Re: Why does Dell hate Linux so much? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by mickeydoodle I've just acquired a Dell laptop, it seems to hate Linux! Touch pad doesn't work properly, Wireless won't connect and it's sooo slow! Works fine with Windows! BOOK CONTACTS IN C Programming Software Development by eldesperado …;Email: "); scanf("%s", c); while (strcmp(c, ";")!=0) { shtoMail(head->email, c); printf("Email: "); scanf("%s", c jwSMTP c++ email routines, worked with it? Programming Software Development by Joncamp Has anybody use the jwSMTP c++ email routines, or do you know of a better freeware email c++ app? Re: Send to email C/C++ Programming Software Development by suncica2222 ok,thanks! sorry for being a noob but what I had in mind is one simple function that will send textfile.txt to [email][/email] I downloaded this library but this is a large project,how to use this..??? and its big and is going to make my app has more kb's in size Send to email C/C++ Programming Software Development by suncica2222 I need function that sends to email (text.txt file) in SMTP protocol? I've googled it up but I mostly found C# or VB codes... Can I get a link or code of such function? send email c++ Programming Software Development by Jacky1 I need a way to send email through smtp server ssl secured Programming Language: C++ Platform: Windows XP I need something doesn't involve visual studio Thanks in advance! Re: send email c++ Programming Software Development by Ancient Dragon [URL=""]This might help[/URL] Re: Send to email C/C++ Programming Software Development by kvprajapati You may start to code with [URL=""]Windows [/URL]Mail API (Outlook express). Take a look at VMime, [URL=""] is a free mail library for C++[/URL]. Re: C++ Programming Programming Software Development by TUNG810810 C is different from C++? sorry, i only start learning C two months ago>< I haven't start to work, but I want to know how to start and how the Sleep function work. Thanks Re: C program to construct a divided difference table Programming Software Development by tito4life Hello kindly help send the code to construct a divided difference table with program C for f(x)= cos x, my email is SNIP Re: Sean Email with php from Programming Software Development by countycowpoke …Dim Name As String = "Name" Dim Email As String = "" Dim…;&Name=" & Name & "&Email=" & Email & "&Phone=" & Phone &… [CODE]<?php $a = $_POST['Name']; $b = $_POST['Email']; $c = $_POST['Phone']; $d = $_POST['Address']; echo "$a\… Email problem Programming Software Development by … encode return self._encode_chunks(newchunks, maxlinelen) File "C:\python 25\lib\email\", line 362, in _encode_chunks _max_append(chunks…, s, maxlinelen, extra) File "C:\python 25\lib\email\", line 97, in _max_append L.append… C program address book help Programming Software Development by whoamineo89 …; char address [ADDRESS]; char phone [PHONE]; char email [EMAIL] ; char Target[NAME]; }; //initializing the files … the Program Again \n"); scanf("%c",&choice2); } while(choice2=='y'||choice2… Program Again \n"); scanf("%c",&choice3); }while(choice3=='y'||… Re: C program address book help Programming Software Development by whoamineo89 …{ char name [NAME]; char address [ADDRESS]; char phone [PHONE]; char email [EMAIL]; char Target[NAME]; } addresses[NUMAD]; FILE *AddressBook; FILE *rectemp; int…/Y to Execute the Program Again \n"); scanf("%c",&choice2); } while(choice2=='y'||choice2=='Y'); } } } void… Email harvesting problem Programming Software Development by som3aman …m kinda new at C++ and need help writing a program that finds email addresses in text … (emailads[t] != emailads[k]) //Checking matches of email addresses for each each array element { emailadsnew[z] =… emailads[k]; //Storing unique email addresses in a new array z++ } } } ofstream … Re: Email harvesting problem Programming Software Development by som3aman …n, N, z, pos1; unsigned int j; char c; cout << "Please enter the name…open (file1.c_str()); } while (! source.eof()) { source.get(c); bigstring += c; } n = 0; for (j = 0; j <… element { emailadsnew[z] = emailads[k]; //Storing unique email addresses in a new array z++; } } } for(… Re: C program address book help Programming Software Development by jonsca … { char name [NAME] ; char address [ADDRESS]; char phone [PHONE]; char email [EMAIL] ; char Target[NAME]; } addresses; [/code] In fact you probably want… Re: C program address book help Programming Software Development by abhimanipal Some thing of this sort [code=c] struct test { int x; }t1; t1.x=20 [/code] Re: C program address book help Programming Software Development by jonsca …] { char name [NAME]; char address [ADDRESS]; char phone [PHONE]; char email [EMAIL]; char Target[NAME]; } addresses[NUMAD]; [/code] With this we've… c++ compiler confused by earlier errors bailing out Programming Software Development by manster …zipcode; }; class Person { private: string firstname, lastname, homephone, mobilephone, email; Address address; Date birthdate; public: string getFirstName() { return firstname; }…); getline(infile, homephone); getline(infile, mobilephone); getline(infile, email); infile >> birthdate.month; infile >> … C++ Game Programming Software Development by bernardMax Can you develop C++ game for a university project and provide in a week? I'll pay by PayPal. Please email me at [email]snipped[/email] I will reply an email with requirements. Thanks. C++ prog =*( Programming Software Development by joejoenyc718 …guys, i must right this program in c++ as 50% of my final grade …help me with this real quick pleaseeeee //* Write a C++ program that allows a person to keep entering *…would be * //* AVERAGE = 250/3 = 83.3 Please email me *not-allowed*@daniweb[email=""… Email attachment with web service in Programming Software Development by weeraa … unable to process request. ---> Invalid mail attachment 'C:\Users*******'**". This error occurred due to web service find… path. **So how to send local machine attachment via email?** I just checking out this with internet. But most …the solutions include all code in one program. (send email service part and the client part) But my issue … C++ vector object toString Programming Software Development by nullifyQQ …class SingleAddress { private: string lastName,firstName,strAdd,city,country,email; int postCode,homeNum,mobileNum; public: SingleAddress( string s1…s1; lastName=s2; strAdd=s3; city=s4; country=s5; email=s6; postCode=i1; homeNum=i2; mobileNum=i3; } string … C++ Assignment NEED HELP URGENTLY Programming Software Development by georgioue … which has the key words to deside if an email is spam or ling. One word each line. …Write a C++ program which checks the email collections and prints: <messagecollection messages ="…void Check (vector <string> keywords, string file, int c) { void CheckFile(vector <string> Kwords, string TFile); … C++ emal (Dev-c++) Programming Software Development by …, I wish to know how to send a string through email.[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000][/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Example:[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000… "Hello friend" to [U][EMAIL=""][/EMAIL][/U][/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000][/COLOR] [COLOR… email verification Programming Software Development by rena0514 …id before printing out the new email address. here are my errors: [CODE]c:\users\rena0514\documents\visual studio …, or the operator cannot be called 1>c:\users\rena0514\documents\visual studio 2005\projects\user_id\user_id…userId, email_address, 9); cout<<"Your new email address is"<<userId; return 0; } bool… C++ (Hashing Function Help) Programming Software Development by wale89 … { int id; std::string name; std::string telephone; std::string email; Student* pNext; }; /* The HashTable is a structure of 2 elements…[hashValue].telephone= record->telephone; ht->primeArea[hashValue].email = record->email; } int main(void) { cout<<"Modulo-Division… Re: email verification Programming Software Development by rena0514 …(userId, email_address.c_str(), 9); cout<<"Your new email address is "<<userId<<endl; return… when run: [CODE]Create a user ID: crande Your new email address is Press any key to continue . . .[/CODE… Re: email verification Programming Software Development by rena0514 …;1192998][ICODE]strncpy_s(userId, email_address.c_str(), 9);[/ICODE] copies your email domain into user ID. Whatever was there is overwritten. By… good choice to use.[/QUOTE] how can i append the email domain to the user id? thats what my teacher asked…