43 Topics

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Member Avatar for vegaseat

This little code snippet shows you how you save a wxPython canvas drawing to a standard image file.

Member Avatar for Pundia

Hi everyone, I'm in this proyect where I need an area in the form where I can place just dots, then join these dots with an straight line between them. How can I do that? I placed a Picturebox to see functions there but nothing is clear. Any help would …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for ITStrawberry

Hello guys, Can someone help me? I have a scanned document in my system. It's a tiff file. You will see below the code i have written. The problem is that i get an error message. The message is like this "A Graphics object cannot be created from an image …

Member Avatar for codeorder
Member Avatar for Kieran Y5

Hi, I am working on a way to draw a graph with AS3. I have just put my code into different classes. I have a function that draws the graph axis but it doesn't seem to work properly. You will see what I mean in a min. [CODE] public function …

Member Avatar for jackabascal

I am developing software in which I needed to do more elaborate visual styles to a listbox than usual and I used some sample code online. As a good learning programmer should I tried to understand the code when I edited it and for the most part I did, but …

Member Avatar for Geekitygeek
Member Avatar for pi_lord12

I am creating a game in which I import images from files to represent characters, etc. I have created a class called Contents which represents anything that can be placed on a tile of the gameboard. A subclass of Contents (by several levels) is Wizard, to create a wizard character. …

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Member Avatar for pi_lord12

I am working my way through an online book--Intro to Java Programming by David Eck--and in it he says that it is generally considered bad style to use the getGraphics() method to draw outside of a component's paintComponent method. Does anyone know why this is?

Member Avatar for pi_lord12
Member Avatar for pi_lord12

I'm making a JPanel for a game. I want the background to be an imported image, so I set up a ClassLoader to import the image and converted that to a URL. However, that URL appears to be null, as when I try to put the panel into a JFrame, …

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Member Avatar for P.manidas

Dear Sir/Madam, I want to draw a word/sentence over form by coding as like as pencil is drawing in Paint Programe. But in Paint Programe Pencil is handle by user, here i want it to draw automatically. (like somebody is writing his name by Pen/Pencil) Please guide me.

Member Avatar for billmaster
Member Avatar for Nick Evan

[B]Background[/B] I was looking for a simple control in wxWidgets which I could use to plot out [i]some value[/i] against time, but I found that apparently I was the only one that needed that kind of graph. (so I don't know why I'm posting it... but anyway). I decided to …

Member Avatar for callmegood
Member Avatar for RoflNinja

Hello again, got another Java question. I am trying to draw an oval from the Alien class to the Canvas in the Game class. Here is the code [CODE]import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; /** * The Evil Ovals! * * @author Eric Foertsch * @version Nov 2009(1.0.0a) */ public class Alien …

Member Avatar for adams161
Member Avatar for gampalu

Hi, I am trying to implement an applet. The idea is to create the applet, then connect places where I single-click with the mouse with black lines until we give a double-click. With a double-click I should clear the applet. To clear the applet I am trying to set the …

Member Avatar for gampalu
Member Avatar for jhouns

compile using A86 assembler however you can adapt it for any other one easily... It just draws out a 3D like shape. It was annoying to get the angles right but suggestions on improvement to code is appreciated. :) Adequately commented so it is understandable not fully as it is …

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The End.