Here's one of those "wacky news" stories. Some guy named his kid Adolf Hitler because he liked the name and "because no one else in the world would have that name." (there's a good reason for this). His daughter is named "Aryan Nation", probably for similar reasons.

Anyway, they threw him a party and wanted the bakery to write "Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler" on the cake and the bakery refused and now the parents are angry.

My take. Parents need to stop expressing their "creativity" by naming their kids after weird stuff like trees, dinosaurs, earth moving equipment, and genocidal dictators just because they want to be different. If Adolf Hitler is such a great name, go down to City Hall and change your own damn name to Adolf Hitler, but leave your kid out of it and go with "Bob" or something.

Salem commented: If I were the judge, I'd immediately change the name for the parent, and see how they liked all this rubbish foisted on them. +25

lol thats like that family who were refused to call thier kid superman

> Is it child abuse to name your son Adolf Hitler?
Definitely yes imo!

Thats insane. It seems to me like the parents just want to screw up their childs life. Imagine going through highschool... being called Adolf Hitler, no chance of a girlfriend and very few friends - if any. In one of my classes, there is one person named James Bond, and you can noticeably see how it affects his life (not in a good way).

I'd definitely say this is child abuse :icon_rolleyes:

Looks like one of those made up news stories that fill in when there isn't much news. Wonder what will happen to all those kids who were name 'George Walker Bush' by their excited tax-relieved parents.

Looks like one of those made up news stories that fill in when there isn't much news. Wonder what will happen to all those kids who were name 'George Walker Bush' by their excited tax-relieved parents.

Made up? You think it is a fabricated story? I hadn't heard of the George Walker Bush trend. I have a friend who named his son George in honor of George W. Bush, but just the "George" part, so no one will know he was named after Bush unless he (or his dad) broadcasts that fact. "George" isn't like "Adolf", where only one person comes to mind even without the last name.

Well I think that I'll choose the name of my son/daughter (if any :P) because I like that particular name or after some person I really admire (a poet most likely).

There's nothing wrong naming your child George or even Adolf if you're in a place where it's not so uncommon - but it demonstrates extraordinary bad taste to name a son just to "have fun" (I think of Superman/James Bond cases here) or to create a living memo of horrible things.

...but it demonstrates extraordinary bad taste to name a son just to "have fun" ...

Well, the parents who do that probably only have that son from "having fun" and thinking things through is not their strong suit.

commented: you're right... damn sad though. +2

Three children with names associated with Hitler's Nazi movement? I don't think it takes much reading between the lines to see what's going on in this family.

Three children with names associated with Hitler's Nazi movement? I don't think it takes much reading between the lines to see what's going on in this family.

I don't think there's anyone named Honszlynn Hinler who was a Nazi, or at least not a Nazi anyone has heard of. A Yahoo search of that name only brings up this story so they may have just made that one up. One could certainly be forgiven, though, for assuming that, given the other kids' names.

In one of my classes, there is one person named James Bond, and you can noticeably see how it affects his life (not in a good way).

Naming a child James Bond is actually defendable: there were families named Bond for several generations who had a long-standing tradition of alternating children's names (a kid gets his grandfather's christian name) for several generations before Ian Fleming was even born.

The Royal Australian Navy, about 20 years ago, had three Commanders all named James Bond. Each of those gentlemen were in their 40's or 50's at the time i.e. they were born before Ian Fleming's "Casio Royale" (the book that introduced the character James Bond) was published.

I don't consider that naming children in trendy/controversial ways is child abuse, but it is irresponsible parenting if knowingly done in a way that will cause backlash to the children. Doing it as a political statement is the height of irresponsibility.

It is more an indictment on societies that they can allow (or, worse, endorse) children being made to suffer because of how they are named. I know some families who immigrated to other countries, and ran afoul of local customs because their children's names happened to translate into something unpopular within the culture of their new country.

It may also say something about the children themselves, if they do suffer when given such names. It is quite popular these days to blame others for one's problems. An assertive child will probably cope quite well with an unusual name; a child who is allowed to view him/her self as a victim will probably do so regardless of his/her name.

Of course the best "revenge is a meal best served cold" is for the kids to turn round and put the parents in the worst possible nursing home they can find.

Maybe a few lawsuits for damages would slow the trend as well.

Do any of you think it's child abuse to name your son Blade?

No. Blade is a pretty cool name.

The U.S. Census Bureau statistics tell us that there are at least 88,799 different last names and 5,163 different first names in common use in the United States. Some names are more common than others.

There are 50,582 people named John Smith in the United States. There are 1,070 people named James Bond, 115 people named Harry Potter , 514 people named George Bush, and 32 people named Emily Dickinson. However, Johnny Cash (39 people) songs aside there are, statistically speaking, very few boys named Sue.

Naming your son Sue would definitely be child abuse :)

commented: Cash: The real king of rock 'n roll :) +16

Isnt that an elvis or a jonny cash song or something? "boy named sue?"

commented: confusing Elvis w/ Johnny Cash??? you young'uns these days, i swear you're all going to hell. -2
commented: Cancel undeserved bad rep. +36

Isnt that an elvis or a jonny cash song or something? "boy named sue?"

Johnny Cash

commented: The US has Jonnny Cash, Bob Hope and Stevie Wonder. The UK has no cash, no hope, and no bloody wonder! +29
commented: awesome +8

there are over 39,000 people in the U.S. with my real name.

there are 1 or fewer people in the U.S. with my screen name.

If I google my real name pictures of nude women come up at the top (I think it's pinup or something).

If I google my real name pictures of nude women come up at the top (I think it's pinup or something).

you just enable the safe search feature in google. Internet is the swiss
army knife of the smart tech boy. But the hell is also there. So it's up
to you filter or just ignore those things.

you can't force someone not to upload nude pictures to the internet , who is other end of the world.what ever you can do is just ignore the
bad side and continue learning computer + linux + math.

Just ignore those things at first place. More than those little bad things think about how much good things are there. How many linux
opensource projects are there to gain the expertise ? how many electronic related sites , I learn the first principles of the electronics using the 100% the internet.

and they should also on the ethics not to put popup window scripts using those crazy XSS and Flash client holes , and web holes , banners can easily
hijack what's you'r online status. The bad is they popup even good ppl's
browser. They should have ethics. I can't say the site here publicallly. But that
is a Friend finder site and a famous dirty chat site that uses Flash technology. I telling these things here becos all the tech persons should know this. However they can't seduce me cos I'm 24 and have life experience and experienced. But what about the smart kids who come to the internet
who wants to learn C++ , linux math ? we should give them the chance to
use the internet and learn. Sorry someone hurts but it's wrong,

commented: It's amazing that you got all that from the fact that nude pictures come up when I google my name. +6

why would you ever want to enable safe search? internet without noodz? maaaaan, that's about as fun as a box of ... er as fun as .... well look, that's just not any fun.

were you always picked to be hall monitor in school?

commented: Heh,heh - love your sense of humor! +9

Really i think naming your son/daughter something like adolf or the like is more then child abuse. Its stuck with them their whole life (unless they change it) so its kinda whole life abuse, not just child abuse :P

i dont know

commented: Least interesting post ever? -2
commented: great signature! you are on your way to a productive posting career. +9
commented: I wonder if some more orange will turn this as grey as the post itself? -4

why would you ever want to enable safe search? internet without noodz? maaaaan, that's about as fun as a box of ... er as fun as .... well look, that's just not any fun.

Hahahah ;)

If your last name is Hitler, that is bad enough!
There are people with the last name of Bush in this country that are suffering.

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