Wilmington, N.C. — "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" caused a stir at a New Hanover County school. A parent complained about the song's religious reference and got it pulled from her child's kindergarten Christmas show at Murrayville Elementary School. [more]


A Jewish mother, who didn't want her name published

Why didnt she want her name listed??

She doesnt want anyone knowing who the idiot is that had that song removed??

>>got it pulled from her child's kindergarten Christmas show
OMG CHRISTmas is all about religion. And there is nothing religious about that song.

Good thing the song was put back into the schools program of Christmas songs. Otherwise, I'd fly down to NC myself and made sure the song was put back on :)

That's completely absurd. They should have just told her that she certainly wasn't required to attend.

Even as an atheist, I find it pathetic that some people get so worked up when anyone at all says the word "Christmas" within earshot. These people just need to get over themselves.

Yeah i know they took down the xmas decorations here in case it offended people. pisses me off.

> A Jewish mother, who didn't want her name published.
But in true "all are not equal" style, if someone carped on about the "religious" elements in some Jewish festival, there'd be accusations, and lawsuits and a load of other crap to deal with.

> A Jewish mother, who didn't want her name published.
But in true "all are not equal" style, if someone carped on about the "religious" elements in some Jewish festival, there'd be accusations, and lawsuits and a load of other crap to deal with.


Good thing the song was put back into the schools program of Christmas songs.

Yes...they concluded is was a secular song by "Listening closely" :icon_cheesygrin: (They had to LISTEN CLOSELY??)

I bet the mother is angry :icon_cheesygrin:

Yes...they concluded is was a secular song by "Listening closely" :icon_cheesygrin: (They had to LISTEN CLOSELY??)

I bet the mother is angry :icon_cheesygrin:

I think angry should be replaced with fuming LOL

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