login credentials not correct Programming Web Development by lovell_82 …var $error_message; //-----Initialization ------- function FGMembersite() { $this->sitename = '*****'; $this->rand_key = '0iQx5oBk66oVZep'; } function InitDB…) { $this->admin_email = $email; } function SetWebsiteName($sitename) { $this->sitename = $sitename; } function SetRandomKey($key) { $this->rand_key = $… Re: Php oop question Programming Web Development by ddymacek … mysql_fetch_array($retid)) { $this->siteID = $row['siteID']; $this->siteName = $row['siteName']; $this->location = $row['location']; $this->postcode = $row…= new Sites(); $site->siteID = $row['siteID']; $site->siteName = $row['siteName']; $site->location = $row['location']; $site->postcode = $row… asp redirect problem Programming Web Development by ruben.rens …case "dine.mysite.co.za" session("SiteName") = "My site" response.redirect &…case "advantage.mysite.co.za" session("SiteName") = "My site" response.redirect &…case "order.mysite.co.za" session("SiteName") = "My site" response.redirect &… Access Auto Fill New Record Programming Databases by mandy84angel …Each new record in the frmEmployee has a different SiteName. How do I get each record to hold … information on the auto fill based on the SiteName selected for that record, and save that specific… record information on tblEmployee? MVB: SiteName Change Option Compare Database Private Sub SiteName_Change() Me.Text104… Re: Horizontal Display from Mysql Programming Web Development by rpv_sen …; <?php $qsite = "select *,count(sitename) from sitename"; $rsite = mysql_query($qsite,$conn); while($msite …($as_in_site,$conn); while($as_in_m = mysql_fetch_array($as_in_r)) { $ass_in_ste = $as_in_m['sitename']; $ass_in_code = $as_in_m['ass_sub_cat_code']; $ass_qty[$assite] = $as_in_m['sum(no_of_qty… ping anomalies with popen Programming Software Development by Urban48 …for statistic purpeses self.stopped = 0 self.receiver = receiver self.sitename = sitename def run(self): icmp_count = 0 ping_result = "" …sleep(1) event = QCustomEvent(12345) event.setData(self.sitename+ping_ms) QApplication.postEvent(self.receiver, event) def stop(self… Horizontal Display from Mysql Programming Web Development by rpv_sen …> <?php $qsite = "select * from sitename order by sitename"; $rsite = mysql_query($qsite,$conn); while($msite = mysql_fetch_array… <tbody> <?php $qsite = "select *,count(sitename) from sitename"; $rsite = mysql_query($qsite,$conn); while($msite = mysql_fetch_array($rsite)) … Php oop question Programming Web Development by emily-bcot … $postcode; function __construct($name, $loc, $pc) { $this->siteName = $name; $this->location= $loc; $this->postcode =… to DB $insertSQL = "INSERT INTO table_name (siteName, location, postcode) VALUES ($siteName, $location, $postcode)"; } function getSiteName($SiteID… Re: Horizontal Display from Mysql Programming Web Development by HITMANOF44th …]<?php //=========================================================== // grab all data //=========================================================== $qsite = "select * from sitename order by sitename"; $rsite = mysql_query($qsite,$conn); while($msite = mysql_fetch_array($rsite… secure flash Programming Web Development by nevergone …[url]www.sitename.com/games/[/url] I have [url]www.sitename.com/games/arcade_game1/[/url] [url]www.sitename.com/games/… Eg: arcade_game.swf is embeded on [url]www.sitename.com/games/arcade_game1/index.php[/url] You start the…that requests should be sent only from my website(sitename) I tried this but the game doesnt work anymore… Need PHP error HELP for a T_STRING error Programming Web Development by dmelgray …quot;);'."\n"; $configData .= "\t".' $sitename = "'.$_POST['sitename'].'";'."\n"; $configData .= "\t".' …define("SITE_DOMAIN", "www.rhythmmovement.com/rhythmmovement\"); $sitename = "rhythmmovement.com"; $sitemail = "host@rhythmmovement.… Cross tabulation / pivot table in php Programming Web Development by davesmith437 … = sprintf("SELECT tblself.siteid AS selfsite, tblsite.sitename AS sitename, tblsite.address AS address, tblpct.pctname AS pctname,…') AND tblself.year = %s ORDER BY tblsite.pctid,tblsite.sitename", GetSQLValueString($yearofrpt, "int")); $selfsites = mysql_query… Understanding code Programming Web Development by davy_yg …keywords'] = $metaResult['pages_title'] . ',' . $config['sitekeywords']; $meta['description'] = $config['sitename'] . ' :: ' . $metaResult['pages_title'] . ' | ' . $metaResult['pages_description']; …contact,' . $config['sitekeywords']; $meta['description'] = $config['sitename'] . ' :: Contact Us'; $meta['robots'] = '… IE7 css compatibility Digital Media UI / UX Design by drugoholic …quot; style="display: block;"> <?php $siteName = $tmpTools->sitename(); if ($tmpTools->getParam('logoType')=='image'): ?