Re: A reliable way of detecting AI content? Hardware and Software Cloud-based Apps by Reverend Jim … note, I read recently about some researchers using a "needle in a haystack" test on an AI. They buried… Needle which show's car speed can we use in vb Programming Software Development by jatinder_44 Needle which will show fluxation when receving data ,as it show's the car speed .Is there is any control in vb. can anybody give some info on this. wating for rply Re: Needle which show's car speed can we use in vb Programming Software Development by Prozeen [URL=""]Something like this?[/URL] Re: Needle which show's car speed can we use in vb Programming Software Development by AV Manoharan Fundamentally commputers are of two kinds. Analog and Digital. I hope you are using a digital computer. The signals produced by a speedo meter is analog in nature. An instrument that can translate this analog in to digital if attached-you can read the input. In modern cars a computer does it- to warn the driver to reduce the speed when a … Re: Needle which show's car speed can we use in vb Programming Software Development by QVeen72 [quote=Prozeen;390355][URL=""]Something like this?[/URL][/quote] So, Why dont u down load from that Code Guru Website and use it.. its a very good Example... and quite simple Regards Veena Re: Finding a string within a string (Needle and Haystack c++) Programming Software Development by Gonbe …two times. */ const string HAYSTACK = "abbaabbaabb"; const string NEEDLE = "abba"; int counter = 0; /* A custom compare… h_it(HAYSTACK.begin()), h_end(HAYSTACK.end()); string::const_iterator n_it(NEEDLE .begin()), n_end(NEEDLE .end()); h_it = search(h_it, h_end, n_it, n_end, compare_fun… Finding a string within a string (Needle and Haystack c++) Programming Software Development by Joemeister … code on how to make it simpler to find the needle in the haystack for example "abbaabbaabb", "abba…" - the needle, "abba" is found 2 times in the haystack… Re: Finding a string within a string (Needle and Haystack c++) Programming Software Development by Joemeister … n = 0; string::size_type strSize = 0; while ( (strSize = haystack.find (needle,strSize) ) != string::npos ) { strSize++; n++; //case sensivity? } return n; BUT… Re: Finding a string within a string (Needle and Haystack c++) Programming Software Development by NathanOliver If you call transform on both haystack and needle and have them both lower case then it should work. Re: Finding a string within a string (Needle and Haystack c++) Programming Software Development by tapananand First of all this code is wrong. But before that let me describe how one expects this to work. The find function in string class returns the index where the substring starts in the original string. The finding starts from the index starting at the second argument which is optional. find returns the constant string::npos if string is not found. So … Re: Finding a string within a string (Needle and Haystack c++) Programming Software Development by NathanOliver The way I have done it is like: size_t pos = 0; int counter = 0; // loop untill substrng is not found. while ((pos = strng.find(subStrng, pos)) != std::string::npos) { counter++; pos++; // increment pos so we dont duplicate the last search. } I am writing this from memory so there might be a bug I am … Re: Finding a string within a string (Needle and Haystack c++) Programming Software Development by NathanOliver You need to transform the strings to all lower case. You can use this to do that. string input = "AbAbbAbBBaAA"; transform(input.begin(), input.end(), input.begin(), ::tolower); Re: Finding a string within a string (Needle and Haystack c++) Programming Software Development by Joemeister Yeah, what I realised is that "Th" should be considered the same as "th"... Will that code still work in that case? Re: Finding a string within a string (Needle and Haystack c++) Programming Software Development by Joemeister It was as simple as converting both strings into upper or lowercase and then compare it. Huge thanks to all who contributed! error in my string code. Programming Software Development by kireol …] int main () { char thevalue[1024]; char needle[25]; char haystack[2048]; memset(thevalue,0,sizeof(…thevalue)-1); memset(needle,0,sizeof(needle)-1); memset(haystack,0,sizeof(haystack)-1… int getvalue(char * thevalue, char * haystack, char * needle) { char * pch; char temp[2048]; int templength=0… How do I make a recursive GetEnumerator() ? Programming Software Development by JohnPool …n is: [CODE] void MoveTower0 (int n, Needle start, Needle finish, Needle