4 Topics

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Member Avatar for funnyguy1

Create a class called Invoice with the properties (Part number, Part Description, Quantity and Price). Create appropriate methods and data types. Use the class Invoice and create an array of Invoice objects (Part number, Part Description, Quantity and Price) initialized as shown below: // initialize array of invoices Invoice[] invoices …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for game4tress

I want to create a website to sell software over the internet. I know i can use paypal to receive payments. I've been looking at the paypal documentation and i can't find the answer to my question. I don't have a company, i'm a freelancer doing my own work for …

Member Avatar for reganstar
Member Avatar for game4tress

I want to create a website to sell software over the internet. I know i can use paypal to receive payments. I've been looking at the paypal documentation and i can't find the answer to my question. I don't have a company, i'm a freelancer doing my own work for …

Member Avatar for sufyan2011
Member Avatar for rpv_sen

HI Sorry for opening the thread, i have some issue please help me in solving the below one [B]Javascript[/B] [CODE]<script language="javascript"> function line(elem,amt,res_elem) { var qty=document.getElementById(elem).value; var tot_amt=qty*amt; //document.getElementById(res_elem).value = tot_amt; document.getElementById(res_elem).value = Math.round(tot_amt*100)/100; } </script>[/CODE] PHP [CODE] <?php $cate_code=$_GET['ct']; $civrform=$_GET['vrform']; $site=$_GET['site_name']; $desr="select * from site_rate where category_code='$cate_code' AND sitename='$site' …


The End.