I am looking to buy a new PC, but have no idea what to get. I want a desktop that is suitable for both gaming and work, and preferably not a Dell. Does anyone have recommendations for me vis a vis make and/or model?
Thank you.

Something with a Z80 style processor, maybe a GBC? ;) lol j/k

What is your price range?
If yo have XP now, prepare to get used to Vista, but then Linux would be even a steeper learning experience.

Why not Dell?
I am happy with my hand-me-down Sony Multimedia machine.

Cnet.com has a great desktop buying guide: http://reviews.cnet.com/desktop-computer-buying-guide/ I normally stick with Sony desktops and laptops. I game and work from both computers and have not had any performance problems. My laptop is a p4 duo core with dina and other technology. My desktop is a p3 with hyperthreading tech. Both to this date have done the job.

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