457 Topics

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Member Avatar for lil_panda

How do I change the path to the [i]svn[/i] executable Xcode uses, or at least find out which svn executable is being used by Xcode? The version Xcode is using is to old for my repository.

Member Avatar for shotinfo

Hi, I made an introduction in the appropriate place on this forum so I don't want to repeat everything I said there so I will cut to the chase :-). I run a non-profit organisation in Australia which has 9 PCs running a variety of Windows XP and Vista. I …

Member Avatar for Flower girl

Hello guys, Im new in this website, i'd like to ask you a question. I dont know if this is the right place for this question... but any way How do i delete accounts that are saved in the adress box in messenger mac. alot of people used my lap …

Member Avatar for ajwitherby
Member Avatar for Lomoco

I'm having trouble figuring out how to, in REALbasic, have it display the current date and time in a static text box. Do any of you have some miracle code that can save me? Thanks! (PS mods: If there is a better place this thread can be, feel free to …

Member Avatar for simsel
Member Avatar for Max Dob

:-/ I have am getting an Apple Mac Pro Desk Top as well as keeping XP and Vista PC's. I have always been told that Apple Macs do not have the same problem with Virus and Trojans. I have just read at [url]http://www.crn.com/security/208800199[/url] about Two new Apple Trojans. Can anyone …

Member Avatar for jaxjason
Member Avatar for Hysterikz

Like an idiot I deleted the 'Itunes Music Folder' from my computer, but I do have all the songs backed up on an external hard drive. Now in Itunes when I go to click on a song it says file unfound would you like to search for the file. I …

Member Avatar for jaxjason
Member Avatar for Marcia Brehmer

Hi young'uns, I hope you don't mind chatting with "mature" lady (political correct speak for "man, she has a lot of grey hair"). I am a newbie here and feel like I'm in first grade when it comes to computers. I no longer crash my computer on a consistent basis, …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for beezkneez

I have the CD for Microsoft Word X, but I have lost the CD Key. Any advice on how to acquire a new one? Thanks

Member Avatar for fosman

My name is Joe from New York. I hope to learn and share perhaps some info that I have. I have been a PC man and switched to an iMac. I have started to use Dreamweaver CS3 Version 9 Built 3481. On my PC I used FrontPage and was able …

Member Avatar for fosman
Member Avatar for nuebee

I recently got FrontPage 1.0 for Mac. It installs on my G4 but I cannot open FronPage Editor or Explorer. The error message tells me that MicroSoft PortabilityLib---_Calclensertafter can not be found and PortabilityLib---_PopupTracking can not be found. Suggestions????? nuebee

Member Avatar for RET1

I am thinking of upgrading to the 20" Aluminum 320 GB imac. My son plays some PC games; Orange Box games like Portal, Team Fortress will not play on our old PC. I hope 1 mac could run mostly mac os but when needed also run windows. So should I …

Member Avatar for RET1
Member Avatar for jerrardm09

I have Netbeans 6.1 on my Mac Book, but for some reason I don't know how to compile and file for C++. If anyone has any information to help me out, that would be cool, thanks.

Member Avatar for joalancamp

I would greatly appreciate it if anyone knows what program will open old MS Works documents? I have Open Office and it only sorta works. For all docs in Works is doesn't read the date not to mention other stuff. It comes up with garbage, such as: ### #+###n#â– #######)@#############.

Member Avatar for suze3108

Hi there - something fishy is also happening with messenger on my mac... I used it with no problems for a month or so - and suddenly it will let me sign in - I see who is online, I can change my status, and welcome message, but as soon …

Member Avatar for asylum888
Member Avatar for mcenteecom

The Photo Booth on my mac is working sporadically when I try to use the video. It stops recording at random times, sometimes after just a few seconds, sometimes it will capture the entire video. I'm wondering if I can fix this myself, or if I need to take it …

Member Avatar for Gracie

Hello folks. A Mac household has asked me to advise them on how to get their Windows laptop to see their new Apple wireless router. They have some software which is supposed to work the magic, but it hasn't. I do not know too much about Macs and wonder if …

Member Avatar for Gracie
Member Avatar for maccentric

One of our clients is complaining that multiple people are having difficulty opening Microsoft Office Documents (new and old filetypes, .doc and .docx, for example) in a timely matter over AFP or SMB. This occurs in both Office 2004 and 2008. The clients (running Leopard) are accessing these documents from …

Member Avatar for sassa

Watching You Tube or Bloomberg TV feed is a frustrating experience.Download begins and will play for 5 seconds when it stops and recommences download of next section.Is there any way of watching without all the stop and start?Am using Mac OS X.

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for vanwinkles

I have iChat version 4.0.2 on an iMac. I've video chatted with a friend once before (he was also on a Mac with iChat), but I can't seem to connect with my brother, who uses AOL Instant Messenger version on a PC. When one of us sends a video …

Member Avatar for yin_101

Can anyone help me. I have a PC and a Mac. On my PC, I can login into my msn messenger but in my mac, I cannot. I originally was able to login in both computers. I tried throwing away the Microsoft folder in the preference and deleting my msn …

Member Avatar for Gilson Rocha

Hello there Guys, I ve tried two days ago to install Ziphone 3.0 to unlock my ipod touch 1.1.4 version and install third parts appl., but I just have in middle of install a breakout on the pc, so the install was broken. As I had the pc in order …

Member Avatar for victor h

Have you ever thought of changing your tedious Mac theme? I just stumbled upon this site , where there are various styles of Mac theme for you to download for free. For me, I love the Mac theme called Illuminous most. However, I am still clueless as to how to …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for sbv

hi i have developed a project in plain asp. its working smoothly on other OS. but when i am ruining it on mac. Javascript validations are giving problem. Like the textbox validation script. plz help me. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for jerecarrjr

I'm working on a G3 and can't open dmgs. Does anyone have a copy of "Disc image mounter" I can drag into my core services folder. If you do, please email it to me at [email]jereriggs@gmail.com[/email] Thanx, Jere

Member Avatar for RicardoDiaz

Hi, is there any mail client in which I can check mail from a @prodigy.net.mx in Mac? I'm in desperate need of one. Thanks in advanced

Member Avatar for ~s.o.s~
Member Avatar for Katiebatiebabe

Macbook OS X 10.5 2.16 GHz Intel Core 2 duo Photo booth is being a pain in my you know what! It all started on Friday when I got on my Macbook and i didnt have photo booth, idvd and iphoto. I called Apple and they had me re-install these …

Member Avatar for moonbeeme

I just bought a new Mac Book and have safari installed on it and when I try and launch it it will not open - so I am using Firefox. Maybe the two conflict?? Then I also cannot upload any softare updates - tells me that the server timed out …

Member Avatar for John A
Member Avatar for ApolloKnight

Ok, so I feel that im pretty good at using iweb now...but I have a huge problem. iWeb is just too basic. Id like to have some drop down menus, and some nicer looking sites, compared to the basic stuff you can do with iWeb. Is there a way i …

Member Avatar for xxkarisxx343
Member Avatar for parkpointer

Hi, I recently (Nov '06) moved over to an iMac from a Dell pc. The switch was good as newer OS's and hardware was needed. I am a newsletter editor for two separate organizations and a secretary & historian for another. I do a lot of word processing and record …

Member Avatar for rkukmedia

The End.