I'm thinking of starting a blog, yet I'm not sure what service to choose. Is tehre another alternative? I've seen huge fully functional sites on Blogger (e.g woorkup.blogpsot.com which is now woorkup.com) and large Blogs on Wordpress. I'm willing to learn what ever it takes to develop a site like it.

By the way - Which is the official/proper term: Blogger or Blogspot?

Thankyou so much

Blogspot, gets me all tingly inside.

Thanks but what do you mean

gets me all tingly inside.


I have blogs in both but I find Blogger simplier to use.

I have heard many good things about Wordpress.

I like Blogger, purely because it's easier to use.. i believe.

I am also working on both but i personally feel that blogger is the best option. Its easy to control. I always prefer to go for blogger rather then going for wordpress.

Thanks. I'm trying out Blogger for now and I'd like to know what you think LINK SNIPPED. Thanks everybody.

I like Wp its friendly usage :o)

Can you please explain?

I am also working on both services but prefer blogger. Because its more simple easy to control.

@everyone here!
I really like wordpress because it is much friendlier to use and it too friendly, and i never liked blogger through i used it before using wordpress

I like blogger.

Every time I google for a thing, the blogs that I found are 99% on Blogger. But it might be because blogger belong to Google. But Wordpress CMS is much more professional.

I think wordpress is it, they come up with new things everytime

even though i never used but heard alot about it in my school.

Blogger is simple but Wordpress is functional. I have several blogs in blogger but I love my friend’s wordpress blog for the appearance to functionality. He gets excellent traffic than mine despite me having quality content.

I personally prefer wordpress.

commented: Then you could have just voted in the poll instead of posting signature spam. +0
Member Avatar for diafol

I don't think you can really compare them properly. Blogger is for the masses, no real technical knowledge required. Wordpress is reasonably easy to set up, but gets a bit trickier with admin tasks.

Blogger is easy because it's hosted for free, so all your uploaded images go to Picasa. Your videos are held somewhere as well, so you don't have to worry about them. I've got a couple of Blogger blogs and have set up a few WP 'sites'. I prefer Blogger.

Guys this post is damn old. Please stop reviving dead thread unless you are ardav.;)

Member Avatar for diafol

Pah! I reap what I sow! Correct jingda, old post, deserves to die a dignified death.

Blogger for sure is the better.

I told you guys not to post in a old thread. You guys still post.:angry:

Member Avatar for diafol

So did you :)

commented: Hehe +0

For a self hosted site you should try Word Press. If your not doing self host it try Blogger.

Blogspot definitely. I have made $40.00 in advertising on two blogs in the last 3 days. You can't argue with results.

Since this thread discussion have grown out of hand. I want to add that evrey blogging platform has its own good and bad and it is up to you to decide which is good. So the final decision is still yours.

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