344 Topics

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Member Avatar for Kyle777w

Hello, I've got a question about a project in my operating systems class. The task was to create a program that lets the user choose a variety of cpu scheduling algorithms and simulates them with random data or data from a file. I've already done it for first come first …

Member Avatar for mslittle1

The following is my homework assigment. I have it more or less complete. I would like feedback from the community on what I can improve in the program. Basically, before I hand it in to my professor, I want a fresh pair eyes to take a look at it. There's …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for mslittle1

I need help with my homework assignment. The assignment is write a method DisplayDigits that receives an integer between 1 and 99999 and displays it as a sequence of digits, separating each pair of digits by two spaces. For example, 4562 should appear as 4 5 6 2 I have …

Member Avatar for mslittle1
Member Avatar for Waseemaburakia

I need help with my homework. Out professor doesn't explain anything and i'm struggeling. TMy homework is: Write, test and debug a program which asks the user to enter three floating point numbers and then reports the largest and the smallest of these values. Here is the example program dialog: …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for dnanassy

Hi folks! I need some homework help. I have the following requirements: // Strings required for Homework. String[]strVector = {"octhkeugrk", "fedjigchba", "mnpqdetjhz", "bgxlvfcdaz"}; a) Write code that transforms the string array provided above into a 2 dimensional character matrix, (e.g., char[][] charMatrix;). b) Once in the two dimensional array form, …

Member Avatar for somjit{}
Member Avatar for thewayoftheduck

**Question** You are to design and implement a GUI application that will calculate the price of a pizza, based upon the size, style of crust, and selection of toppings. The price is calculated according to the following rules: • A plain small pizza is $6, medium is $8, large is …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for F_1

// CS 1063 Project 1: Print Text Patterns The Patterns Class Objectives This is one of three major programming projects this semester. You may NOT collaborate on this project. While you may ask for assistance in debugging, this project should be ENTIRELY your own work. [EDITED BY ADMIN ON COPYRIGHT …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for andrew.mendonca.967

Write a program to read the coefficients of a series of quadratic equations from a text file and print the associated roots, or appropriate errors if there are no real roots, to another text file. If a == 0, no solution, and if (b2-4ac) < 0 it has only complex …

Member Avatar for zxz

Hi everyone , i hope someone helps me out. im working my way up step by step learning Java . but no one at the University is helping , they just give us the homework and we have to learn alone.and give the soltution at the end of the week. …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for ConfusedLearner

I am getting an error saying function does not take 2 arugment. Dont know how to fix this. Please help. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; void set_sides(int,int,int&); int main() { int Area, Volume; cout << "Surface Area and Volume of a Cubic Prism. " << endl << "Please …

Member Avatar for NathanOliver
Member Avatar for mical700

Write a program with subclass InterestAccount and CDAccount. The driver program (Account.java) must perform following transactions: 1) Print the name of your bank and yours at the top. 2) Creat an Intrest Account for "Benjamin Franklin" with PIN of 1234 and a starting balance of $100. 3) Creat a CD …

Member Avatar for mical700
Member Avatar for modarbz
Member Avatar for DeanMSands3
Member Avatar for eignhpants

I have a class which includes a constructor that holds hours and speed, getters and setters, and a method which calculates distace using the hours and speed variable. I need this to display a table which takes however many hours the user inputs, then for each hour display a row …

Member Avatar for eignhpants
Member Avatar for cthajeb

Hi, I am writing a sudoku solver program that uses recursion to solve all the empty cells. However, I have no idea why my function did not do anything. I read in my puzzle as double char array and convert it to double int array. My output is : 900020750 …

Member Avatar for krissmwa05

you will write a program to solve linear equations given in upper triangular form. There are N equations, and N unknowns. This is equavalent to the following matrix multiplication [A][X]=[B], where A is a square matrix (N by N), X and B are vectors with size N. Back Substitution: First, …

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Member Avatar for christinocasio

