7,368 Topics

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Member Avatar for ptara1

So I'm trying to transfer a longblob from one data table to another. All the other data is transferring however the longblob isn't. I know it is getting up loaded to the temp table because the longblob column show s there is data in it. here is the snippet of …

Member Avatar for sjsnider
Member Avatar for gikonyo

am designing a database of which i want to increment no starting 70000 ever time a new record is updated in the table. i have the following columns order_no,urgency,cost_per_item,total_cost. therefore i want the order_no to be generated automatically starting from 70000. how do i set the database to auto increment.

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for 9tontruck

Hi, I am using Korean based windows7 and have been playing with wordpress. And I just noticed my mysql (localhost) does not sotre any languages except english!! Every foreign language turns into "????". What should I do to fix it??

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for rahulroshan

Hi, I was making PHP-SQL code to automatically update the database by using the webpage interface, Eg: To evaluate answer sheets, 1)So from the database automatically the row (Questions and answers) are fetched from database 2)The evaluator evaluates and enter the marks and it gets updated in database. The problem …

Member Avatar for RicardoE

Hello dear community, I have a problem which I have no idea how to walk around, see I have a really large database, with france zip codes, I imported this data from excel. the thing is that when it imported all the zip codes starting by 0 are not starting …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for Pragati.rch

trigger i am wrting on mysql table i have a tool in which i am calcultaing marks 140 atomic questions and now i want add 4 questions marks and assign to one major questions. how should i approach it. begin ("$value.governance and accountability") = ("$value.existence of a governing board") + …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for jakeray

This is basically what i need. I need users to select a manufacturer to post on a classified ad. When the users make the selection I need that information processed and sent to the page I point it to permanently for other users to see. The same for any user …

Member Avatar for kevindougans
Member Avatar for abc_123abc

hh.. how can i get the value accumulated from the date i select from datetimepicker1 to datetimepicker2 in vb.net and mysql? the value here refers to the daily sales and i need to find the total sales between the range dates that i choose.. please help me..as im beginner and …

Member Avatar for gd740
Member Avatar for andarivaadu1

[CODE]<?php $author_id = $_GET['author']; $subject = $_GET['subject']; $pubtype = $_GET['type']; $year = $_GET['year']; $college = $_GET['college']; $department = $_GET['department']; $keyword = $_GET['keyword']; $keyword = mysql_real_escape_string($keyword); $subject = mysql_real_escape_string($subject); $year = mysql_real_escape_string($year); //If any of the fields were left blank, we will assign % to the variable to use as wildcards …

Member Avatar for joehms22
Member Avatar for AngieS

With the code below I have the plant information printing out first and then all of the availability printing out last. Is there any way I can get both printing together, but not have duplicate pictures and information for the numerous sizes that sometimes list per plant. Ex. Buxus Green …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for BenCraven

Hi, I'm fairly new to php and sql, and was wondering if this question could be easily answered, I'll do my best to be as concise as possible; I have a table within a database that I'm using to return basic searches for my company to find specific products, i.e …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for imobby

I am making a project for my client who needs a system that has to have a user interface (an Asp website) and a Manager interface (a C# app). the twist is that no matter how many new users sign up or edit their account via website or the manager …

Member Avatar for adam_k
Member Avatar for workwithphp

hello i want to seprate values display by my while loop.The result is 200,900. i want to slpit as 200 and 900. i used the explode function but only return the value on exmple[1] index not on zero but i want to get the value '200' also is there any …

Member Avatar for diestro

Hi, Having some trouble getting it all together. I have a table in which i need to get Distinct names based on latest date. This is what the table looks like; Table Scores; [CODE] --------------------------------------------------------------------- | Name | Date | High Score | Medium Score | Low Score | --------------------------------------------------------------------- …

Member Avatar for diestro
Member Avatar for Frankey

i am looking for some advice on what is the best approach to get this done :) my datababase holds a table categories with the columns [CODE]|category_id|category_name|category_parent_id|[/CODE] i am showing my users a html sortable table with the following columns |category_id|category_name|category_parent_name| so what i want, is to do a ORDERBY …

Member Avatar for Frankey
Member Avatar for workwithphp

There are two table from which i want to get value 1. heads 2. subheads The field names in heads table is: id, head_name the field name in subheads table is: id,subhead_name. i want to get value from these two table when the value mean id is '1' i wrote …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for json101

