I may be dating myself, but anyone else care to open up to their past "like/love" of the computer erra to date?
What do I mean? I mean, what thing or things did you find most appealing in computers over the years? Was it the creation of Linux or windows, or the mouse with 3 buttons?

Myself, I have a few things that I miss, and things that I am still glad to have.

I miss. at times, the days of online chat rooms. You had to dial in. Yes, with a huge speed demon of a 1200 Baud Modem. Made the 300's cry. This was the time before the internet was even a big deal. Is it now?

I miss 3dFX. A kick butt video card maker. From not that long ago. This linux box I am running on actually has a Voodoo 3 card in it. Wow. I still think Glide based games were far superior in look, over D3D or OpenGL, in the same era!

I am still glad to have DOS in windows. Still can do things that windows won't let me. And I am glad to have USB. What a god send for devices today.

That is my rant. Thanks for reading...

I mi$$ the past more than anyone here knows!!

Quality was MUCH BETTER,life was much simpler.........

I love using my Commodore 64 very much!!

Too much garbage in todays world........

I mi$$ the past more than anyone here knows!!

Quality was MUCH BETTER,life was much simpler.........

I love using my Commodore 64very much!!

Too much garbage in todays world........

You are obviously the minority -- Bill Gates didn't become the richest man in the world because of MS-DOS 6.X and earlier operating systems. People wanted complex but pretty operating systems and paid him handsomely for it.

I think there are more like me that miss the 80s and all :)

Do you like the 80s Dragon??

No I don't miss 80s at all. I miss the 40s when I was a small child and took naps with my mother every day. I still take those naps, but not with my mother. :)

There's no time like the present. I don't want to relive the past, but look forward to the future.

I miss the time before Vista took over =/

I hear ya!!

If you look hard enough you can stil find XP,ME,2000,98se or whatever you want!! (Linux,etc)

I love using my Commodore 64 very much!!

Hmm... Al tough the C64 did had it's charms and I tend to get nostalgic, I really don't miss it.
I never had money for the floppy-drive so I had to save all my progs on tape...
After a while the tape would be so worn, that the program that took you weeks to finish was gone with the wind... :yawn:

A guy in my town would put the tapes from the C64 in his tapedeck(audio) and play them on the FM. If you were lucky you could copy his programs(==games). The very beginning of pirated-software :P

The advances in computer technology are definitely broadening the curricula at our colleges and universities. The need for computer technology will continue to grow which is something the grand old education system was able to recognize and incorporated this technology into the teachings. Up until that point it was your technical vocational schools (primarily) that offered these high in demand courses. Now the Computer Tech Firm employer has many options as to which candidate to hire, a Harvard grad or ITT grad. Tangent: if you ask me I would rather hire the grad who is most qualified and knows what the heck they are doing versus where they went to school.

I may be dating myself,

(I use to use this line then follow up with "because no one else would ---har,har)

but anyone else care to open up to their past "like/love" of the computer erra to date?
What do I mean? I mean, what thing or things did you find most appealing in computers over the years? Was it the creation of Linux or windows, or the mouse with 3 buttons?

The Amiga! I used my Amiga from the late '80s to Christmas 1998 when my gf bought me a new 18" monitor (I was working on with 13" one at the time) for Xmas. Well, one thing led to another and I ended up buying a bunch of parts off the internet and building a pc (I felt so guilty, like being absorbed by the Borg)

Myself, I have a few things that I miss, and things that I am still glad to have.

I miss. at times, the days of online chat rooms. You had to dial in. Yes, with a huge speed demon of a 1200 Baud Modem. Made the 300's cry.

I had the acoustic coupler model

This was the time before the internet was even a big deal.

Do you remember UseNet and a.f.u. & alt... (well, most anything alt.) rec.humor.funny, rec.games.pbm, etc.

That is my rant. Thanks for reading...

Good times!...Good times...

hmmm nice.. i thinkkk

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