Hello everyone: I am new here. I am taking an entry-level programming class at an online school. We are in our 5th week of pseudocode and learning to use loops and sentininels. I have just completed and individual assignment and was wondering if anyone would be nice enough to look …

Member Avatar for christinocasio
Member Avatar for gangster88

how could i make the function to do the colours red, yellow and green for 5 sec delays and make the loop keep on going? [code] def trafficLights(): win = GraphWin() red = Circle(Point(100, 50), 20) red.setFill("black") red.draw(win) amber = Circle(Point(100, 100), 20) amber.setFill("black") amber.draw(win) green = Circle(Point(100, 150), 20) …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for bellachara

SELECT DISTINCT course.course_no, description FROM course, section WHERE location = 'L210' ORDER BY course_no Here is the problem: Give me a list of courses (by course_no and description) that are taught in room L210 But now find out I need to use the JOIN...ON... syntax Need help redoing that with …

Member Avatar for bellachara
Member Avatar for Johan__

hello this is a homework so please dont give me the answer to the problem. int num1, num2; for (num1 = 1; num1 <= 101; num1++) { for (num2 = 1; num2 <= 101; num2++) { if (num1 / num2 == 5) Console.WriteLine(num1 + "/" + num2); } } Console.ReadLine(); …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for tingwong

Hello everyone, I have a little question regarding a project for my class. We are making a tower defense game with ants and zombies objects for our project. My question is with this piece of code provided to us. /** * Callback invoked when the player attempts to recruit an …

Member Avatar for tingwong
Member Avatar for LSangalli

Hey everyone. I really need help with a question in Python. I have been trying for several days to figure this out. Any help will be much appreciated! Here is the question: Body Mass Index (BMI) is a good indicator of boy fatness for most people. The formula for BMI …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for j.jroxs

my dillema is i dont fully understand this assignment. I also dont know if my array should be inside of class or inside of the void setString method. help import java.util.Arrays; class String { //data members private int SIZE = 25; private [] myString = new array[25]; public void setString( …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for main()

Hello, I would like some help with a problem presented in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sceTbcz_WGc The problem is titled "Extra Credit" and it is near the very end of the video. I managed to complete the first problem, but this one seems a lot harder and I'm not sure where to …

Member Avatar for Despairy
Member Avatar for JWarren1996

All I'm tryin to do is set this up to show the array in the command prompt screen. everything looks good to me, > C:\Users\Work Time\Desktop>javac SearchSource.java but I keep getting this: SearchSource.java:7: error: <identifier> expected System.out.print(); ^ 1 error Heres the program: public class SearchSource { public static void …

Member Avatar for JWarren1996
Member Avatar for godaged

Write a method setRating that reads a rating from the keyboard, insisting that the rating supplied by the user be valid. rating should be 1 to 5; public void setRating(){ System.out.println("enter rating "); int myRating = keyboard.nextInt(); } is this correct? or need to include like this public void setRating(){ …

Member Avatar for godaged
Member Avatar for ren.lowe.9

Sooo yeah. Not one of those derps begging for a solution, but my solution simply isn't working out how I want it to. TLDR; Letters A-T are supposed to obey the number of coulmns entered by the user, then output them. My program obeys the number of coulmns by recognizing …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for shabaaz

I need help to write this program. I dont understand how to do a+bi. Please Help Thank You.

Member Avatar for np complete
Member Avatar for caswimmer2011

Hey, I am trying to use a for loop inside a recusive method, but everytime the method runs recursively, the integer in the for loop resets to zero because of the initialization. Is there anyway to keep the integer counting up, and not resetting to zero? Thanks in advanced!

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for Stupid.Widget

**Hi, I'm a current, beggining java student and I am completely stumped! i have been searching the web for help but i just cant find a solution, nor can I tell if i'm on the right path with my code. For this weeks assignment I have to write a Java …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for tubzz

Dr Mirna always gives True/False tests to her class. Her tests have always 10 questions. The maximum class size is 5. She needs a program that will calculate the students’ grades based on the best grade. Grade A will range from the best score, to the best score minus 2. …

Member Avatar for deceptikon

The End.