257 Topics

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Here is the link to the story at All Things Digital [url]http://kara.allthingsd.com/20091021/exclusive-guess-who-else-is-coming-to-dinner-twitter-microsoft-bing-deal-confirmed-but-so-is-facebook-bing/[/url] Microsoft/Bing seems to have one-upped Google!

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I love Twitter, and post a lot of links to security related stories via my [URL="http://twitter.com/happygeek"]@happygeek[/URL] account. But now I am getting a little worried that I might suffer the same fate as a well known, and highly respected security expert. Mikko Hypponen is a familiar face around the security …

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It would appear that a political activist from New York has been arrested by the FBI in connection with helping orchestrate G20 summit protesters in Pittsburgh. According to [URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/oct/04/man-arrested-twitter-g20-us"]The Guardian[/URL] the man, Eliot Madison from Queens, has been charged with hindering prosecution after helping G20 protesters evade police by using …

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Member Avatar for MktgRob

I was just reading that in November of last year the one billionth tweet was...well...tweeted! Sometime in the last 24 hours the [B][I][U]five billionth tweet [/U][/I][/B]was tweeted. Do you think that the rapid growth is because of the trendiness of tweeting (thanks to Ashton Kutcher, OchoCinco and a host of …

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In the last 2 days on Mashable it has been reported that new user and unique visitor growth has leveled out for both Facebook and Twitter (both are below 2% growth per month in the US over the last few months). Linkedin, however, is growing at close to 6% monthly …

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I just read today that Twitter's traffic grew [URL="http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Search-Engines/Facebook-Sees-Nearly-200-Visit-Boost-While-Twitter-Traffic-Also-Soars-794088/"]over 1,100%[/URL] from Last Year. Additionally, there has been some talk about Twitter rolling out some new features like "geolocation API" and "Lists." Personally, i think Twitter is a great tool for aggregating all the news, information, and people I am interested …

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A couple of weeks ago, I wrote, "[URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220784.html"]Has Linux Fallen Into a Well?[/URL]." It was a tale of two brothers, aka The Cave Dwellers, who had too many complaints and angst concerning the Windows XP installation on my wife's old HP DV-5000 laptop. Reinstalling XP didn't do any good the …

Member Avatar for theonlycure
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It has been discussed in previous threads and mentioned on social media and news sites that the drop off rate for twitter use is substantial. But usually the stories talk about the whole tweeting universe. I am curious to know if anyone was using twitter as part of a social …

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I just read an interesting report on eMarketer. [url]http://www.emarketer.com/Article.aspx?R=1007303[/url] It found that over 48.5% of tweets that menitoned companies were comments. It is no surprise. What do you think?

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

A judge has said a lawsuit can be delivered via [URL="http://twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL]. It's an interesting case, an odd idea and a pity there are going to be so many logistical obstacles. The scenario is simple. Someone is posing as a (real) right-wing blogger - they've effectively 'borrowed' his name for a …

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I just read on a blog about how Drew Carey started a bid $25k to buy his username on Twitter. Drew is willing to go up to 100k!!! So what about the non-celebrities out there. Would you buy your name on Twitter if someone else already has this? What do …

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Member Avatar for Arsham3

Hi, I would like to know how can I automate my blog so posts automatically feed into Facebook and Twitter? Thanks.

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Another day, another [URL="http://www.gmail.com"]Gmail[/URL] outage - well, that's the way it can start to seem. [URL="http://www.twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] was all a-quiver with how the system was down; people didn't know what to do about it and one wag put a note up saying the human species can last six days without water …

Member Avatar for Diaspora
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Though I am not a big Twelebrity nor Twitter user, early on, I have recognized the value of retweeting, especially if it is for a good purpose, like retweeting someone's resume or a public event. So how have you used retweeting? Do you do it or if you dont, why …

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Member Avatar for MktgRob

It looks like your daily updates to Twitter and Facebook about what you are doing could be setting you up for home invasion and robbery. A 'reformed burgler' working for the BBC (what is the job scope on that one) described people friending strangers and then posting updates about going …

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It had to happen sooner or later. I do believe that such tactics do blur the line of what is public worthy and not. I do think that if it does help small counties connect with their constituencies, then great. But I do wonder if in a way, it can …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

