re: customcontrol numeric only Programming Software Development by PM312 Hi Tinstaafi I have this code which works correctely but i want to put this in my custom Datagridview .I have to add this datagridview at on 12 to 15 forms and want to avoide writing code each and every form. How can i put this on custom control. Private Sub DgvInvDet_EditingControlShowing1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.… Re: customcontrol numeric only Programming Software Development by tinstaafl The main trouble is the datagridview keyPress event doesn't fire from inside the cell, and the cell doesn't have a keypress event. You're probably stuck with validating the cell upon leaving and return the focus if the input is invalid. Re: customcontrol numeric only Programming Software Development by ddanbe You could google "keydown event in datagridviewtextboxcell" and find lots of articles on the subject. Re: customcontrol numeric only Programming Software Development by PM312 Actually i want to create custom control for Datageidview which will valadate keypress for numeric values in coloumn 3 and for that i want to put above code in mycustom datagridview . Re: ScriptManagerProxy fun days. Programming Web Development by miculnegru no one ? :) Re: ScriptManagerProxy fun days. Programming Web Development by kvprajapati miculnegru>no one ? Yes, There is no problem with ScriptManager, UpdatePanel, UserControl, and ScriptManagerProxy. If your code doesnot function then post the complete code. Re: ScriptManagerProxy fun days. Programming Web Development by IdanS what are you tring to achive here? try to be more specific and maybe as adatapost said try to put your code in here Re: Can't call a public method of a dynamically loaded WebUserControl Programming Software Development by Momerath Cast it into the type that it is, not UserControl. You should be able to access it then. Re: Can't call a public method of a dynamically loaded WebUserControl Programming Software Development by dimmslider I'm a tad confused... What type can a WebUserControl be cast to if not UserControl? :confused: I'm calling the control to be displayed and the control has some internal logic, which is controlled using the interface on that control. It's just that I need to call one of it's public methods from the parent page as I'm about to display it... […