1,826 Topics

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Member Avatar for alex.myrick.39

I am working in Turbo delphi using VCL for aplication and I am in an urgent need of someone explaning me how to draw curves for parabolic shot. I need to learn how to make the line in a slow motion making it draw the flight from the starting point …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for alex.myrick.39

Hey guys I have a question and I hope someone can answer it. I've been having many problems in trying to find an answer to if I would be able to load a Turbo Delphi project I made this year into my ipod touch.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for alex.myrick.39

Why doesn't my Turbo Delphi project run in the Delphi XE?? Can someone please answer me this! I realy need it to work if not I'll have to do it all over again. :S

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for cucolino

Hy there. I have some code where I store data for 365 records (for every day in a year) in delphi, some kind of list as far as I understood (a good man!!! Sir Rufo on stackoverflow helped me with that part of code, writing whole example for me! Thanks …

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Member Avatar for alex910TN

I got another question. I am passing an array of characters to a function, but when i get into the function, before doing anything I want to make sure that the array was passed in correctly so I attempt to print the contents and it does nothing. So i assume …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for alex910TN

Hey guys. I have the following loop structure condition statement: while ( ord(UpperCaseWords[i]) >= ord('A') and ord(UpperCaseWords[i]) <= ord('Z')) do Problem: When a compile, I get an error saying: "Error: Incompatible types: got "BOOLEAN" expected "LONGINT" " using Dev-Pascal 1.9.2. Description: UpperCaseWords = PACKED ARRAY of Characters that may contain …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Blousey17

1. I need to store numerous records in one binary file. Each of the records needs to include a name and an answer to a question. I know how to set up and add one record but how do i set it up so that I can add others at …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for hanzo2001

Hello I have been trying to get past certein exercises in Pascal but for some reason I always run into problems that I don't understand. I have the following (synthesized) TYPE Triangle = RECORD x, y, z : word; END; Triangles = ARRAY OF Triangle; {more code} TriangleSize : integer …

Member Avatar for hanzo2001
Member Avatar for John B.

I assume this is simple enough, when you know how :) I retrieve 2 files, pricelist with multiple information such as number, price, desciption and so on, the 2. file is discount file, with 2 fields : discountcode;discount like G30;48 which means discountcode = G30 which equals 48% I have …

Member Avatar for John B.
Member Avatar for Asuna kyoko

Program random_no (input, output) ; Const m=100000000; m1=10000; q=31415821; Var i, p, No: integer; function mult(r, s: integer) : integer; Var r1, r0,s1,s0: integer; begin r1 :=r div m1 ; r0:=r mod m1 ; s1 :=s div m1; s0:=s mod m1; mult:=( ((r0*s1+r1*s0) mod m1)*m1+r0*s0) end ; function random : …

Member Avatar for deceptikon
Member Avatar for Swith

I have been trying to write a program in Pascal (free pascal compiler, Lazarus IDE) that solves an uncompleted entered sudoku. I am moderately new to programming/pascal/lazarus, and so I have no idea how to use the debugging features. I have read through the code several times but I can't …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for davecoventry

I'm trying to port opensource C++ code into my own Pascal application. Specifically, I'm using libredwg source to read an AutoCAD drawing file so that I can extract text attributes and populate a database using Lazarus. char* copy_bytes_16(char *dst, char *src) { *(uint64_t*)dst = *(uint64_t*)(src + 8); *(uint64_t*)(dst + 8) …

Member Avatar for triumphost
Member Avatar for MikalT

I am trying to open an instance of Excel 2007 and load some text into a new file's cells (such as a list of something) through my Delphi4 program. I have already tried the ShellExecute and ComObj (variant) methods. ShellExecute works fine on the Windows XP platform, but not on …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for DelphiGuy

Basically I have a Delphi application which downloads some data on run time, it basically executes Form.OnCreate; and then ENABLES a TTimer component to do the downloading. This has been working fine for me as at least the user sees the interface whilst it's loading but now I have a …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for turbomen

Code a decision using an IF, THEN, ELSE statement (2 branch decision) Code a one branch decision using a null else statement The following is my answer: [CODE] program Negatives; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} uses SysUtils, ourcrt; var balance, posNeg:integer; begin randomize; writeln ('Generating your bank balance'); writeln ('Please wait .....'); sleep …

