my problem is i have three classes file that all is javabean package file
which is bgoc, common, mrs.
when i run on the tomcat 5.5, error detected on my few of jsp file. the error
detected is like this:
"org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Cannot find any information on property
'EmpName' in a bean of type 'common.InfoBean'"

is it the page cannot get my javabean file? i put the javabean file in the
$CATALINA_HOME$/common/classes is it the right way?
how can i make the system can detect my javabean file?

hope those the expert can give the way to solve this problem.... thank you

albert :sad: :idea: :cool:

Never put anything in the common library. That location is for Tomcat internal use.
Put them in your web-application's own library path which is <TOMCAT_HOME>/<WEBAPP>/WEB-INF/classes

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