I think I must be turning into some sort of freak (fill in the kneejerk comment of your choice at the end of this blog, there are plenty to choose from). I've just read this interesting story that says Google is going to launch a microblogging search engine. It's [URL="http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2009/06/google-to-launch-microblogging-search.html"]here[/URL]. …

Member Avatar for targ8
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The wires are abuzz with stories of [URL="http://twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] and [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] customers being robbed. It's fairly simple; you Tweet or tell your Facebook friends that you're going on holiday and a thief reads it; they break into your house, knowing full well you're away, and you lose a load of stuff. …

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[URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] is going on trial for an alleged breach of privacy it appears. The full story is [URL="http://www.computerweekly.com/Articles/2009/08/18/237366/privacy-lawsuit-filed-against-facebook.htm"]here[/URL]. I don't know American law at all but I'm writing in the UK and over here, if a case is coming to court, we have to be very careful about prejudicing the …

Member Avatar for happygeek

With the investigation into the death of Michael Jackson still ongoing, and claims over the paternity of Paris Jackson hitting the headlines with the involvement of the chap who rose to fame as Oliver in the film way back when and then plummeted to obscurity, you might think that it …

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Bob Monkhouse was once best known for hosting Celebrity Squares and Family Fortunes on British television. Then in 2003 he died at the age of 75 and all went quiet. Until now, when it would appear that Bob is back from beyond the grave and posting jokes to Twitter. It …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.itv.com"]ITV[/URL] has finally put all the rumours into perspective and sold [URL="http://www.friendsreunited.co.uk"]FriendsReunited[/URL]. It's lost millions in doing so and there's no getting away from it - it was a bad deal. It's worth noting a few details about FriendsReunited. It began as a tiny business putting people back in touch …

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The Twitter Platform Team is recommending to all Twitter developers that they make sure their applications support 64-bit integers because the popular service has almost reached the limit of 32-bit unsigned integers. "Twitter status ids are fast approaching the maximum 32-bit *unsigned* integer value (4,294,967,295)," [URL="http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-api-announce/browse_thread/thread/8f7f1b3cef846f98/0900170fa2f92e27?show_docid=0900170fa2f92e27&pli=1"]posted[/URL] Marcel Molina, identified as …

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Convention and visitors bureaus -- perhaps more than 300 of them -- are increasingly using Twitter to help market their locations, and a [URL="http://www.aboutdci.com/dci/media/docs/CVB%20Twitter%20Report%20Final.pdf"]recent study[/URL] examined how they do that. Development Counsellors International, a New York-based tourism firm, said it looked at the convention and visitors bureaus representing the nation’s …

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Anyone else getting pretty fed up with the number of headlines both online and in the print media which have been exclaiming 'Twitter hacked' this week? I have even just got a press release, from a storage systems company of all things, that has the strap line of "Twitter hack …

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Member Avatar for happygeek

Another of those security trending reports has dropped onto my desk, this one coming from PandaLabs which is now apparently part of 'Panda Security, The Cloud Security Company.' Jeez, someone needs to give the marketing director a kick up the pants for that one. Anyway, back to the report: it …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Last weekend Twitter was apologising for accidentally suspending a number of user accounts due to human error. Now it is suspending accounts again, but this time there is no error: Twitter is getting serious about malware. In a status posting on Thursday July 9th, Twitter [URL="http://status.twitter.com/post/138789881/koobface-malware-attack"]admitted[/URL] that it had come …

Member Avatar for happygeek

You might wonder why a 10 year old web building business managed to become the number one trending topic on Twitter this last week, with the moonfruit hashtag being tweeted in excess of 10,000 times an hour at one point. The answer is not as straightforward as some would have …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] has been in the headlines again. You can now pay a company to find potential followers, approach them and ask them to follow you and it's apparently a very innovative approach. It must be, that's why the BBC thought it [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8130456.stm"]newsworthy[/URL]. Actually I'm not so sure. I think I've …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

I hate bloggers and Twitter users that bandwagon something like the tragically early demise of Michael Jackson. This isn't the right platform for tributes even if I were his biggest fan anyway. Nonetheless, there is a lesson to be noted in terms of technology. The fact is that the Internet …

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The End.