4 Topics

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Yesterday while browsing the web, I stumbled upon a blog where the author had written a post regarding what a computer scientist should know, in that list he had given links for further reading. One of these links was to a website [nand2tetris](http://nand2tetris.org/) where the goal is supposedly to build …

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hey hey folks. I am making a tetris clone for my class project in college. langauge is XNA and I have run into a minor issue. When my bricks get to the bottom, rather than stack, they simply reset back up to the top. I have tried everything I can …

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Games are dangerous, corrupting, evil things. After all we have been told that playing GTA IV is more harmful to kids than [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/19975/532/"]watching porn and drinking beer[/URL], and how the Nintendo Wii can [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/22425/532/"]cause serious injury[/URL] to players and observers alike. Now, it appears, the truth is emerging. A brilliantly …


The End.