1,826 Topics

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Member Avatar for ooglez

Hi, I'm currently working on a turbo pascal program. I'm creating a game, and were wondering if there was a way to set a timer. This would be done so the user has a limited time to complete the task. I'm only a beginner, so much help is appreciated.

Member Avatar for hani odwan
Member Avatar for HellGuard

Hello Guys, i have problem in my project, i'm using WIN API when i make the CreatewindowEx like this: [B]Handle:= CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW,'Classname','Title',WS_SYSMENU or WS_VISIBLE,0,0,80,80,0,0,Instancia,nil); [/B] the socket dont work [IMG]http://www.devarchive.com/forum/images/smiles/icon_exclaim.gif[/IMG] and if make it like this: [B]Handle:= CreateWindowEx[/B][B](WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW,'Classname','Title',WS_SYSMENU or WS_VISIBLE,1,1,80,80,1,1,Instancia,nil);[/B] the socket work and everything ok! so whats the problem with …

Member Avatar for Micheus
Member Avatar for nsan

whati s wrong with this loop? procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin var j: Integer; for j:=1 to 5 do begin ShowMessage('Box: '+InToStr(j)); [B]end;[/B] end. i also added one more end; after second last [B]end;[/B] but nothing changed. iam new to Delphi and it is frustrating:mad: i receive the following errors [Error] …

Member Avatar for nsan
Member Avatar for salgau_catalin

I'm tired of searching and I'm going to ask people. I´m trying to write a problem evaluation program. I´m working under Linux. What I need is a way to start another file, time it with very high accuracy(would be nice if it could report CPU time and user time), check …

Member Avatar for Katrix36

Hey everyone I'm just making an advanced version of notepad. When you come accross a file that you haven't got a program assigned to that particular file extension, you can right click on the file, go to open with, and then choose a program to open the file. e.g. notepad. …

Member Avatar for klomar

There are a few sscanf procedures people have written to be equivalent to the C function. I am looking for anyone with experience using any of these procedures (I will be using with Delphi 7), and any issues you may have found. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Katrix36

Hey all, Would anyone be able to help me out with some code to convert text into binary / binary into text? Your help would be much appriated. Katrix36

Member Avatar for Katrix36
Member Avatar for spoonhead

I keep getting this can you guys look at my code and see whats up PROGRAM LargeandSmall; USES Wincrt; {*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var Nums:Array[1..10] of INTEGER; Largest:INTEGER; Smallest:INTEGER; menuchoice:INTEGER; i:INTEGER; anykey:CHAR; {*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PROCEDURE initialise; VAR i:INTEGER; BEGIN FOR i:=1 to 10 DO num[i]:=0 Largest:=0; Smallest:=32767; End; {*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ FUNCTION get_menu_choice; VAR i:INTEGER; choice:integer; …

Member Avatar for nvanevski
Member Avatar for Enee

I am converting a program that was written in Turbo pascal, over 10 years ago, to excel VBA. At the moment, I an going through line by line, converting the program. Is there are simplier way of achieving the goal? Does anyone know of any convertor or compiler out there? …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for Katrix36

Hi all, Is it possible to block all internet traffic/activity like a firewall? If so how, could someone please help me? Katrix36

Member Avatar for Katrix36
Member Avatar for vjp

hello Can anyone send me a link of a component that allows me to change system date or time? thanks.

Member Avatar for Katrix36
Member Avatar for Katrix36

Hey all, Would anyone be able to help me out with some code to count how many characters there are in a string e.g. A label disaplys the number of characters that the user has typed into a memo. Katrix36

Member Avatar for daycartes
Member Avatar for Katrix36

Hi all, I'm trying to create an onscreen keyboard for Microsoft word. At the moment, my onscreen keyboard can send any keystroke to microsoft word as long as the document is called "Document1". Is it possible to send a keystroke to any microsoft document of any title not just "Document1"? …

Member Avatar for daycartes
Member Avatar for daycartes

Hello folks and greetings, I have been working on a program that inputs foreign accents into MSword. I have been trying to extend this so that it will input into the last app, be it publisher powerpoint excel , notepad etc. What I am looking for, then, is help with …

Member Avatar for Red7

Hi there, I’m currently doing an assignment at University, I have been set a task that includes loading the contents of a .dat file into an array of records. So far I’ve managed to get ‘something’ loaded into the array of records, but when this is displayed in a list …

