2 Topics

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Member Avatar for Nutster

Here is a class I wrote to manage the MRU in a VB.Net application am writing. I did not find a build-in class in Visual Studio or on-line that did not look like a pain to use, so I made my own. While I have some 30 years of programming …

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Member Avatar for x38class

I have found the following post re this issue does any body have any idea which is correct 1. [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Comdlg32] "NoFileMru"=dword:00000001 2.HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer Value Name: NoRecentDocsMenu Value Type: REG_DWORD Value Data: 0 or 1 0 = Yes, allow recent docs 1 = No, do not allow recent docs Value Name: ClearRecentDocsOnExit …


The End.