Straight from Google Labs: Google Ride Finder uses GPS data to map the location of taxis, limos, and shuttle vehicles available for hire in 10 U.S. metro areas - in realtime!

sample: chicago downtown...


Very nice, I´ll use it when I´m in these cities.

Looks like a great service!!

i like it very much.

If you go to, you can actually find anything from stores to hotels. To test it I typed in "computers in ottawa canada". I got very good results. is awesome. I especially love the satellite view. It's really cool to see everything from that view.

Too bad some pictures from the satellite view are really outdated (I zoomed in to my college and the picture shows that half the buildings aren't even finished yet).

MGM out

Yea, it's a little dated at places and some places don't show up but it's still really cool.

I also noticed the satellite picture are outdated. there are missing buildings near my house so I figure it is about one year old.

Hopefully they will update them regularly and add whatever they didn't add yet. But with Google I'm sure it will be well maintained.

I also noticed the satellite picture are outdated. there are missing buildings near my house so I figure it is about one year old.

Yup, thats exactly what I thought, around a year old or so.

I cant wait for live satellite feeds though :D

MGM out

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