Member Avatar for mrmike
Member Avatar for sbedford

Hi Just wondering if it is possible to do this? I have a form that auto-resizes dependent on the resolution of the pc it is run on, but at some resolutions, the windows taskbar overlaps the form buttons. Is there any way to hide the windows taskbar, or do I …

Member Avatar for raam
Member Avatar for mrmike

I've mad a small program to log events to the event logs, but have come across an issue I can log to both Application and System, but unable to log to the security log does anyone know if you can log to the security log or not thanks mrmike

Member Avatar for mrmike
Member Avatar for jclui

pls help me on this problem: "Allow a user to accept a positive even number. Number is distributed around the loop. The sum of two consecutive number is a prime number." hope for you all to help me,, im graduating student, i need to do this problem, for me to …

Member Avatar for mrmike
Member Avatar for nawal

hi, plz help me, I want program in delphi to work connection (dialup) between two pc using modem( telephone number) and transfer file or data from pc to another pc (one pc is client and another server) thank you nawal

Member Avatar for Lord Soth
Member Avatar for Katrix36

Hi all, I have a listbox that displays a list records from a file. The records contain details about a film - title, certificate, genre, whether or not its rented out or in. At the moment, when a film is set to - rented out, that individual film is put …

Member Avatar for Lord Soth
Member Avatar for Latent

Hello, I know I am new to the Board but I need help. I have these programes to designand I need to know how to code in them in Pascal. All I ask, if it is possible, is for a sample answer if it is possible. I am not that …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for h2odog

We are using TMT Pascal 5.01 and have been experiencing input console problems with components of a particular piece of software. Requests for help from [email]support@tmt.com[/email] have gone unanswered. Keyboard strokes do not echo to the screen nor terminate (carriage return) properly – seemingly locking up the computer, necessitating a …

Member Avatar for WarKirby

Using Borland Pascal- Making a program to read in names and sales figures from text file and then (amongst other things) find the average of the sales and compare all the sales figures to the average. The problem is, only the last entry in the text file comes out for …

Member Avatar for Lord Soth
Member Avatar for PCHelp

I found example how get process exe path: uses PsAPI, TlHelp32; // portions by Project Jedi [url]www.delphi-jedi.org/[/url] const RsSystemIdleProcess = 'System Idle Process'; RsSystemProcess = 'System Process'; function IsWinXP: Boolean; begin Result := (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion = 5) and (Win32MinorVersion = 1); end; function IsWin2k: Boolean; begin Result …

Member Avatar for Lord Soth
Member Avatar for rcwally

I have the worst time deciding on VAR statements. I am trying to write a program to establish a "bounciness" index equal to the original height divided by the bounce height of a ball. I get the basics of the FOR looping, but my VAR statements just don't make sense, …

Member Avatar for muhanena
Member Avatar for elfman

Hello, I try to use dual monitor system in my Pascal (Free Pascal exactly) programs. I'm able to use the system, where there is VGA card as primary and the Hercules as secondary graphic card (it starts in text mode, so I can write to the $b000 immediately and it …

Member Avatar for rcwally

Please help me with the End on this problem. I just can't seem to finish it off properly. I keep getting a parse error on the last End. program ValueParameters (input,output); {Author: Cheryl Wahlheim Class: CS241XP Assignment: User Income and Tax Rate procedure} Var income, taxrate, totaltaxdue : real; response …

Member Avatar for mrmike
Member Avatar for peachy

I am trying to finish (start) an assignment and I can't get passes what should be a simle parse error. It shows up on the case line of the information function. I have to get rid of it to continue on... and I have tons more to do... Any one …

Member Avatar for rcwally
Member Avatar for Stoney

There is a problem my professor assigned. It's not suppose to be complicated but I can't grasp the concept. I can grasp it in the english language but if I turn it into Pascal, I have no idea what to do. Here's the problem and what I have created in …

Member Avatar for Stoney
Member Avatar for Katrix36

Hi all, I'm making a on-screen keyboard, for a group of disabled students. I've managed to complete the keyboard but i'm wanting to have an option to set the level of transparentcy. At the moment the alphablend value (the level at which the form is transparent) is set to 150. …

Member Avatar for pty

The End.