19 Topics

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Member Avatar for MidiMagic

Several keyboard keys in Daniweb are doing the wrong things. - Occasionally backspace is taking me back to previous pages instead of removing characters. - The END key takes me to the beginning of the line instead of the end of the line. - I occasionally find myself navigating where …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Yozuru

Hello good people I am working on a caeser cipher program for class. However, I ran into a problem with my outputs. Up to a certain point for example: two('y', 'z') Would give a '\x92' output instead of a 'x' output. Currently this is my code so far: def chartonum(ch): …

Member Avatar for Yozuru
Member Avatar for buixuanhai

After I enter first name then program fail. Error: RUN FAILED (exit value 1, total time: 2s). I use Netbeans #include <iostream> using namespace std; struct Student { char * firstName; char * lastName; char * telephone; }; void printStudent(Student s) { cout << "Student info: " << endl; cout …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for jenthevb

Hello, I have a problem with my php script. Everything works fine except when i will write the data to the database. I get a error Warning: **Wrong parameter count for mysql_query()** Here is my code: <?php include('../sec/inc_mysql_connect.php'); include 'googledistance.class.php'; $sql = "SELECT VVBnummer, Adres, Postcode FROM tblscheidsrechters";// echo($sql); $result …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for MiCro0o

I a new c++ programmer, and i started to solve the SPOJ online challenges just practising , and because of my few experiance.. it gives me wrong answers alwayes. See [ **the Challenge** ](http://www.spoj.com/problems/PALIN/) here. My Code : #include<iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; int reverse(int input) { int last_digit; …

Member Avatar for mitrmkar
Member Avatar for natehome

so im trying to make a very basic multiplayer game that gets a players x y from a server then displays the player. the script works fine when there is only one user in the database but when more users are added the script wont display the right player. i …

Member Avatar for christopher.j.burnham
Member Avatar for reeweb

I need serious help with a website! It works fine with Safari, Google Chrome, and I spent a long time making it compatable for Firefox. But the website is completely differently in Internet Explorer. I am not having any luck at all with this one. If anyone could have a …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for andyy121

this is the index page <?php if (isset ($_POST['keywords'])){ $keywords =mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars(trim($_POST['keywords']))); $keywords =$_POST['keywords']; $errors = array (); if (empty ($keywords)){ $errors[] = ('Please enter a serch terms'); }else if (strlen($keywords)<3){ $errors[] = ('Your search terms must be three or more characters'); }else if (search_results ($keywords) == false){ $errors []= ('Your …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for banana.apple001

Okay, I'm very new to Java as a whole, and I'm just trying to get to grips with it. I'm experimenting with classes, and I'm struggling to get this one thing to work. Basically, I've made a short program which one can make matrices, and all it has at the …

Member Avatar for banana.apple001
Member Avatar for tibormarias

Hello Everyone, I have a website created by some specialists. Well I think that these professional website developers stiffed me. I mean, the website to create was quiet expensive, but it doesn't really work. They made a quiet good work though, the SEO of the site is critical I think. …

Member Avatar for sternone
Member Avatar for jackmaverick1

My problem is that when I try to gather the parts of an array, the part of my code that decides what to keep seems to be making a mistake, though I can't fathom how it is making that mistake. My code is posted below. You should see the parts …

Member Avatar for NormR1
Member Avatar for DJWK

This program should extract the first line. Somehow I'm getting the last line instead of the first... This is the textfile: [ICODE]N100 G96 S200 N115 G0 X600 Z-1004.95 T11 D2 M3 M7 H10 N125 G0 X500 N130 G1 X419 F0.5 N135 G1 Z-1004 N140 G0 X500 N145 G0 Z-419.7 N150 …

Member Avatar for DJWK
Member Avatar for srednakun

Hello My problem is I am calling a method in my main but this method doesn't have any code written in it, and yet I am getting an output of numbers approximately 10 digits long, and a negative value. For example, in my main I have: [CODE]Date d1(9,20,2011); // Date …

Member Avatar for pavangajula2007
Member Avatar for binoman

I just try to calculate 5.3 - 5, and the answer is a bit off. this is the code: [CODE]double answer = 5.3 - 5; println("answer = " + answer);[/CODE] and the output is: "answer = 0.2999999999999998" instead of 0.3. I use Eclipse on win 7 32 bit as a …

Member Avatar for binoman
Member Avatar for codetr

hi I wrote php code do.php [CODE]<?php session_start(); ob_start(); $salladim = $_SESSION['salla']; $salladin = isset($_GET['url'])?$_GET['url']:'' ; if(!in_array($salladin,$salladim)) { header( 'refresh: 1; url='.$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'].'' ); echo '<h2>Hazirlaniyor...</h2>'; exit(); } [/CODE] file.php [CODE]<?php session_start(); function kodsalla($uzunluk) { $karakterler = "0123456789"."ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; $kod = ""; while(strlen($kod) < $uzunluk) { $kod .= substr($karakterler, (rand() % strlen($karakterler)), …

Member Avatar for twiss
Member Avatar for __Art

Hello everybody!! I'm trying to print a *.pdf file from Java code, and the printer out gives the right document, but smaller than the original pdf (smaller text, images, margins, everything), the print result seems shrinked from the original... Here is the code I'm using: [CODE] File f = new …

Member Avatar for sbhavan
Member Avatar for amberclaw

Hi, i´m quite new in pascal programing. Can someone explain me please why [CODE] function kolik(pocet:integer; retez: string):integer; var p: array[1..pocet] of integer; pomocna,j,i,k,l,od,nep:integer;[/CODE] is compiler telling me p: array[1..pocet] of integer; cannot evaluate this expression? Thank you in advance

Member Avatar for Wolfgan
Member Avatar for Teyz-M

Right, so I installed a 512mb module, but it is only showing 64mb? Im sure its compatible, it is pc133-333-542, just like the 128mb that came with the computer. I upgraded my bios yet still no luck :( Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for zxor 2
Member Avatar for devnar

Hi, I'm trying to call a bunch of methods during run-time using reflection, but I'm getting an exception saying "IllegalArgumentException: wrong number of arguments". Here's some information on the variables used. - All elements of mailTestClass[] are classes that extend AbstractTestCase. (FirstTestCase extends AbstractTestCase and FirstTestCase.class is the first element …

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The End.