Member Avatar for htir
Member Avatar for cmicolis

In other threads I read that Delphi is not prepared, as a net for today, but the comparison was made on VCL in Delphi 7. Actually, the latest version of Delphi and its library is XE3 is FireMonkey I had seen the comparisons between C # and Delphi. I try …

Member Avatar for DelphiGuy

Basically I'm running into issue, I have a Global Keyboard hook in a DLL, whenever it captures a key it uses WMCopyData to send the keycode over to the MAIN application. The problem is when the main application gets the key code it seems to be corrupt/changes in value. Here …

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Member Avatar for trashed

Hi all. I have a radio group with a bunch of possible selections. User has to select one of the options in order to go on. Is there any faster way than a for loop iterating through the single buttons to verify one has been checked? Thanks

Member Avatar for DelphiGuy
Member Avatar for TerenceZ

I have a Delphi 2010 DLL using AnyDAC (version 6.0.2 (build 2653)) TADTable components. When I SetRange on any table in a PostgreSQL database, I get "Assertion Failure" error. This only happens in the dll - copying the code to a simple exe, I don't get the error. I am …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for spj-Athlon

I want to control an external program from Delphi, so I spawn a process using CreateProcess. Based on ideas I adopted from Neil Rubenking, I then create a menu tree using TTreeView. The items in this tree are clickable, and clicks can also be emulated by me sending keyboard events …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for trashed

Hi all. I'm creating a cxDBgrid at runtime and I need to set all the cells in a column to be TcxSpinEdit (because I'm then exporting the grid to excel and I want the number format to be preserved). How can I do it? Thanks!

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for PeterVrist

Hi there. I'm having a strange problem. I have a TTimer on my main form that should trig 500 msec. after the form is created. It works fine when I run from IDE, but when I run it on other W7 PC's the main form is created, but the timer …

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Member Avatar for Steve97

Program PRG3; Var { Declaring Varaibles } FileIn:text; FileOut:text; SECTION_NUMBER:string[5]; STUDENT_ID:string[9]; LAST_NAME:string[20]; FIRST_NAME:string[10]; RAW_SCORE:real; STUDENT_COUNT:integer; AVERAGE_SCORE:integer; AVERAGE_GRADE:integer; Percent:real; more_rec:boolean; {end of file flag} Computed_grade:integer; Grade:real; procedure read_record; begin if not Eof(fileIn) then readln(SECTION_NUMBER,STUDENT_ID,LAST_NAME,FIRST_NAME,RAW_SCORE) else more_rec := False end; {read record} procedure print_header; begin writeln(fileout,Space(14),'COMPUTE GRADE'); writeln(fileout,space(17),'SECTION','SECTION_NUMBER'); writeln(fileout); writeln(fileout,space(9),'LAST_NAME',space(11),'FIRST_NAME',' RAW_SCORE',' COMPUTED_GRADE'); …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi, I am starting to learn Pascal as a personal project but need an IDE/compiler. Does anybody know of a good IDE+compiler in one that they use which has the usual features like line numbers and decent debuggers. Also I need a compiler which is not written in C or …

Member Avatar for finalist
Member Avatar for muhd.ardany1

hello..i got a probem here.. You see that i have been given a task that is to make group of 4 people. The data i had received were 79 names including their ID, gender and races.... There are condition need to be satisfy that are in a group there should …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Krefie

Hey Hey I have found that in certain instances breakpoint just dont cut it for me...let me explain: The current program I'm working on in Delphi Codegear has some 2 mil lines of code under a button click, not bad coding btw, just a lot of fuctionality. Now, the program …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Floppy1

Hi, I need to Runexport from DB to specific file im my network, no problem. When i search there is more than one post, so I get a list and export all searchhits, No problem. BUT I need to name the pdf files to each specific invoice number. Each post …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for KE50

Hello All, I have been wondering how possible is it to have an application that would run a php application that would be used for making the database updates as well as handling the business logic while on the front end, have delphi forms So The form will be used …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for finalist

I need Delphi 2011 XE code for editing an Excel file. If there is found a text in a row of column A of the Excel file, to change the number of the same row in column B. That's all I need. Thanks!

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for pritaeas

The `ReplaceStrings` function replaces all strings in `APatterns` found in `ASubject` with the value in `AReplacement`. As an example, I added the `RemoveStrings` function which replaces everthing with an empty string, thus deleting all strings found. Usage examples are in the XMLDoc comments. A good test will be to rewrite …

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The End.