3 Topics

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Hello, I am trying to implement a version of the cubic spline based on the artilce here: [Click Here](http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Spline_%28mathematics%29&oldid=288288033#Algorithm_for_computing_natural_cubic_splines) and while implementing it I find errors that my indices are out or range such as: ` h[i]=(n[i+1]-n[i]) IndexError: list index out of range ` Here's a part of the code: …

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Member Avatar for Kitson

Hi, I have data in the form: rpm Torque 1000 36 2000 40 3000 45 4000 50 . . I need to find the torque at a specific rpm. I found numpy.interp() which will give me a linear interpolation, but my tutor said it wouldn't be accurate enough. I found …

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Hi, Does anyone know how to animate object so it follows a previously drawn spline? I tried by translating all object vertices by Spline_point[i]-Spline_point[i-1] by frames but this doesn't work. Does anyone have a better idea?

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The End.