temp) { if (n > 0) {…{ private set; get; } public Move (int n, Needle start, Needle finish, Needle temp) { N = n; Start = start; Finish…CODE] varStack.Push (new Move (n, Needle.A, Needle.B, Needle.Temp)); MoveTower1 (); [/CODE] The next… PHP-SearchText Highlight Function Programming Web Development by sujithfem … own case... [CODE]function ShowPowerHighlight($Text,$Needle) { for($j=0; $j< count($Needle); $j++){ if ($Needle[$j] != "") { $TextTemp = ""… developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases" ; $Needle= array ("0" =>"PHP","1… Re: PHP-SearchText Highlight Function Programming Web Development by sujithfem … own case... [CODE]function ShowPowerHighlight($Text,$Needle) { for($j=0; $j< count($Needle); $j++){ if ($Needle[$j] != "") { $TextTemp = ""… developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases" ; $Needle= array ("0" =>"PHP","1… How to handle error C2664 Programming Software Development by octavia …; //char *M,*S; int result; //int stripos(char *haystack,char *needle,int offset); //clrscr(); //// User data entry //// cout<<"…,position; while(*haystack!=0) { if(needle[0]==*haystack) while(*needle!=0) { if(needle[i] ==0) return position; if(needle[i] !=haystack[i]) break; } haystack… Pointers Programming Software Development by DaMaskMan2 . What wrong with the following code segment? int* = needle; needle = new int; *needle 100; cout << *needle; needle = new int; *needle = 32; cout << *needle; Re: Pointers Programming Software Development by phfilly int* = needle doesn't make sense and *needle 100 have you even tried running it in a compiler? problem with php code line Programming Web Development by premier213 …hrs.':'.$mins.':'.$secs; } /** * Looks for the first occurence of $needle in $haystack and replaces it with $replace. * * @access public … false) { return $haystack; } return substr_replace($haystack, $replace, $pos, strlen($needle)); } /** * get full text format of given string * * @access public… Mobile Compasspro Programming Mobile Development by millroy … class bkcanvas extends Canvas implements LocationListener { Image compass; Image needle; Image bk; Image gps; Image nogps; boolean gpsb; double… gpss(g); } public void rotation(Graphics g){ g.drawImage(needle, 0, 20,0); } public void gpss(Graphics g){ if… drop down menu crash when quckly move on and out Programming Web Development by azegurb ….offsetParent; } return totaloffset; }, css:function(el, targetclass, action){ var needle=new RegExp("(^|\\s+)"+targetclass+"($|\\s+)", "…;ig") if (action=="check") return needle.test(el.className) else if (action=="remove") el… C-Style Input/Output Programming Software Development by balla4eva33 … do so: [B]char *strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle);[/B] I want this to return NULL if the… needle string is not found in the haystack string and otherwise …return the pointer to where the needle is returned. I was hoping someone could help me find… On demand JS ? how to implement? Programming Web Development by Inny …doc.body; } /* function getElementsByClassName(needle) { var xpathResult = document.evaluate('//*[@class = needle]', document, null, 0, null);…+ " "; if (c.indexOf(" " + needle + " ") != -1) return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; } return… [SPLIT] String function not working Programming Software Development by somshridhar … in this haystack with needles."); string str2 ("needle"); size_t found; // different member versions of find …); if (found!=string::npos) cout << "first 'needle' found at: " << int(found) <<…; endl; // let's replace the first needle: st.replace(st.find(str2),str2.length(),"preposition"… Re: [SPLIT] String function not working Programming Software Development by somshridhar … in this haystack with needles."); string str2 ("needle"); size_t found; // different member versions of find …); if (found!=string::npos) cout << "first 'needle' found at: " << int(found) <<…; endl; // let's replace the first needle: st.replace(st.find(str2),str2.length(),"preposition"… find error Programming Web Development by Shikha_1 … a way to find all the indices of a given $needle in $haystack. There is at least one bug in the… and fix the bug(s). <?php function findAllIndices($haystack, $needle) { $indices = array(); while ($index = strpos($haystack… count of substrings. append method Programming Software Development by kouty … """ # On introduit les deux variables de chaine needle = input("segment = ") haystack = input("chaine = ") # On… nomme leurs longueurs respectives. l = len(needle) h = len(haystack) # On transformes les variables en listes. nou…