9 Topics

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Member Avatar for sophiaya
Member Avatar for pjb999

Someone brought an old floppy disk into the shop that's apparently unreadable. (It's not a mac disk) So far I've found several shareware/demos that don't allow saving of the file. I guess if client's willing to pay, we could buy one, but we only have one machine that even has …

Member Avatar for caperjack
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

When I see an article starting with the sentence saying a company offering free software has urged people to start reaping the benefits of free software, I get this sinking feeling. I mean, they would, wouldn't they - it's a bit like Microsoft saying everyone should get the benefit of …

Member Avatar for John Farrell
Member Avatar for Nemuksis

Hi, i looking to find what would be the best cms + modules to host a kind of freeware site like the following [URL="http://www.androidfreeware.org/"]http://www.androidfreeware.org/[/URL] where users can upload apps, search for apps, detailed list of apps, category etc etc. I know literally any cms can be used, i mostly want …

Member Avatar for Nemuksis
Member Avatar for khess

This Memorial Day weekend reminds us all of those who sacrificed their lives for freedom and to protect a way of life that is based on freedom. While considering the brave men and women who stood up for what is right over the past 250 years, it made me realize …

Member Avatar for Master Rattley
Member Avatar for khess

What the heck is happening in Redmond? Is Microsoft really giving away antivirus software? Yes, friends, it appears that they [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/security_essentials/"]are[/URL]. Come on Microsoft, we really want to hate you. I've carried this Microsoft voodoo doll* around with me for years--stabbing it every time I have to pay money for …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for khess

Today I'm pondering if the current open source model is still valid or if it's outdated. Do we need licensing for open source software? Do we need the GPL, LGPL, APL and all the [URL="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/alphabetical"]other licenses[/URL] that plague...er, [I]grace[/I] us? If your software is free and open source, why bother …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Many of the operating system tools that come with Windows are far inferior to free alternatives, and you can't beat the price. This post looks at some of my favorite free utilities. [URL="http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/"]Firefox [/URL]– Web Browser No round-up of free utilities would be complete without the fabulous Firefox, perhaps the …

Member Avatar for acejames1
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

There’s an old saying, 'What do you want for nothing, your money back?' But the fact is there is lots of good free software out there. Much of it has a much smaller footprint than your typical Windows software from Mega Corporation (you know which companies I’m talking about) and …

Member Avatar for libbylab

The End.