53 Topics

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Member Avatar for Marty1963

I'm pretty new at this still and my boss just gave me a real challenge. Before I get ***too*** stressed about it I thought I'd see if anyone had some ideas. He wants a banner graphic on the top of his e-commerce page to be specific to the region (State/Province) …

Member Avatar for azareth
Member Avatar for desup

Hi, I've got 2 forms, after click on the button I'm hiding first and showing second.. How to put the second form to the same location as first one? I've tried: MMenu m = new MMenu(); // MMenu is the first form this.Width = m.Width; //Width and Height lines are …

Member Avatar for desup
Member Avatar for uurcnyldrm

Hi people, How can I put a JRadioButton wherever I want in a JPanel? I tried setLocation() but it did not change anything. It is still on the north-center part of the panel. I think I'm missing something, but I can't figure it out. Thank you in advance.

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for DanWebb3148

I know how to create a window of a given size. How do I control the placement of items like labels and text boxes in that window?

Member Avatar for DanWebb3148
Member Avatar for LateNightCoder

In my program I read in a text file an decrypt the text from an array. once decrypted i then have to do through it again and search for every tenth array member and show their memory location. The code so far: [CODE] int main( ) { int* pCrypted = …

Member Avatar for LateNightCoder
Member Avatar for ud2008

Ok, first let me explain what I try to do. I have a menu with some items containing a submenu. The submenu's should open when a parent is clicked and contains submenu's, and when traveling to another page (from the item clicked, for example a parent of submenu item), the …

Member Avatar for ud2008
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hi, I have been going round in circles for the past few hours and I need some help please with the following header location. [code]header("location: http://www.websitename/members/securecode/index.php");[/code] I have a login script that works great until i get to line 81 ?? the above header location. here is my script - …

Member Avatar for Kadafiz
Member Avatar for imolorhe

Hello all. I was just designing a web application form that is meant to accept a user's request to use a particular room in a specified period of time. After the user enters his specifications, the application now responds, telling the user if the location specified is available at the …

Member Avatar for mlesniak
Member Avatar for WASDted

[ATTACH=RIGHT]20689[/ATTACH]This week [URL="http://radar.oreilly.com/2011/04/apple-location-tracking.html"]on Oreilly.com, Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden[/URL] revealed their discovery that Apple tracks and saves your location via iOS4 through your iPhone or iPad. This has sent a wripple of concern across the country and many people are demanding to know why Apple stores this info and how …

Member Avatar for matricol
Member Avatar for Cold Shot

Hello community, I was really hoping to get some guidance on a little issue I'm having. I am in the process of building a site for my aunt, I'm mostly self taught and plugging away at building out my first multi page site. Alas I have encountered a problem: I …

Member Avatar for Cold Shot
Member Avatar for ChrisHunter

Hi, At the moment i'm trying to locate xml files to use their content. I would like to be able find all files that have a particular pattern in their name (for example student_James.xml; student_Chris.xml so "student" would be the pattern). I want to be able to do this using …

Member Avatar for gusano79
Member Avatar for Avengerofsok

Hi, This is my first forum post and I'm very new to both the daniweb and programming community. I've been working on a project for a month or so and it involves clicking JButton to change the values of the text associated with the JButton clicked. Everything runs fine except …

Member Avatar for hanvyj
Member Avatar for haribo83

I am looking to build a fairly straight forward internal recruitment site which will include a job search. I need to be able to search on keywords in one field and postcode/location in another similar to guardian jobs ([URL="http://jobs.guardian.co.uk/"]http://jobs.guardian.co.uk[/URL]) Ideally there would also be an option to define radius of …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for CharlieHolt

I am trying to pull coordinates for a form location out of a database and insert them into the Location property: [code] childForm.Location = new Point(/* coordinates go here */); [/code] I have tried doing a direct replacement with the DataSet (which didn't work): [code] childForm.Location = new Point((string)row["location"]); [/code] …

Member Avatar for CharlieHolt
Member Avatar for csanchez62

I have several machines in one building in our company that have issues that seem to come and go. The symptoms are all the same. The machines boot slowly, and then after fully booting, some apps will run, some won't. Sometimes none will, but usually, like Outlook will open, but …

Member Avatar for csanchez62
Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello. I'm new to php and I'm just getting my foot wet. But I've been going through lots of tutorial and I was looking into this google tutorial: [url]http://code.google.com/apis/maps/articles/phpsqlsearch.html#findnearsql[/url] and its what I wanted it to do. Calculate a nearby store locator. But I was curious about how to modify …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for edup_pt

Hi, Im having problems when using the header("Location: filename?args") function to act as a swf file. It works with firefox but not with Internet Explorer. [CODE] <object id="flashfile_obj" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="get_file.php?name=<?=urlencode("test.swf?&test_to_swf=1")?>" width="900" height="500"> <param name="movie" value="get_file.php?name=<?=urlencode("test.swf?&test_to_swf=1")?>"/> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="base" value="_dir" /> </object> [/CODE] The …

Member Avatar for edup_pt
Member Avatar for icntoaun

I need to move a chart from one sheet to another in an Excel workbook, and I am having issues with different versions of Windows and Excel. Here is the code I am currently using: (excelApp is declared correctly) [code]excelApp.Workbooks("Book 1").Sheets("Sheet 1").ChartObjects(1).Chart.Location(2, "Chart 2")[/code] This works perfectly and consistently with …

Member Avatar for ndeniche

Hello Recently I've been started to get curious about mobile development, specially Geolocation applications, how do they work and stuff... Can anyone point me in the right direction? What should I study, any references and things like that... Specially the following: 1.- How to implement the imagery (like, can i …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for Kingcoder210

I need to know how can I use app path? I have a added Shockwave Flash Object control there in my program. However I have added AxShockwaveFlash1(swfla1) there in my form. I have written code there in Form_Load event so that swfla1 will get flash file(.swf) to play. Form_Load event …

Member Avatar for meffe
Member Avatar for Molinski

I have been a happy lurker for some time now, soaking in the abundant knowledge that i have found here. But now I am at my wits end trying to find the solution to what is probably a novice’s oversight. I have a menu that animated with jquery. One of …

Member Avatar for vsmash
Member Avatar for wingers1290

Hi, thanks for all the help with my code so far, I just have one more nagging chink in the chain. This is my code for saving my file which works as expected. [code] Person Bob = new Person(); Bob.CallSign = textBox1.Text; Bob.Freq = textBox2.Text; Bob.Time = textBox3.Text; Bob.fName = …

Member Avatar for wingers1290
Member Avatar for happygeek

So Google has announced a new service that effectively lets you track where your friends are at any time via Google Maps and mobile phones. [URL="http://www.google.com/latitude/intro.html"]Google Latitude[/URL] is either a mobile real time social networking work of genius, or a big brother work of the devil depending upon your viewpoint. …


The End.