I got an invite and have now joined for 2 months. But sadly enough i still haven't be able to see real benefits of it. I added some of friends but never see them online. I wonder if GW will really works? I think GW will only work if people like you and myself really believes in this technology otherwise GW will only gather dust!

I didn't use google wave yet. But now i 'll definitely try to use it. I hope it 'll be fine. Can you tell me how you fix your problem.

While I really like the principal behind GW I’m yet to be convinced that the current implementation will be good enough to replace email and instance messaging.

Perhaps the idea of transforming email to wave is still in its infancy stage. And we are the early adopters.

I just waited and waited for a few weeks and got the invite.

I didn't use google wave yet. But now i 'll definitely try to use it. I hope it 'll be fine. Can you tell me how you fix your problem.

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Saw the pre-release video and thought WOW! Found that it was by-invitation use and thought - OK - very buggy - no major release until bugs sorted and developers create some nice plug-ins for free. See the point, but will the early-adopter clique / 'enthusiastic quarter' get cheesed off with GW and refuse to spread the word once it becomes usable? Every 'selected few' review I've seen seems to be giving it a hard time - basically, 'early promise, yet to be realised'.

BTW: I said WOW! at the top - doesn't mean I'd use it - I get all confused on Twitter.

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