I'd been using a cloud-based IDE some for editing snippets of code/gists (integrates with GitHub), but it occurred to me this morning that instead of just using Google Drive as cloud-repository, I might use it as a code editor.

Does anyone have tips on configuring Google Docs as a <insert specific programming language here> code editor?

As far as syntax highlighting needs, I'm mostly interested in C/C++ family and Prolog, but I also mess about with snippets in Ruby, Python, and Lua.

why? Is there also a Cloud based compiler to go along with that Cloud based editor? Why not just use the editors that already exist on your PC?

[edit]I just read about it in the link you provided. It might be ok for web programming (HTML, java, etc) languages which do not need a compiler.

SO far I have not found anything saying it's doable. Are you sure you want this? If you have Git integration then you have versioning, which I doubt Google Docs provides at that level.

@AncientDragon: There is support for more programming languages through other on-line compilers, so my motivation was not to make better use of that one (which uses a Google Drive API for integration), but rather to learn more about what Google Docs can do of itself.

@pritaeas: The matter of versioning/GitHub integration is important, and I expect the Google Chromebook folks to address it if I plunk down the money for a Pixel. (Cloud 9 does the integration but has other limitations.) I posted impulsively thinking there must be early adopters who already tried (possibly with frustrating results) using Google Docs in social coding.

since when does Java not require a compiler or is exclusively for web programming...
Or are you confusing Java with JavaScript, something I'd not expect of you.

Having a cloud based store for your code could be handy if you often work remote using a variety of computers. But I'd be seriously worried about code integrity and security, the chance of it leaking out of your company is way too high.

I have to agree with jwenting (that's a first!), cloud-based services of the likes of Google Docs are pretty much the biggest hole in internet security right now, and everyone is pushing to make it bigger. If you use them, limit your use to uploading files into a public dropbox folder. When hackers talk about cloud-based services, they drool helplessly.

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