> <h1… else: $logoText = (trim($tmpTools->getParam('logoText'))=='') ? $config->sitename : $tmpTools->getParam('logoText'); $sloganText = (trim($tmpTools->getParam('sloganText… Re: Php oop question Programming Web Development by emily-bcot …then pass the siteID to getSiteName() to retrive siteName. Is the return value correct. Thanks again… function getSiteName($SiteID){ selectSiteName = "SELECT siteName FROM site WHERE siteID = $SiteID"; return $…this->siteName; } [/CODE] Why are you going to … distinct values using xpath Programming Software Development by iswariak …sitecode>001</sitecode> <sitename>Mel Sittamur</sitename> <photono>001_001_001.jpg<…sitecode>001</sitecode> <sitename>Mel Sittamur</sitename> <photono>001_001_002.jpg&…sitecode>001</sitecode> <sitename>Mel Sittamur</sitename> <photono>001_001_003.jpg&… website Programming Web Development by davy_yg …keywords'] = $metaResult['pages_title'] . ',' . $config['sitekeywords']; $meta['description'] = $config['sitename'] . ' :: ' . $metaResult['pages_title'] . ' | ' . $metaResult['pages_description']; …contact,' . $config['sitekeywords']; $meta['description'] = $config['sitename'] . ' :: Contact Us'; $meta['robots'] = '… Re: Php oop question Programming Web Development by MooGeek 1. The returning value is incorrect [CODE] function getSiteName($SiteID){ selectSiteName = "SELECT siteName FROM site WHERE siteID = $SiteID"; return $this->siteName; } [/CODE] Why are you going to return a null value? 2. Yes I think it's better to use unique IDs to avoid conflicts Need shell script for extracting website content for a list of given websites Programming Software Development by deboogeek …already have, each into the SITENAME field here: [url]http://www.quantcast.com/SITENAME/demographics[/url] Here's …below for google.nl in place of the above SITENAME: [url]http://s995.photobucket.com/albums/af80/unknownbucket…into a new file also including only the original sitename (without the quantcast.com), using the cut command… Mod_rewrite Programming Web Development by jakizak …! I have the following URL style: [url]www.sitename.com/profile.php?user=username[/url] Of which I would…like rewriting to: [url]www.sitename.com/username[/url] (Preferred) OR [url]www.sitename.com/user/username[/url] I …be reversible, so if someone types in [url]www.sitename.com/username[/url] it works. Any ideas? Previous attempt… Logout then redirect to home page Programming Web Development by phingko ….location.href=MyAccount.replace(\'login.asp\',\'login.asp\') + \'&amp;sitename=\' + escape(sitename)" >' + window.loginFirstName + ' ' + window.loginLastName + '</a>…' + eQ + 'null\')+\'&amp;action' + '' + eQ + 'logout&amp;sitename=\'+escape(sitename)+\'&amp;GoBack' + eQ + '\'+escape(window.location)">LOGOUT… Re: Dynamically built forms Programming Web Development by davesmith437 …GetSQLValueString($_POST['contactphone'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_POST['sitename'], "text"), GetSQLValueString($_SESSION['siteid'], "…sitetypeid, pctid, contactname, address, postcode, email, phone, sitename FROM tblsite WHERE siteid = %s", GetSQLValueString($colname_sitedetails,… Re: htacces - rewrit url question Programming Web Development by blocblue Something like this should work: RewriteEngine On RewriteRule (.*) http://www.sitename.dk/index.php?page=$1 [QSA,L] Examples: /hello http://www.sitename.dk/index.php?page=hello /hello/world http://www.sitename.dk/index.php?page=hello/world /hello/world?foo=bar http://www.sitename.dk/index.php?page=hello/world&foo=bar Text Not Showing up in IE, Fine in Firefox * NS Programming Web Development by Spycat …-right-style:dashed; border-right-width:1px; } #sitename { background-color:#ccc; margin:6px 0px 0px 150px…padding:2px 0px 2px 5px; width:100%; } #sitename a { color:#000; font-size:28pt; text-decoration…lt;/td> <td id="sitename"><a href="index.html&… How to get nicely presented Google results? Digital Media Digital Marketing Search Engine Strategies by markchicobaby … sections, with links to each section, like this: [CODE][U]Sitename - Your guide to blah blah[/U] Welcome to… Sitename, blah blah... [color=green]www.sitename.com/[/color] - 32k - [U]Cached[/U] - [U]Similar… (problem) Accessing Control of TabPage Programming Software Development by eramax … // webBrowser1 // string name = "http://" + sitename.Text; WebBrowser wb = new WebBrowser(); wb.Location = new System…System.UriFormatException er) { MessageBox.Show(er.ToString()); } sitename.Text = ""; sitedes.Text = ""; }[/… [URGENT] HTML and CSS Temaplate ( IE7 & Firefox ) Digital Media UI / UX Design by rulebreaker …; margin: 28px 0 0 7px; font-weight: normal; } #right_content_testimonials .sitename { color: #8b98a9; text-align: right; } #right_content_testimonials .quotetext { …: 13px; } #clientquote { float: left; text-align: left; } #clientquote .sitename { color: #8b98a9; text-align: right; } #clientquote .cname { color: #… Re: a help in my url Programming Web Development by jedimatt …page. You can check to see whats in the URL.sitename variable like so: [CODE] <cfoutput>#URL….sitename#</cfoutput> [/CODE] better still tou can do … <cfoutput> <cfif isdefined('URL.sitename') AND #URL.sitename# NEQ ""> #URL.sitename# </cfif> </cfoutput>… Help needed with a simple string Programming Web Development by Facte … = "Your employer plan at $a18[sitename] has expired"; $message = str_replace("[[[sitename]]]", $a18[sitename], $message); $message = str_replace("[[[fullurl]]]"… Linking Multiple Websites Programming Software Development by dwnewbie1234 … same. So if the main page says "Welcome to SiteName!" and I change this to "Hello and welcome… to SiteName!" this change will take effect on all websites. The… SiteName will be a variable that depends on each site's …