1,826 Topics

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Member Avatar for rampawar

Hello, friends! Can anyone help me to create a small application in PASCAL for a DVDs Rental Shop? This applications should be able to do : Add 25 films (title, gender, cod, status) Add 15 Costumers (name, sex, age, films rented) List films List costumers List rented movies and then …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Appjacker

Working on a program that needs to open a file, read the contents which is a number, save the content as an integer in the program, edit the number by one and then save in the number in the file once more.

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Member Avatar for freakvista

Hello again! I am trying to make a little game in pascal and I'm using graph. And it changes the background but when i'm trying to draw a black line it doesn't work. I don't know why. uses graph; var grDriver,grMode,ErrCode: Integer; procedure initg; begin grDriver := Detect; InitGraph(grDriver, grMode,'e:/bp/bgi'); …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Qazinix

I have recently been working on a project that requires the use of vertical text within the first row of a Stringgrid. When I change the drawing style of the Stringgrid to gdsThemed, the vertical text displays , however the text is also displayed horisontaly accross the cell. Here is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Simon180

I been searching the net for demos on how to stream live images or video over the net i found a few examples but there were no good not clearly commented so i did not understand how things worked. Basically am after a simple but good way to send a …

Member Avatar for Qazinix
Member Avatar for pritaeas

I found that there is a difference with the drawing of a custom bitmap brush, when I subclass TGraphicControl versus TCustomControl. The expected behaviour occurs when using the TCustomControl descendant. Each paint starts with the brush in the same position, no matter the location of the control (top-left). When using …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for AKJo

When I print a document from my Delphi 2007 program I quite often get a message "Printing in progress " and printing is aborted. Only part of the page is printed,not always identical part,but close. When closing the message I get "Access violation at address 004FEEC5 in module........read of address …

Member Avatar for AKJo
Member Avatar for ssa-ed

Does anyone have a nice algorithm for capitolizing first characters of words? For example: The cow can't jump over the moon. -becomes- The Cow Can't Jump Over The Moon. -and 'neath the old olive tree -becomes- 'Neath The Old Olive Tree -and- help me (if you can) - becomes- Help …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for vmirce

In my Rave report i have created report with 5 diferent-looking pakes. How can I print only the pages that user choosed, example user wants only pages 3 and 5 to be printed. Default is to print all pages, and that is working, but I want to provide more choice …

Member Avatar for ssa-ed
Member Avatar for DelphiGuy

How do I check if any window is maximized? I've got a program which sends keystrokes to that window but the problem is it will send keystrokes to any application that is running on my PC at the moment, so I wanted to prevent this by making it only send …

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Member Avatar for Vish0203

Hello everyone! I tried a lot to understand the spacing procedure in pascal triangle.. but it all went to vein!! Does anyone knows about this spacing??? Why are we using this loop: for(x=40-3*y;x>0;--x) printf(" "); need help ASAP!!

Member Avatar for Vish0203
Member Avatar for Pamilerin

can any body help me by giving me a guideline on how to insert data from a populated datagrid into sql server table and how to make the values conform to the specified datatypes constructe in the sql server side...assuming the datagrid headings have already been created in the sql …

Member Avatar for Begginnerdev
Member Avatar for berniefitz

Hi there, I am currently struggling through trying to figure out why a statement in my source code isn't being executed when running the program. The code is as follows: taxableValueDifference := previousTaxableValue - newTaxableValue; grandTotalTVDifference := grandTotalTVDifference - taxableValueDifference; XLWorksheet.Cells[row, 7].Value := XLWorksheet.Cells[row, 7].Value + taxableValueDifference; The first and …

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Member Avatar for jony90

Hi Is there anyone who could help to figure out how link regexbuddy to Delphi 7SE?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Simon180

I got a problem with abit of code and am unable to fix it, i have marked the area that is having the problem with the error message that i get. procedure TMainForm.Show(s: string); var n, n2, n3: integer; arTemp: TMyArray; begin arTemp := TMyArray.Create(); n := InStr(1, s, ':'); …

Member Avatar for darkagn
Member Avatar for KE50

Hello Am running into a problem on how to store the TFont properties of a memo (or any component at that) to a database Please help.

