2,033 Topics

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Hi Im a high school student with a decent amount of traffic on my site. Im wondering whether I should blow literally all my money on vBulletin or stick with a phpbb forums? (As of now I havent added the forum function to my site) Is it worth it? What …

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I came across an [URL="http://dailyme.com/story/2009121300001020/technology-narrowing-broadening-experiences.html"]interesting post[/URL] today by the Kansas City Star's Eric Adler suggesting that technology is robbing us of serendipity, those playful moments of spontaneous discovery. For example, he wonders when the last time a young person went into a library or book store and just found a …

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Almost every business I know either wants to create a Facebook Fan Page or has one. So I read on Social Media Today the following stats: # 95% of pages have more than 10 fans # 65% of pages have more than 100 fans # 23% of pages have more …

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The Electronic Frontier Foundation has [URL="http://www.eff.org/files/filenode/social_network/social_networking_FOIA_complaint_final.pdf"]filed suit[/URL] against a number of government agencies for refusing to disclose their policies for using social networking sites for investigations, data-collection, and surveillance. The EFF is working with the Samuelson Law, Technology, and Public Policy Clinic at the University of California, Berkeley, School of …

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I just read on a blog about Web 3. 0 - collective intelligence and how twitter helped expedite this. But dont you consider Twitter to be part of Web 2.0. Then what would you consider Web 3.0 then? I remember reading on wiki that web 3.0 was semantic driven. Then …

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As social media gains more popularity and frequent use, many news outbreaks have started on twitter or other forms of social media just to be validated by established more expensive media. So with this issue becoming more commonplace, do you think that one day, there will be no more established …

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I am waiting on invite for Wave but the friend who is sending it over has already sent me an invite for Brizzly, a web-based client for Twitter and Facebook. I am going to start playing with it tomorrow but I was wondering if anyone had heard of it or …

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I just read an article on Google Wave - Mashable. [url]http://mashable.com/2009/11/22/news-media-google-wave/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Mashable+%28Mashable%29&utm_content=Google+Reader[/url] I dont have an invitation yet so I have not had a chance to check Google Wave out but I wonder if you do have the access of Google Wave, then what do you think about it? Do you …

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In todays age, it is important to monitor your reputation. I personally do it be running Google Alerts and searching on my name on google and various search engines. What about you? How do you monitor your online reputation?

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Yes, there are countless number of social media tools but none were able to give me just the answer to: 1. how many threads on "topic a" 2. how many original posts on topic a? 3. how many responses on topic a? Perhaps Radian6 can give me these metrics but …

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The British Government's decision to throw £30 million on getting everybody online is of course laudable in its way. The idea is to save a lot of money - and as the last European country still in recession goodness knows we could do with it - by taking Government services …

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I just read a nifty new project that Google is testing out - Google Goggles - you take a picture and ask Google what it is. I like the semantic aspect of it. [url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6tT3JGV1iY&feature=player_embedded[/url] I can just imagine the wealth of information and how this new tool can be incorporate …

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I just read an article that said NYS is planning to issue Emergency Alerts on the XBOX Live. So will this type of interrutption cause you to stay away from that video game? Or will it increase your chances of playing online games? [url]http://www.joystiq.com/2009/11/24/new-york-state-will-issue-emergency-alerts-via-xbox-live/[/url]

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As we know, Facebook and many other online sites collect our personal and site behavior for behavioral targeting. Think of it as free information exchange. So if Facebook or another online community you belong to allows you to opt out, would you do it?

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I read on CNN - an article written by Mashable's Peter C - that one of his predictions for 2010 is word cloud becomes more prominent. Though I do see its relevance and standing, I dont see it as often as before on blogs and sites. Perhaps it is being …

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I noticed that my gmail login allows me to use other google appls and search engine but it also records everything. So an idea came to my mind - do you think that Google can easily search a user and generate a list of search terms the user have visited?

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There is all this fuss about Cyber Monday. The holiday itself was officially coined and in circulation by 2005 after the Retail Society reviewed previous year data. I know I shopped since I found a good deal on overstock but most of the other sites I visited, I did not …

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Even last year, I used to perform a manual qualitative approach to "listening" to my consumers. Now there are other tools that perform this task automatically and so many are popping up like Radian6 and BuzzMetrics to name a few. So my question is "Is it really important for you …

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This is the christmas season and back in the day (even a few years ago), people wrote cards. Now, I dont even pick up a pen anymore. So what do you think? Does sending a "Happy holiday" on your facebook page suffices?

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Is there an easy or efficient way to convert Facebook Friends into Fans of a Facebook Page? Is there a facebook migration program or something? Or is it just the old fashion way of just asking each friend to become fans of a page?

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I just checked the extensive list of nifty add-ons from Google Labs to enhance your Gmail experience. I was very impresses - it certainly grew from the last time I checked - which was about a year ago or so. I added a few including: 1. Late night math solver …

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I just read an article that just this past weekend, South Korea saw its first iPhone. As phones are getting smarter and smarter with its technology and apps, I wonder if you would just buy a smart phone just to be more socially connected? [url]http://www.wired.com/reviews/product/giftguide_smartphone?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+wired%2Findex+%28Wired%3A+Index+3+%28Top+Stories+2%29%29&utm_content=Google+Reader[/url]

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Many of us have smart phones that have enabled easy access to multiple mailboxes on our phones. Thus, I have several emails that are linked to my cell and as a result, I have over 5000 emails to my cell. Why so many? Well, I am subscribed to many groups, …

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There are numerous tools out there like Techgrigy and Radian 6 that helps companies monitor their brands and related conversations. But are there really any value to these conversations or is it just additional clutter? Most importantly, would you recommend a client to subscribe to such service, if so, why?

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I think that technology has made it easier for us to use and access social media all of the time. I remember back in the old days, I will only use my AOL email after work hours. Now I can check it anytime!!

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Here's a switch. Instead of newspapers trying to protect the identities of the people posting to their websites, the newspaper is the one outing them. As [URL="http://www.stltoday.com/blogzone/the-editors-desk/the-editors-desk/2009/11/post-a-vulgar-comment-while-youre-at-work-lose-your-job/"]described[/URL] by editor Kurt Greenbaum of the [I]St. Louis Post-Dispatch[/I], someone posted a vulgar word in the paper's online commenting system, and re-posted it …

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I read about the numerous online Black Friday sales. I even went on Twitter beforehand to search for discount codes, I even used the hashtag #blackfriday. There was alot of crap on Twitter leading me to websites that looked shady. I even stayed up late tonight so I can visit …

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Hi everyone im zxor 2 A.K.A Jorell winslow for those of you who know me on yahoo answers ...im not to sure where to post this but I thought id like to have your thoughts on something you might find interesting and iI need your help desparatrely in youre city …

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Ever wanted to see the International Space Station but didn't know when or how to look? There's an app (Twitter) for that. Start following @twisst and using the information in your profile, it will let you know when the International Space Station is scheduled to pass by you. "So, every …

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For those of you outside of the Long Island, NY area, you may have missed a good one. It seems that the latest teen music sensation, Justin Bieber (who's fame is based on viral youtube videos of himself singing songs by Usher and Ne-Yo, which led to a twitter campaign …

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The End.