Need help to [B]update 2 rows in the same table[/B], been searching & testing with no real luck. I need to update 2 rows based on the URL below... [ICODE]id=145&contactuname=json101&contactid=7&memberid=1&confirm=2[/ICODE] Updating these fields: [ICODE]ustatus, memberid, contactid, contactuname[/ICODE] Table structure: [CODE]CREATE TABLE `contacts` ( `id` INT(40) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `ustatus` TINYINT(1) …

Member Avatar for json101
Member Avatar for Lindsie

[B]I am a newbie so please be kind.[/B] I have put together a form using multiple queries which pulls information from MySQL tables that are joined by ID number. It displays the info in a form so updates can be made. I cannot get it to update more than one …

Member Avatar for newbie14

Dear All, I have data coming into my db at quite a high frequency. Once I recieve the data I have many different db operation (select, update)checking and one final insert. Before inserting I will check it exist before or not? The problem at times the similar data comes apart …

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Member Avatar for t1suka

Hello, I've been trying to code a TrueSkill calculator using Java that fetches scores and updates them in a MySQL database. I finished coding it however it appears to have a problem while executing. This is an example of what I want the output to be like: [QUOTE]connecting to database …

Member Avatar for t1suka
Member Avatar for shanker31

Hello every1, i need some help.. I have a table member with atributes: no int primary key, name varchar(255) [CODE]create procedure insert_table3(in last int,in name varchar(255)) begin set autocommit=0; set @x=0; lock table member as m1 write; start transaction; repeat insert into member values(@x+1,name); set @x=@x+1; until @x > last …

Member Avatar for riahc3

Hey Lets say I have 2 columns in table1 Id Value Id is obviously primary but I want Value to be unique.... I tried "NOT EXISTS" with a subquery but I cant really seem to get it to work. It would be something like [CODE]INSERT INTO table1(value) WHERE VALUES('3'); [/CODE] …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for JesuZ

I'll should select first records from table one, where's id column included. And I'll should select all records from table two, where parent_id column matches table one record id value. Ofcourse could make with two separated searches, when printing table one info, but would be nice to handle all with …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for apatuka

Grettings everyone, im trying to create a stored procedure but it gives me the following error: 1339 Case not found for CASE statement Here is the code: [CODE]BEGIN #Routine body goes here... CASE @olds WHEN 'emp' THEN CASE @news WHEN 'loc' THEN UPDATE equipos SET pe=pe-1,pg=pg+1 WHERE id=@eqloc; UPDATE equipos …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for JamesPublic

Hi all, I'm decoding a JSON object into an array and then inserting it into a database, which informs markers on a google map. That step is working fine, but I'm now trying to insert code to (a) read whether the latitude value in the array is null, (b) send …

Member Avatar for JamesPublic
Member Avatar for shanker31

Hello every1, I want to ENTER Sr.No. and Name in the table using procedures. My table has attributes 1. Sr.No. (which is my primary key(int datatype)) 2. Name (which is not null(string datatype)) I want to write a procedure in mysql to automate the process of entering data in the …

Member Avatar for smantscheff
Member Avatar for strongpot

I have two tables. tbl_clients and tbl_projects. They both contain auto incremented primary key columns. For adding new projects to tbl_projects, I use tbl_clients' clientname field to populate a dropdown menu on the new projects html form. The user chooses a client name from the menu, and the primary key …

Member Avatar for strongpot
Member Avatar for bangla

Hi, Someone pls correct the error. [CODE]SELECT orderid, merchant, buyprice, commission, refund, (buyprice - refund) as expenseOrder , (commission - expenseOrder ) as profitt FROM business WHERE merchant LIKE "GO%"[/CODE] error: MySQL said: Documentation #1054 - Unknown column 'expenseOrder' in 'field list' Thanks.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Tunnleram

I'm pull gaming stats from a database, but I'm having issues with one of the cases and I can't seem to figure out why. The first two cases work fine, but the last one just returns null. What's strange is when I replace the third case with one of the …

Member Avatar for k1robert
Member Avatar for desmond_ckl

Hi experts, im new to coding and i really need help for this. i have done a shopping cart calculation using javascript my question now is, HOW TO SEND JAVASCRIPT VALUE INTO DATABASE (MYSQL) ?? [CODE] <?php require_once 'library/config.php'; require_once 'library/cart-functions.php'; $action = (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] != '') ? $_GET['action'] …

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The End.