7 Topics

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Member Avatar for Connavar3

Hi everyone! I have written a server client that receives information, does a database transaction and then sends the result back to the client. My client has requested that they be able to view what was received and what was sent in real time. I have used a JTextArea. The …

Member Avatar for Connavar3
Member Avatar for Hand

Hello. I compiled a basic GUI example written with Qt. When I run with valgrind, it tells that there is memory leak. It is stranger, because at each time I run the app, the number of malloc calls are different. Qt seems nondeterministic. [CODE] #include <QApplication> #include <QPushButton> int main(int …

Member Avatar for MastAvalons
Member Avatar for KunalBhatia

Hii, My Windows XP laptop goes unusually slow after when I open any program (say Internet Explorer) on it after startup. I suspected I am having a heavy startup so I observed my task manager stats. 1. On startup and stabilizing , my RAM usage is normal and it shows …

Member Avatar for skilly
Member Avatar for orlando ramirez

We have constructed a windows service unde W2003 Server in vb.net 2010 to process certain database transactions. It should work 24/7 o the server. However, after 3/4 days it blocks the windows server operation since the memory usage is ever-increasing. After many revisions, we decided to place under "comments" all …

Member Avatar for orlando ramirez
Member Avatar for gianks

Hi all, i've to make an introduction of what am i doing before start making questions. The goal of my work is to create an application quite like an IDE, for specific program development ( always in C++ ) and testing. Since the need of execute these programs under the …

Member Avatar for sfuo

Hey guys I have come up with a solution for the problem I have but I would like to know how I could do this the way I initially had it set up but without the leak of course. vec3f.h [CODE]class vec3f { public: GLfloat _x, _y, _z; vec3f(){}; vec3f( …

Member Avatar for mike_2000_17
Member Avatar for Shreeravi

I have a situation where I have to scan some FTP Servers every 5 seconds to check for some specific files and download them if they exist. I use a Shell script to do FTP download operation and call it using C++ system call in a separate thread. (I am …


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