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Member Avatar for bagabont

Hello, I have a program that registers some .dll files in system registry. I gave the program administrator access on a limited user using windwos manifest, but this only works under Win7. My problem is that i need the program to be able to do that under XP, VISTA and …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for garden4ork

Hello all again, hopefully the last bit I'm stuck on. So at the moment, I'm wanting a piece of code that recognises any time between say 9am and 11am, 11am and 1pm, 1pm and 3pm, and so on (To create a pie chart) It doesn't have to recognise time, it …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for redrobby02

Hi I am using jedi visual code libary with rad studio xe2. I have a question about using TJvImage. When i place an image on my form and add all the correct image states to JvImage1.Pictures if i disable the control and then test my project, the image is not …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for MrPlasticTramp

For a college project I am trying to create a system. For a part of this system I have saved information from a combination of edit and combo boxes input by the user into a txt file and I now need to input this information into a stringgrid that is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Hackservex5

Hello, I need help creating an Algorithm for an IT school project, however it is due tomorrow and i'm running a little late, couldn't get help anywhere else. Can someone please help me out a bit. It's not as difficult. (pascal) 1. Develop an algorithm that will accept a company's …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for getnit

Hi, I am porting Delphi project to WPF. I was using SDL Delphi Component Suite from [url]www.lohninger.com[/url][^] (Math pack & Gui Pack) for the engineering drawing graphs in Delphi. Math Pack - [url]http://www.lohninger.com/mathpack.html[/url][^] GUI Pack - [url]http://www.lohninger.com/guipack.html[/url][^] Can anyone suggest similar libraries in WPF environment?? Any suggestions will be highly …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for DesignGhosts

Hi there, I am trying to apply a Manifest file to my delphi application so that it can run with administrative permissions, I have been following [URL="http://delphi.about.com/od/delphitips2009/qt/delphi-vista-registry-run-on-startup.htm"]this Tutorial[/URL] part Faking UAC Rights - How to Request Execution Level. I have got to step 6 where I start getting problems, I …

Member Avatar for DesignGhosts
Member Avatar for garden4ork

Hey all again, I'm just wondering how you could get a graph to represent your data file (Such as a ValueListEditor) as I've had no success in managing to read from it or how it can be done. Wanting something like this; Video(5) DVD(8) CD(2) Video..|----- DVD....|-------- CD......|-- ...........|____________ Many …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kolibrizas

I am using R-project to deal with my statistics, but due to the amount of resources needed, R is struggling while pascal would do it way faster. Is there a way to use pascal code in R-project?

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for garden4ork

Hello again, pretty simple question this time I would think. What I'm wanting is to be able to add 5 minutes onto a ttime variable. As what I'm trying to acheive is a queue system. (Time + QueueTime) and (QueueTime := QueueTime + ProductTime) However I get the basics, just …

Member Avatar for DelphiGuy
Member Avatar for DelphiGuy

I'm working with this rather popular DrawDisk procedure which pretty much anti-aliases a circle and draws it, filling it and the background in the process. At the moment the procedure call only lets you modify the background color of the WHOLE canvas and the fill color of the line. Have …

Member Avatar for DelphiGuy
Member Avatar for garden4ork

Hey, I'm having trouble transferring a single row of data from a StringGrid through a Client/Server module and then add the row onto another StringGrid at the other side. I keep getting array errors which would make sense however surely you can just take a row and add a row? …

Member Avatar for garden4ork
Member Avatar for DelphiGuy

Hello, basically I want to have two TImage components, one I will use and using the Bitmap tools in Delphi I will create a background. In the second TImage I will create objects which move around the custom background but I still want the first TImage to be visible. The …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for DelphiGuy

Hello, basically I am making a program which uses OOP to draw objects onto a canvas and they constantly move, I am making a feature which will save the position variables as the objects move each time and then once a file is outputted it can be read again and …

Member Avatar for pritaeas

The End.